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Be Not Hasty With Your Speech

“So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” James 1:19-20 NKJV

Many desire to be heard, but few there be who are willing to listen.

Many desire to be heard, but few there be who are willing to listen. In today’s society, multitudes desire to air their opinions. They believe that their words are as lofty as the stars of the sky. They believe that everyone desires to hear what they have to say. It is in this modern day of social media where this false notion has substantially increased.

Everyone is caught up in the political jargon. Day and night people post without reflecting on what is written. When those who truly know God give gentle rebuke, hastiness of speech becomes all the more prevalent. Rather than having humility to fess up to what the Word says, people partake in the way of the world through their reactions and rebuttals.

Many who write what they do on social media would not have the courage to say to others in person.

The rhetoric on social media is one that is delusional and fake. Many who write what they do on social media would not have the courage to say to others in person. Yet, because of social media, people have this courage to speak words of rage. They desire not to deal calmly in certain dialects. Civil discussions are cast out and it is simply the fool who continues to air their opinions. If the fool is rebuked with Truth, it most every time leads to an unfollow or an unfriend.

If people's opinions prove to be invalid, they would rather die wrong than to be rebuked by the very person they started a quarrel with.

Not merely are the words of the hasty quick and uninformed, they are said by men and women who are ruled by an immature and childish spirit. Why? Because they are led by their emotions rather than truth. If their opinions prove to be invalid, they would rather die wrong than to be rebuked by the very person they started a quarrel with.

Instead of a civil discussion, it ends in toil. They simply block or unfriend you on social media as a means to say, “Ha! You are wrong and I’m right. We don’t need to talk any further.” It is amazing how the conscience convicts, however. It is amazing how many play this childish game and allow discussions to end friendships through social media.

Difference of opinions and a lack of desiring to know truth is what separates many nowadays.

Difference of opinions and a lack of desiring to know truth is what separates many nowadays. This, however, should not discourage us who know the Truth. For whoever takes the time to unfriend us is not someone we should be spending our energy on. If they feel compelled to be ruled by a spirit of anger, hatred, and rage, then we must let them partake with the heathens (if they are not one already).

The dialect of fools can sometimes be evident in the amount of words used. To justify wrong they must speak for many minutes at a time, using esteemed words and eloquent speech. Their ideas are distorted by fallacies and illogical assumptions.

“Shall words of wind have an end? Or what provokes you that you answer?” (Job 16:3 NKJV). The dialect of fools can sometimes be evident in the amount of words used. To justify wrong they must speak for many minutes at a time, using esteemed words and eloquent speech. Their ideas are distorted by fallacies and illogical assumptions. For the wisest of people can say much with few words. The wise are able to dumb-down concepts and ideas into layman terms, stories, and parables.

Those who must continually use large and extravagant words tend to do so in a manner of covering up what they truly do not know.

Those, however, who must continually use large and extravagant words tend to do so in a manner of covering up what they truly do not know. By saying many words, people become more caught up in trying to understand the use of the words given, rather than the concepts that are being spoken. Through this, the fool disguises his foolishness with what appears to be the voice of an intellectual.

That is why Proverbs 18:2 (NKJV) says, “A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.” A fool does not care about Truth, but merely their own reputation. They think that they will eventually lead the general public towards believing their opinions as truth. How is this done? Through reiterating their self-proclaimed ideas over and over. As Adolf Hitler once said, “Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.”

Truth is not relative. Truth is truth, despite our desires and opinions. Truth does not conform to us, but we must conform to and accept Truth.

What a wasted life it would be to live in a Relativistic ideology of reality. For truth is not relative. Truth is truth, despite our desires and opinions. Truth does not conform to us, but we must conform to and accept Truth, lest we deceive and damn ourselves into an utterly useless life.

The wise assess when they must answer a fool and when they must refrain from answering a fool. This takes Holy Ghost discernment to evaluate if the person on the other end must be rebuked or must be allowed to reveal their foolishness.

When cowards and fools express what they only would behind a screen, we must be as the wise and know when to be silent. “In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise” (Proverbs 10:19 NKJV). We are to discern the wisdom of Proverbs 26:4-5 (NKJV): “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be wise in his own eyes.” The wise assess when they must answer a fool and when they must refrain from answering a fool. This takes Holy Ghost discernment to evaluate if the person on the other end must be rebuked or must be allowed to reveal their foolishness.

It is futile in continuing a conversation with those who argue with zeal, but lack knowledge.

For example, an educated reply to their starting of a fight on social media will help show everyone that they are in the wrong. If that person rebuttals with a comment that is clearly false, then we must refrain from answering. For we have said all that needed to be said. We do not need to waste our time with another reply and continue to go back and forth until the day's end. Sometimes we must simply acknowledge that what has been said, has been said. The other side may receive it or refuse it. It is up to them, and we need not worry about their follow-up reply. For it is futile in continuing the conversation with those who argue with zeal, but lack knowledge.

The wise know that the multitude of words during a quarrel, debate, or argument will eventually lead to angry outbursts and sin. In the heat of the moment, anger will take precedent and words will be said that are not meant. Therefore, we must be as the wise and allow the Holy Spirit to override our flesh. During times of in-person quarrels, we must refrain from the flesh wanting to say what it desires to say. We must shut our lips and allow patience to build within us. For “Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive” (Proverbs 17:28 NKJV).

Sometimes silence is the loudest and most powerful thing that can be said. For silence allows people to quiet their internal activities and assess and meditate on what has been said, why it has been said, and to acknowledge whether the start of the quarrel was really necessary.

Sometimes silence is the loudest and most powerful thing that can be said. For silence allows people to quiet their internal activities and assess and meditate on what has been said, why it has been said, and to acknowledge whether the start of the quarrel was really necessary. To be quiet helps to refrain one from escalating arguments where regret and anger will take place. Learning to not say anything in certain situations will help keep one’s own house in order and bring more peace.

Let us hear the words of Ecclesiastes 5:2 (NKJV), and “Do not be rash with your mouth, And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let your words be few.” Let us not be hasty in having our opinions aired to the world. Let us take time to resist the notion that “everyone desires to hear what we think.”

Let us not be hasty in speech, but hasty in our desire to pray. May our words not be hasty in prayer when we pray, but may they be genuine and authentic. May they be Spirit-led prayers that pray from a soul of tender love and affection for all people.

Let us not be hasty in speech, but hasty in our desire to pray. May our words not be hasty in prayer when we pray, but may they be genuine and authentic. May they be Spirit-led prayers that pray from a soul of tender love and affection for all people. For we are Light-shiners and Truth-bearers. We must not partake in the foolishness and stupidity of the world. For the world is quick to say what they believe is right. They desire to be comforted in deception, rather than convicted by Truth.

We must represent Christ not in our hastiness of speech, but in our quiet, gentle spirits.

It is us who must represent Christ not in our hastiness of speech, but in our quiet, gentle spirits. May God give us the wisdom needed to not only remember this, but may He give us the right words to speak at all times. May He not only give us wisdom when to speak, but when to refrain from speaking. For social media is a deadly vortex that reveals people’s true colors and beliefs. Those who are comfortable in themselves and in Christ will not need to vehemently vent anger and wrath upon others, but will kindly and sternly rebuke. Their words will cut like the division of soul and spirit and bone and marrow. For they will be words from On High and not below.

Those who are comfortable in themselves and in Christ will not need to vehemently vent anger and wrath upon others, but will kindly and sternly rebuke.

May God’s Word and Spirit live within us throughout all our days.


Heavenly Father, You are the God Who says much with few words. You are the God of Wisdom and Perfection. O Lord, Your Word has carried along men and women for thousands and thousands of years. We need not be partakers of the world, but continue our relationship with You. Give us earnest desire and persistence to stay in touch with You. May we know what Your Word says and may Your Word live within us. May we know the voice of the Holy Spirit and may we be attentive to His counsel. Without Him and Your Word, O God, we have not the discernment needed in our speech. Guide us, O Lord, down the path of Life. May perception, understanding, wisdom, and discernment be forever before us. May we be prudent in all our ways. May we be slow to speak and quick to listen. Give us the grace needed to desire to listen to others before speaking. May our heart’s motives be for all to be saved. May our stance be bold for the Truth. By Your Spirit, this may be accomplished. We thank You for what You will do both within and without us, O Holy Spirit. Move mightily in our day and bring down the walls of deception and darkness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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