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175 nations and millions of people praying today for the Peace of Jerusalem. Will you pray too?

Son of David, Jerusalem belongs to You, for it is the city of the Great King (Ps. 48:2, Isa. 60:14, Ps. 132:13-14, Matt. 5:35). Surround and saturate Jerusalem with Your peace (Ps. 122:6, Isa. 33:20; 40:2). You are the One wonderfully restoring and rebuilding her (Ps. 147:2). Though nations gather against the city to divide her, protect Jerusalem and make her an immovable rock (Zech. 12:3). Pour on her inhabitants a spirit of grace and supplication so they will recognize You (Zech. 12:10).

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Let Jerusalem be a praise in all the earth (Isa. 62:7). May she soon be the chief city of worship unto Yahweh (Ps. 102:21; 122:4; 147:12, Isa. 27:13, Zech. 8:22; 14:17). Fulfill Jerusalem’s destiny to minister Your Word and truth to the nations (Isa. 2:3, Zech. 8:3, 22), dispensing righteousness and justice to the Gentiles (Jer. 33:16, Isa. 60:3; 62:1-2, Ps. 122:5). Establish Jerusalem as holy for You (Isa. 4:3; 27:13; 52:1; 66:20, Joel 3:17, Zech. 8:3; 13:1; 14:21). Make her the city of Your comfort, glory and splendor (Isa. 40:1-2; 52:9; 60:15; 62:2; 65:18; 66:10, Zeph. 3:14, Zech. 9:9; Isa. 52:1; 60:1, 7, 13, 19; 62:2-3; Ez. 43:1-2, Zech. 2:5). Protect, purify and empower believers, congregations and ministries in Jerusalem by being a wall of fire about them (Zech. 2:5).

In the mighty name of Yeshua (the Hebrew name for Jesus) our King! Amen.



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