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Be Holy, For I Am Holy

“but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”” 1 Peter 1:15-16 NKJV

One’s growth in God is determined by their desire to be holy before God.

One’s growth in God is determined by their desire to be holy before God.

Holiness is the result of a life that is lived in the fear of the Lord.

Holiness is differentiated from all other characteristics and attributes of the faith. Holiness reveals to humankind that we are not only serious about the faith but also striving in all humility to honor and revere God. For holiness is the result of a life that is lived in the fear of the Lord.

We cannot know Him Who is Holy without the Holy Spirit living within us. Likewise, we cannot be holy without the Holy Spirit guiding and directing us.

We know that the “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10 NKJV). We cannot know something, unless we are something. We cannot know Him Who is Holy without the Holy Spirit living within us. Likewise, we cannot be holy without the Holy Spirit guiding and directing us.

The call to be holy is one few embark on and pursue. Most are content with being saved and going no further in the walk. Sure, there may be an enjoyment of continually reading books on holiness, while neglecting to turn from that which is earthly.

Most people are more fearful of holiness than they are of worldliness. They would rather blend in with the world than be set apart by standing firm on the Word of God.

There is an understanding to be known, and that is that most people are more fearful of holiness than they are of worldliness. They would rather blend in with the world than be set apart by standing firm on the Word of God.

When we lack the ability to rule our spirit, we lack the ability to combat enticements from the world.

This is today's catastrophe – that the church is looking more like the world. When we no longer set God at the forefront and strive for holiness, the walls of purity fade. As Proverbs 25:28 (NKJV) says, “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit Is like a city broken down, without walls.” When we lack the ability to rule our spirit, we lack the ability to combat enticements from the world.

Holiness means to be uncomfortable. Holiness resembles change and a distancing from the world.

Most born-again believers desire to be blessed and have greater meaning and purpose in their lives, yet they neglect the call to be holy. Most are fine with their routines and a comfortable life, which is a sign that the pursuit of holiness is not at the forefront. For holiness means to be uncomfortable. Holiness resembles change and a distancing from the world.

Those who live trying to toe the line between Heaven and Hell are under a self-created spell. They desire God while living in the world. They listen to the Word but fail to act on the Word. They want all they can get from God while keeping everything their flesh wants. This is a dangerous path, resulting in an unproductive and unfulfilled life.

The reason we are calling this out is that many are depressed, anxious, and fearful because they don’t know what their purpose in life is. The simple answer for us all is living to love, serve, know, and enjoy God. From this basic understanding, God unfolds His plans before us. He prepares the way and makes us understand the Way. The problem, however, is many don’t want to take that initial step of understanding their purpose and taking it to heart. Why? It seems either too easy, conceptually, or not enjoyable.

The more we grow in God, the more we understand His ways and purposes. The more we understand His ways and purposes and seek to fulfill them, the more the Holy Spirit is active within us. The more the Holy Spirit is active in and through us, the greater manifestation of holiness will exude from us because our internal state is being changed.

The reality, however, is that the more we grow in God, the more we understand His ways and purposes. The more we understand His ways and purposes and seek to fulfill them, the more the Holy Spirit is active within us. The more the Holy Spirit is active in and through us, the greater manifestation of holiness will exude from us because our internal state is being changed.

We must “cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 7:1 ESV). Holiness is exercised by walking in the fear of the Lord, for it is “by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil” (Proverbs 16:6 NKJV). When we depart from evil, we naturally grow to become more holy.

Holiness cannot occur without the Holy Spirit.

Holiness cannot occur without the Holy Spirit. Much of the world speaks of doing good, but goodness is not holiness. Goodness can be found in holiness, but goodness is distinct from holiness. Anyone can do good work, but for selfish reasons. Anyone can do good to boost their ego and make them feel good about themselves, but it is not done for the glory of God.

Holiness is differentiated from goodness in it is a way of life by which one operates through the death of self and for the Life of Christ.

