“But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”” 1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV
For the born again believer, there is a promised eternity and escape from all that is. There is a place where God desires to bring us, if we will let Him. In the midst of a world filled with noise, evil, slander, complaining, sin, and selfishness, God is calling.
God does not want us to live in the sinful state to which we were born in this life. He desires to take us beyond and outside that state. He wants to lift the burden of sin from amongst us. He desires all of this, while commanding us to “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10 NKJV).
We live in a day and age that is afraid to be silent. Why? Because they are afraid of what will be exposed within.
The art of silence is a neglected discipline in our day and age. We live our lives in constant noise. Shouting at one another through social media, continually listening to the news, needing music while in the car, and watching shows to fall asleep. We live in a day and age that is afraid to be silent. Why? Because they are afraid of what will be exposed within.
People would rather have their brains stimulated by external things, rather than taking time for honest reflection of themselves.
People do not like to be convicted, nor confronted in their sins. They despise the thought of being alone with themselves, free from noise and distractions. They fear what their mind may bring about or meditate upon. For many fear what is harbored within. Rather than taking time for honest reflection, they would rather have their brains continually stimulated by external things. This weighs on the soul of every person. Eventually, it leads one down paths that could have otherwise been prevented.
If we took a few moments each day to quietly meditate upon God’s Word and His Truth, we would hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. We would understand that God is calling and desiring us to get our eyes off of this world. For everything in this life is fleeting. There is no such thing as equality in this life. There is only the Gospel which saves man from his sins. Those who accept the free gift of Christ’s atoning sacrifice and repent shall be saved.
Whether we know it or not, the sweet voice of God continually calls us towards Him. God desires fellowship and relationship with those whom He created in His image. He does not want us to be perturbed by the temporal tribulations of this life. For one day, all will cease to exist. The only thing that shall stand and remain on that Final Day are the souls of this life. Everything else in the physical will either be destroyed or made new.
We must be still and hear Heaven calling. For we become strangers of this world when we become born again. No longer is our final hope to eat, drink, marry, and be happy. For we are children of a Higher Kingdom upon Higher Ground to a Sovereign King.
We must find time to draw back into private prayer. We must take time to reflect on God and His Goodness. We must be still and hear Heaven calling. For when we become born again, we must no longer idolize the things of this life. No longer is our final hope to eat, drink, marry, and be happy. Rather, we recognize that we are children of a Higher Kingdom upon Higher Ground to a Sovereign King. We do not live for ourselves or for this world. We do not conform to the ways of this world or allow ourselves to be deceived by earthly intelligence. We do not seek “the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing” (1 Corinthians 2:6 NKV). We are those who take special time with God and hear a special Word from Him.
Contemplation and concentration on the voice of God rejuvenates the soul. It heals past hurts and wounds. It brings the river of love and floods it into the sea of the soul. Our spiritual being begins to arise and we become renewed. Our attention no longer seeks what is here today and gone tomorrow. Rather, our mind sees only God. Our senses desire only God. Our hearts long only for God. Our being rests complete in God.
In stillness, we may hear the voice of Him Who has always spoken. We begin to draw towards our Creator when we take time to be silent. Contemplation and concentration on the voice of God rejuvenates the soul. It heals past hurts and wounds. It brings the river of God's love and floods it into the sea of our soul. Our spiritual being begins to arise and we become renewed. Our attention no longer seeks what is here today and gone tomorrow. Rather, our mind sees only God. Our senses desire only God. Our hearts long only for God. Our being rests complete in God.
Perfect rest comes through the meditations of God within one’s heart. The more we know about God, the less perturbed we are by the things of this life.
For perfect rest comes through the meditations of God within one’s heart. The more we know about God, the less perturbed we are by the things of this life. Why? Because we now rest in the knowledge of Him Who sees all, knows all, and rules over all. We allow God to be God to us. We die to the disfunction of attempting to be independent human beings who do what they want. We must know that when silence is gained, Heaven reigns. For God's voice is always speaking. We simply are the ones who neglect to hear.
O that we might learn to get away as Christ did in this life. That we would not give into division and foolish talk. That we would not strive in the flesh for carnal desires. How we should long that our motives be pure and holy!
As a feather falls to the ground, so our soul falls into the presence of God when we learn the discipline of being still and knowing that He is God.
Why would we desire to be encapsulated by the noise of the world, when we can hear from God? Does His Word not satisfy and edify us? Does His voice not sooth our soul into a state of trust and faith in Him? As a feather falls to the ground, so our soul falls into the presence of God when we learn the discipline of being still and knowing that He is God.
We must learn the art of dying to self and pulling away from the continuous noise of this life. We must take time for contemplation and reflection. God desires to plant a new seed in us. He wants to grow and strengthen our relationship with Him. He wants to show us things that only He can reveal.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2 NKJV). Let us set our “mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2 NKJV). May we “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:7 NKJV).
Heaven is calling. A Voice desires to be heard. Will we listen? Will we slip away from all that is and hear Him Who created all things?
May God bless us with the discipline of silent contemplation and reflection upon that which truly matters. May we not be afraid of what we are to find. Instead, may we ask that His Holy Light would shine upon us, revealing what must go and what is hindering us from our walk with Him.
God can truly do all things, we need only be still. For in stillness, we may see God’s faithfulness. In being still and freed from noise, we may hear Him Who spoke everything into existence.
God can truly do all things, we need only be still. For in stillness, we may see God’s faithfulness. In being still and freed from noise, we may hear Him Who spoke everything into existence.
His Word is our peace. His Love is our comfort. His Spirit is our Guide. May we be still and hear the voice of God calling.
Heavenly Father, Great I AM, still us in Your presence. May we not focus on the accumulation of things in this life. May we not worry or fret at the wickedness around us. Help us to quietly rest in You. Free us from the noise and distractions that have entered into our lives. For that which we should do, but do not do, we do not realize. Give us the wisdom to step back from all that is and enter into You Who is All. May we find our tranquility and serenity in You. May we hear Your voice and obey Your Word. God, keep us from looking anywhere else for wisdom before going to You. Forgive us, Lord, for drowning out Your voice with music, entertainment, people, and all that hinders our ability to hear Your call. O God, make us new. Give us the supernatural discipline and desire to pull away from everything and enter into Your presence. For there, we shall hear the Voice of Heaven calling. There, we shall receive all things of spiritual profitability. There, we shall understand all that is of eternal value. O God, touch us now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine