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America: A Nation in Turmoil! (Part 2)

America: A Nation in Turmoil!

(Part 2)


Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord:


  I received these prophetic words in the last several months and feel the need to share them with you.


Part 1: A Critical Time in America);

Part 2: America: A Nation in Turmoil;

Part 3: America - A Nation Falling Away from the Lord; and

Part 4: America: The Kingdom in Coming!

I will post these parts one at a time in the next three to four weeks.


Do not be discouraged from what you read in these prophetic words  for they reflect part of a picture of the true reality and condition of present-day America. I am only the messenger bringing these words to you which I believe the Lord has downloaded to me.


Why the Lord chose me to record and transmit these prophetic words I do not know.  I know some may scoff at these posts and say Rich has lost his mind.  But I must follow through and present them to you. I ask you to discern what the Holy Spirit would speak about what you will read. 


Lastly, we must remember as God’s people, we are just passing through this world and this nation of America while observing the end time things which the Bible describes in the many Books of His Word.  But hold on and rejoice my friend, for Christ is coming as I received His prophetic/vision word on this topic in Part 4 which will eventually posted.




What you will read here may be a hard word and may disturb you.  But I submit this word to you for your read in hopes that it will bring clarity and focus on the deteriorating conditions of America at the present time.  I would also hope it would strengthen your prayers for America as well as seeking God’s divine intervention.

Part 2 - A Nation in Turmoil!


America: On a Downward Path!


America is at a desperate time as no other time in the history of this nation - a time of immense and intense moral, social, political, and civil issues which are consuming and causing the nation to travel a downward path of decline and possible fall. It does not look good at the moment!


Like a Lost Ship at Sea!

America could be described as a lost ship at sea.  America is like a ship at sea with no rudder to guide the ship to a safe haven; no anchor to hold the ship in one place; no compass to find the right direction the ship should go; no sails to catch the divine winds of stability; and, no True Captain to plot a right course for the ship and to keep the ship afloat.


 It is a nation being tossed to and fro by the winds of man’s secular and humanistic thinking without a reverence and dependence upon God – the God of the Bible.  It has abandoned the Lord and has tried to charter its own course.  America has become a post-Christian nation.


Like a Land of Famines!


America is not only a lost ship at sea, but it also has become a land of famines. Here are the seven famines of America which I feel the Holy Spirit has reveal to me:



A Famine of Fear of the Lord!


Jesus told His disciple that when they pray they are to begin their prayer with…..

                                          Pray, therefore,

like this:

 Our Father Who is in heaven,

hallowed (kept holy) be Your name.

(Matthew 6:9, AMP)


The word “hallowed” has the further Greek reflections of honoring, sanctifying, making sacred, and consecrating.  God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are to be reverenced and respected which is a far cry from the position which America has now taken toward the Divine Trinity of the sacred Scriptures. 


There is more honoring and uplifting of sports, sport figures, movie stars, Hollywood lifestyles, materialism, meism, mammon, and sexual perversions and/or exploitation than reverencing God, His Way, and His Word.


God would say to America:


Because they hated knowledge


 did not choose the

 reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord, 

would accept none of my counsel,


despised all my reproof,

 therefore, shall they

eat of the

 fruit of their own way


be satiated with their own devices.

For the

backsliding of the simple 

shall slay them,


 the careless ease of

[self-confident] fools

 shall destroy them.

 [See Isaiah. 32:6.]

(Proverbs 1:29–32, Amplified Bible)


There is a severe famine of hallowing God’s name in this present generation and culture of America which has led America away from the Lord and into an apostate and pagan nation where it appears that darkness, deception, corruption, and unrighteousness have overtaken God’s Light and God’s righteousness. 


A Famine of Possessing the Wisdom of God!

When America no longer honors the God of the Bible, the Bible, and/or the Christ of the Cross, it begins to lose the Wisdom of God and rushes toward “political correctness” and a secular or humanistic knowledge and philosophy which penetrates every echelon of the America society. 


“Political correctness” becomes an evil substitute for godly common sense, godly understanding, godly discernment, and godly knowledge.  As a result, justice is perverted, government becomes corrupt, and the morality and truthfulness of society slide into liberalism, lies, and the loss of freedoms of the people. Notice the three “L’s” of “political correctness – liberalism, lies, and loss.


The American Constitution and the Bill of Rights plus other founding documents are being questioned and challenged as out of date.  It seems that “political correctness desires a more current “enlightened and utopia thinking” – a “thinking” which will reap the judgment and wrath of God for it is anti-God in every aspect.  God has judged the nations of history for such “thinking”, and many have fallen into the graveyard of nations. 


America is not an exception.  Turn against God and God will turn against America.  It American abandons God, God will abandon America. It is that simple.  At the same time:


Wisdom cries aloud

in the street,

 she raises her voice in the markets;

She cries at the head

 of the noisy intersections

 [in the chief gathering places];

at the entrance of the

city gates she speaks…..

(Proverbs 1:20–21, Amplified Bible)


Regrettably, no one seems to be listening from the White House to schoolhouse to the family house and to the church house. America as well as the modern church are deaf to what the Holy Spirit is saying in these last days.  Jesus said seven times to the churches in Revelation Chapter 2 and 3:

“He who has an ear,

 let him hear what the Spirit

 says to the churches.”


If the modern church is not listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying, how can we expect America to hear for the modern church has no voice to speak for it has not heard the wisdom of God crying out in the streets and gathering places.

Thus, there is a severe famine of the Wisdom of God in this present generation and culture of America which has led America away from the Lord and into an apostate and pagan nation where it appears that darkness and unrighteousness have overtaken God’s Light and God’s righteousness.


A Famine of the Knowledge of the Lord!

America no longer has knowledge of the Lord and His Word.  The Ten Commandments are hardly known by the culture let alone by the modern church.


 They have been removed from the schools, the courthouses, and other institutions and are not heeded by the secular and hedonistic culture of America.  There is now movement to take out  the name of God in the Pledge of Allegiance to the America flag.


America has developed its own Ten Commandments – “(1) Live and let live” – (2) “Party on” – (3) “Just Do It” – (4) “Do your own thing” – (5) “Money is the answer to everything” – (6) “Do what you feel” – (7) “You are your own person” – (8) “You are #1” – (9) “Don’t let anybody tell you what to do” -  and, (10) “Fight for your rights.” 


Religious knowledge of man has overtaken the spiritual knowledge of the Word of God. Religious knowledge of men is dead, evil, deceptive, and misleading while spiritual knowledge given by the Holy Spirit is alive, full of grace, truth, and directing man to the Cross of Christ.


Religious man scoffs at the spiritual knowledge of the Lord.  God declares:

How long,

 O simple ones

 [open to evil],

will you love being simple?


And the scoffers delight

 in scoffing


 [self-confident] fools hate knowledge?

(knowledge meaning the knowledge of God given by the Holy Spirit)

(Proverbs 1:22, Amplified Bible)


America is full of scoffers of God and His Word for they hate God for He represents righteousness, holiness, mercy, decency, and a wholesome morality which cuts across the lasciviousness, rebellion, and profligacy of the America culture.  The Psalmist said:


Let your heart hold fast My words;

Keep My commandments and live…..

(Proverbs 4:4)


If a nation does not heed His words and Commandments, then the nation will face decline and death and not life.  This is the path America is presently taking.


There is a severe famine of spiritual knowing and submitting to the moral aspects of the Ten Commandments and the Word of the Lord as well as accepting Christ as the Son of God and Savior of all mankind by this present generation and culture of America.  Such a deadly course  has led America away from the Lord and into an apostate and pagan nation where it appears that darkness and unrighteousness have overtaken God’s Light and God’s righteousness.



A Famine of Obedience to the Word of God!

A nation which does not respect God, does not honor God, and does not have the wisdom of God is a nation unable to know His Word or obey His Word.


 It becomes a nation of disobedience – a nation composed of what the Bible calls “sons of disobedience or “son’s darkness” as opposed to the “sons of obedience” or “sons of Light” (1 Thessalonians 5:5; John 12:36) who obey and submit to the Word of the Lord and live for Him.  Apostle Paul records:


It is on account of these

 [very sins] that the [holy] anger of God

 is ever coming upon


 sons of disobedience 

(those who are obstinately opposed to the divine will),

(Colossians 3:6, Amplified Bible)


The only thing that brings stability to individuals and nations is the observance and obedience to the Word of God – the Holy Scriptures.  Sad to say, it is the Word of God, which is most neglected, less read, and seen as out-of-date in American modern society as well as the modern church. 