Holiness is differentiated from goodness in it is a way of life by which one operates through the death of self and for the Life of Christ. Holiness is operating in purity, doing all things with God in mind, and transforming into a vessel of light.

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:8-10 NKJV).

The wise will continually ask these questions when they live their lives:

  • “Is what I am doing associated with holiness and glorifying God?”

  • “Are my environments, people I spend time with, words I speak, and actions I am doing aiding my growth of being holy?”

  • “Do I desire to be set apart from the world? Or do I desire to be like the world?”

  • “Does my current lifestyle reveal holiness? Or worldliness?”

Those who are born again should ask these questions frequently. If one of these does not align, then we are losing sight of eternities values.

Suppose all we talk about is money, our business dealings, our career, and T.V. shows. We never have any real depth of conversation about God, what He is doing in our lives, and being transparent about what He has saved us from and what He is helping us through. Can we honestly say we are a saint who is striving for holiness?

Suppose all we talk about is money, our business dealings, our career, and T.V. shows. We never have any real depth of conversation about God, what He is doing in our lives, and being transparent about what He has saved us from and what He is helping us through. Can we honestly say we are a saint who is striving for holiness? Can we look ourselves in the mirror and honestly say, “My ways are right. I am living exactly as God desires. My pursuits and endeavors are pure”? Or, has the world infiltrated us to the point where we don’t even know what the call of God is on our lives?

Have we become so comfortable with Truth that we have become numb to It? Have we allowed the Sovereignty of God to be an excuse to be inactive in the things of God? Have we become agile and energetic in the things that do not matter while becoming slothful and negligent of the things that do matter? Have we suppressed the voice of God and gone our own way? Have we become slaves to the world rather than to Christ? Have we entertained vices more than pursuing virtue? Have we become more obsessed with sinfulness than holiness? Have we lived for the temporal rather than the eternal?

Have we become so comfortable with Truth that we have become numb to It? Have we allowed the Sovereignty of God to be an excuse to be inactive in the things of God? Have we become agile and energetic in the things that do not matter while becoming slothful and negligent of the things that do matter? Have we suppressed the voice of God and gone our own way? Have we become slaves to the world rather than to Christ? Have we entertained vices more than pursuing virtue? Have we become more obsessed with sinfulness than holiness? Have we lived for the temporal rather than the eternal?

May God open our hearts and minds to think through what the last decade of our life has entailed.

To enter into the faith is easy. To endure in the faith can only be done by Holy Spirit.

To enter into the faith is easy. To endure in the faith can only be done by Holy Spirit.

If we could speak to the Holy Spirit for 10 minutes face to face, what would He say? Would He be excited about residing in our temple? Would He congratulate us on our pursuits and how we have spent our time? Would He be grateful for keeping our temple pure bodily and mentally? Would He support our decisions and the things we have entertained? Would He be happy with the images our eyes have viewed? Would He be impressed with how we handled moments of disappointment? Would He congratulate us on treating others as ourselves?

Would He be grieved by us neglecting Him? Would He be disappointed in our willingness to blend in with the world and ungodly crowds rather than be noticeably set apart? Would He tell us how we have made continual excuses for not growing in God? Would He remind us of all the times we hid behind “everyone has their struggles” and not sought to be transformed by His Power?

Will He have to remind us that He is God in us and can do wonders through us? Will our level of fellowship with Him sadden him? Would He say He feels alone in our vessel? Would He speak of the solitude He has within our temple? Would He reveal all the times He spoke to us, and we neglected to hear His Voice? Would He be impressed with the time we have spent with Him? Would He encourage us in all that has been done through our lives? Or would He speak on how much we have missed?

Holiness is a way of life that can only be done by Him Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Without God in us, we cannot live for God. Without desiring holiness, we will live a spiritually impoverished life that amounts to little.

Holiness is a way of life that can only be done by Him Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Without God in us, we cannot live for God. Without desiring holiness, we will live a spiritually impoverished life that amounts to little.

Are we willing to be honest with where we are, humble enough to admit our failings, sins, and shortcoming, and desire to be holy in our walk before the Lord?

The good news is that there is always time to begin. The question, however, is are we willing to be honest with where we are, humble enough to admit our failings, sins, and shortcoming, and desire to be holy in our walk before the Lord? Our parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, boss, acquaintances, pastors, elders, and mentors can’t answer for us. Only we can take the proper course of action.

In the words of the Stoic Philosopher, Seneca the Younger, “You want to live, but do you know how to live? You are scared of dying, and tell me, is the kind of life you lead really any different from being dead?”

The way of holiness is a life well-lived that is prepared to die. The way of worldliness is an easy, un-managed, unfulfilled life that fears death. Holiness will keep us confident in God and how we live in this life. Worldliness will bring anxiety, fear, depression, and angst when entering the next life.

The way of holiness is a life well-lived that is prepared to die. The way of worldliness is an easy, un-managed, unfulfilled life that fears death. Holiness will keep us confident in God and how we live in this life. Worldliness will bring anxiety, fear, depression, and angst when entering the next life.

Those who are holy await death with a smile. Those who are of the world await death with dismay. Those who are holy know they have lived life for the glory of God. Those of the world know they have squandered their life for that which will not last. Those who are holy die to self daily. Those who are of the world live for themselves.

Those who are holy await death with a smile. Those who are of the world await death with dismay. Those who are holy know they have lived life for the glory of God. Those of the world know they have squandered their life for that which will not last. Those who are holy die to self daily. Those who are of the world live for themselves.

May we not be known for squandering our lives and forsaking the Way. May we live as holy vessels who shine the Light of Christ everywhere we go.

May we not be known for squandering our lives and forsaking the Way. May we live as holy vessels who shine the Light of Christ everywhere we go. May we be those who are set on fire by Holy Ghost fire. For just as John Wesley said, “Get on fire for God and men will come and see you burn.”

May we never forget that “God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness” (1 Thessalonians 4:7 ESV). May we who are born again forever remember that we “are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9 ESV).

May God’s Holy Flame permeate our whole being, purging us of the unclean and purifying our being to resemble Christ in our actions, thoughts, words, and pursuits.

May God’s Holy Flame permeate our whole being, purging us of the unclean and purifying our being to resemble Christ in our actions, thoughts, words, and pursuits.

To God be the Glory.


O Great God, Who dwells in Unapproachable Light and has never been fully seen, may Your Holy Spirit ignite a desire to change within us. God, infiltrate our hearts, minds, and souls. Fill us with wisdom and understanding that physical life is temporal and spiritual life is eternal. O God, may we be guided and led by Your Holy Spirit. May Your Holy Blade pierce through us and cut away all sin. God in Heaven, forgive us of the times of forsaking You, neglecting You, and placing ourselves above You. O God, come quickly and fill us with Your Truth. Give us the strength to be holy just as You are Holy. O Magnificent God, Who created the Heavens and the earth, Who is the Giver of good gifts, is the Owner of all things, is the Architect behind all things, and is the Sage of Unlimited Wisdom and Knowledge, be our All in All. Be God in us, Holy Spirit. Transform us and change us into vessels of the Light. Though darkness is everywhere, Your Light shines greater, O God! Though temptations come, Your Power is stronger! Though carnality allures us, Your Ways are purposeful and pure! King Jesus, rule the throne of our hearts. Keep us from the Enemy, and may we be amongst those who fulfill the call You have on our lives to the very end. By the Power, Strength, Wisdom, Love, Boldness, and Courage of the Holy Spirit, may it be so, according to Your Will, Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine


1 Comment

Unknown member
Apr 14, 2023

Again, you nailed it! Beautifully written in loving encouragement with inspiringly motivating truths!


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