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Behold, I Am Coming Quickly!

The Lord spoke to me the following

I say to you this day,

prepare yourself

for the coming days

will not be easy

 for My people.


Do not expect

 to continue in the things

as you have


for change on a large scale

 is coming to earth.


This change

 which is coming from

 My Hand will cause many

to fear what

 they see and hear.


They have lived their lives

 in wanton luxury,




 these things are

quickly coming

to an end.


For I say to you

the end of things

you know


 have known will be blown

 away because of the

 sins of man.


I am calling the ones

 who are in obedience

 to get their affairs


 house in order

for when the change comes,

 it will be too late to do

 what you are now

being told to do.


I counsel you

not to fret


become discouraged


fear as you see

 many running

to and fro,




 for they will say:


 “These things are not supposed to happen to us.

  We have done nothing wrong.

 Why are these things taking place”?

 We have not seen anything

 like what is happening to us.”


You do not have time

 to waste



 for what is coming

 will come quickly


catch many sleeping

 when they should be awake




 their lamps lit at the

 midnight hour.


Read the story

 of the ten virgins

 in My Word

where five were wise


five were foolish.


I tell you there

will be the unprepared foolish

 who will not walk through

the doors of heaven

 for they did not prepare

nor did they discern

the signs of the times.


Pay close attention

My son,

for those foolish of the world

 will perish

 while the wise of My Kingdom

 will live


be delivered from the

 deep darkness coming

 upon the world.


You need to sound

 this warning to get their

 house in order


walk away from the

earthly desires of the heart

 which pull many away from Me


cause them to stumble


forsake My Ways.


Carry this Word

to My people

 to keep their lamp burning


expect My coming

to be only a short time

away for as I said in

My Word:


 “Behold, I am coming quickly,


My reward is with Me,

to render to every man


to what he has done."


His flow stopped here.

Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632





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