The observance and obedience to God’s Word is the only lifeline to stabilize, preserve, protect, and keep a nation and the church on a righteous course.


There is a severe famine of obedience to the Word of the Lord by this present generation and culture of America which has led America away from the Lord and into an apostate and pagan nation where darkness and unrighteousness have overtaken God’s Light and God’s righteousness.



A Famine of Positive Divine Intervention from the Lord!

          What we have discussed above – a famine of Fear of the Lord – a famine of Possessing the Wisdom of God (Spiritual common sense) – a famine of the Knowledge of God – and a famine of Obedience to God can cause the Lord to withhold any Intervention of His part to rescue a nation from rebellion or apostasy.


          The Lord speaks:


I have called


 you have refused [to answer],


stretched out my hand


no man has heeded it,

[See Isa. 65:11, 12; 66:4; Jer. 7:13, 14; Zech. 7:11-13.]


you treated as nothing

 all My counsel


would accept none of My reproof,


I also will laugh

 at your calamity;

 I will mock 

when the thing

comes that shall cause you terror and panic—

When your panic comes

 as a

 storm and desolation


 your calamity comes

 on as a






come upon you.


Then will they call upon Me [Wisdom]


I will not answer;

 they will seek me 



diligently but

they will not find me. 

[See Job 27:9; 35:12, 13; Isa. 1:15, 16; Jer. 11:11; Mic. 3:4; James 4:3.]

(Proverbs 1:24–28, Amplified Bible)


          God will call a nation to repentance – He will stretch out His hand to it and if that nation continues to: 

…..refuse Him or not heed His call;


…..turn away from His counsel and reproof;

then God will:


.....laugh at the hard times and calamities which will come upon the nation;

…..mock the nation when the nation experiences terror and panic;

…..allow that nation to experience storms, desolations, distress, anguish, etc.


When that nation comes to its senses and realizes that the hand of God has come upon it in terms of judgment and wrath and if it finally turns to God in desperation seeking Him diligently, then God says:


…..they will not find me nor will I answer them.


Dear reader of this oracle, what I have presented in the above is serious business for a nation and particular America which is now experiencing a plethora of intense weather calamities, pandemic societal disruptions of murders, murder of the child in the womb, rapes, kidnapping, drugs, corruption in high places, unjust laws, extreme moral decline, racial violence, riots, out-of-control fires burning millions of acres, etc. which have not been seen on such a wide scale in the history of this nation. America is now being judged by God and time will only tell how far America will sink down into the abyss of hell. 


God is also a God of judgment and wrath against nations and peoples who persist in sin and refuse His invitation to come to Him and live for Him and gain eternal life. 


There is a severe famine of positive Divine Intervention by the Lord in this present generation and culture of America which has led America away from the Lord and into an apostate and pagan nation where it appears that darkness and unrighteousness have overtaken God’s Light and God’s righteousness.



A Famine of Humility on the Part of America!  

    America used to be a nation of humility shown to the world by its goodness and giving.  Greed and the love of money were not part of previous generations to the extent they are at present. Many in America (Wall Street in particular) would say that greed is good.  But greed is evil, and it eventually destroys lives and nations.

          When America leaves the Lord, humility goes out the window and pride walks in the front door.  Said in another way, without the Lord, pride rushes in and crushes humility and sanity leading to a fast decline and fall.  Solomon remarks:


goes before destruction,


haughty spirit 

before a fall.

(Proverbs 16:18, Amplified Bible)


Solomon also penned:


swelling and pride 



emptiness and shame 


 but with the


 (those who are lowly,

 who have been



chiseled by trial,


 renounce self)

 are skillful


godly Wisdom and soundness.

(Proverbs 11:2, Amplified Bible)


          Because of the grievous sins of America (e.g. abortion, same sex marriage, proliferation of homosexuality and lesbianism, legalization of ungodly laws, corruption in low and high places, etc.) have brought shame and emptiness to the nation of America.  America prides itself on these things and has darkened the soul of America.


          It becomes difficult to find people in America and especially in the modern church who meet Solomon’s criteria of humility – those who are lowly, pruned, chiseled by trials, broken by the hand of God, and who renounce self and selfish ways.


Such people of Solomon’s criteria are the wise ones, sound in judgment, respectful to the Creator God, and discerning between evil and goodness.  These are the true servants – serving God and man in humility, truth, justice, compassion, and who can bring sustainability and stability to a culture or society.


 These are the righteous ones. These are the ones who will attain honor, blessing, and will be exalted by the Lord (See Proverbs 29:23; 1 Peter 5:6; James 4:10) and someday rule and reign with Him as He rules over all the earth during the millennial time or 1,000-year reign of Christ.


There is a severe famine of humility in American by this present generation and culture of America which has led America away from the Lord and into an apostate and pagan nation where it appears that darkness and unrighteousness have overtaken God’s Light and God’s righteousness.


A Famine of Vision and Direction for America!      

Finally, a famine of vision and direction are now evident in America.  Like a lost ship at sea and like the six famines which have come on the land, America flounders for it has become like a blind man groping in the darkness.


          God is the one who raises up and takes down nations and the ones who turn to Him He gives vision and direction and those nations who turn away lose their vision and direction resulting in God allowing them to be taken down.


          At the present time, the future of America does not look promising because it may be a nation God is taking down because it has refused to come to repentance and turn from its wicked and corrupt ways. 


America has severely gone astray, and it just may be too late for it to return.  If this is true, then we need to get our house in order and stay close to Christ and the Cross and call upon the Lord night and day to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying in this last hour of this age.


Lastly, there is nothing in the Bible which refers to the United States or America in these last times. Because of this once great nation, one would think there would be some mention of it.  But the Bible is silent on America.  Why?


 It could be that God does not mention America because America could go into such severe decline and turmoil that it will become an insignificant nation now and during the Great Seven Year Tribulation period which is fast approaching. 


It will perhaps not be a prominent player against the Antichrist and his armies which come against nations and specifically Israel.  Two-thirds of Israel will be destroyed during the reign of the Antichrist with no one seemingly helping Israel.  The only one coming to help Israel is the return of Christ and His saints at the end of the Tribulation period.


Therefore, it would seem that America would have to be reduced in power and influence for the Antichrist to arise and take control for a short period of time during the Seven Year Tribulation.


America in turmoil may continue unabated which may hasten the rapture of the remnant of the Church prior to the Great Tribulation and contributing to the rise of the Antichrist as mentioned above.


It seems that only God’s intervention in terms of a massive revival might be the only turning point of America returning to the Lord through  repentance and recommitment of the nation to the Lord of lords, King of kings, and the only one True God -  the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632



Post Script:


After I penned the above, I received the daily newsletter from Gary Bauer, former speech writer for Ronald Reagan during his eight years of being President of the United States.  I took the last five two paragraphs of his newsletter and submit it for your read.


American Values: Fighting for Faith, Family, and Freedom

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary Bauer (Former Speech Writer for Ronald Reagan)


…….more and more Americans, myself included, believe we are headed toward a collapse if we continue to abandon the biblical foundations of our country, the Judeo-Christian worldview of our Founding Fathers and the God who gave us liberty.

          The moral decline of our culture and the corruption within our own government have grown dramatically over the past 23 years. One sad example of our dramatic cultural decline is the shocking explosion of overt antisemitism in America today.


The Hamas sympathizers in our streets and on our university campuses, chanting calls for the destruction of Israel, are ideological allies of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.


How did the enemies of Western Civilization become so bold in America just two decades after 9/11? It happened because of feckless politicians who were unable or unwilling to proudly defend American values. It happened because of stupid, practically suicidal, immigration laws that are literally importing hate into our country.


Meanwhile, every day it becomes more and more difficult to ask God to bless America when our own government is often at war with God’s word and when fewer and fewer Americans are blessing God.




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1 Comment

Unknown member
Sep 16

I heard 2 teachings, 1 from my Rabbi and 1 from the Pastor of a Church founded by someone I respect. They just added to the pain for which there are no words that I feel and saw in my Synagogue. I just received a confirmation through the Ruach in you. I am crying for I can see what follows. Baruch Hashem for those to whom a gift is given will shine brighter.

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