“yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” James 4:14 ESV
Time is a continuation of any physical beginning to a physical ending.
Time is a continuation of any physical beginning to a physical ending. Time is what is stamped in the Book of Remembrance. Everything done within time is being placed into the Book that can only be read by Him Who is Eternal, Holy, and Infinite. For God is the Author of His Word, which discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
Throughout this life, we are continually drifting from what we used to be. Our age and physical appearance is in a continual state of getting older and deteriorating. As time progresses, we either do not recognize how much time has passed, or we live in a state of striving to live as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God (Romans 12:1).
As the Judge of all judges opens the Book of Remembrance and reviews our life, we will see everything that we both did and did not do.
One day we will all come to a realization of what we were in this life. As the Judge of all judges opens the Book of Remembrance and reviews our life, we will see everything that we both did and did not do. We will see the times we missed with helping others or encouraging someone. We will see the times we became anxious, stressed, angry, and depressed. We will see the times of complacency and idleness and just how easy our lives were. Though we will be distraught and disheartened at how much time we wasted, we will also see the good that the Holy Spirit did throughout our lives. We will see the sanctifying work of the Spirit and the striving of pressing on in the faith.
There is nothing that can disrupt what has been stamped upon our lives within time. What was, is, and will be, shall be what was, is, and shall be.
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil” (2 Corinthians 5:10 ESV). No matter what was done, said, thought, or intended, it all will be judged. Why? Because our life is a recording within time. Our life is but a vapor and soon it will vanish. What was done, was done. It cannot be changed, altered, or bargained with. We may not go back and have redo’s or second chances. What was, is, and will be, shall be what was, is, and shall be. There is nothing that can disrupt what has been stamped upon our lives within time.
As we continue throughout this life, it is important to reflect on what has been done. What is our life? What have we done that has helped mankind? Have we lived our lives solely for the Lord? Have we desired and sought His will? Do we seek to die to self and sin? God is loving and gracious. He desires to help us. For it is in our weakness that He is made strong. Our weakness, however, cannot be used by Him, until it is recognized by us.
Are we brave enough to peer into our soul and reflect upon our productivity within time? Many are afraid and drift into a state of noise and distraction to keep away from the truth that lingers within.
Are we humble enough to admit that we have not been what we ought for Christ Jesus? Are we brave enough to peer into our soul and reflect upon our productivity within time? Many are afraid and drift into a state of noise and distraction to keep away from the truth that lingers within. Those, however, who courageously face the reality of themselves will eventually have a trajectory change within their life. It won’t be done by them, but it will be started through the humbling of themselves and the boldness to accept who they are. They will have the courage to admit where they have suppressed the Holy Spirit, wasted time, and squandered opportunities to shine the Light of Christ to others.
“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 (ESV)
“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 ESV). We must pray and ask the Lord to number our days. When we live as if we will live forever, our life will not measure up too much. When we live in the reality that this could be the final day; when we live and see the preciousness of time; when we live in light of eternity, our ego, actions, and overall personhood will not descend to the level of the heathens. We will rise above the discrepancies of our day. We will not wander or waiver. We will not wish or whimper. We will set sail to the day, knowing that the day is sufficient for us.
“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” Proverbs 27:1 (ESV)
“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring” (Proverbs 27:1 ESV). We must seek to see God in all things. Only then, may we live for God through all things. His Spirit must be present wherever we are. This begins with the understanding of time and its valuableness. It must begin by understanding what our time within this space-time continuum realm is and means.
For one day, if God permits, we will grow old and look back. We will either look back and be content, or we will be like the rest of the world and have regret. We will regret not understanding time. We will regret not seeing how quickly time was passing. Rather than desiring everything God had for us and being everything we could to show Christ, our life will flash the dark truths before us. We will recognize the complacency and ease we had.
Many go through the norm in order to coast on in their elder years, rather than sharing the wisdom gathered once in their latter years to the next generation.
We will wish to God we had done more. We will wish we didn’t waste time. For many go through the norm in order to coast on in their elder years, rather than sharing the wisdom gathered once in their latter years to the next generation. When health declines and restrictions set in, many will have time to be alone. Their lives will no longer be busy, and the days shall seem to drag on. It is at this time when people do much reflection. It is at this time when their hearts may be saddened.
We must not allow ourselves to live with time, but to live in time. The former simply goes adrift with a casual mindset of life. The latter strives to do the Lord’s work and the Lord’s will within time.
We must not allow ourselves to live with time, but to live in time. The former simply goes adrift with a casual mindset of life. The latter strives to do the Lord’s work and the Lord’s will within time. May we be among those who feel a sense of reward, more than regret, when we come to the end of our lives. May we look back and see the changes that the Holy Spirit has done in us through His long-suffering, sanctifying work. If we are guilty of squandering many years, may our mindset be refreshed. May the Lord renew our minds and hearts to continue on throughout this life living according to His statutes. For “the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17 ESV).
Heavenly Father, Great and Mighty are You. Triune God, worthy are You of praise. For You are the Atemporal God that lives both within time and transcends time. You are the God Who is Omnipresent in all realms and dimensions. You alone, O God, judge justly and fairly. O Lord, may our lives not be found wasted on that Final Day. May our productivity for You be greater than our failings and idleness. Lord, we know in the Book of Joel that You can make up for wasted time and wasted years. You can restore what has been lost. Set a fire within our soul. Kindle the flame that shall never die. By the power of the Holy Spirit, O God, move us into a life of Light. May our ways be according to Thy Holy Word. Work in and through these broken vessels. May our future be operated by You. We sacrifice all we are before You. As our knees bend and our heads bow with humble adoration, rise us up in Thy Love. May the Light of Christ shine brightly within and without. May the world see the blessedness of Him Who loved us before we were born. May our hands and feet follow in the way of the wise. Give us wisdom to live in time for the glory of You, O Lord. We believe that You will answer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine