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Bold Believers

This earth is Satan’s temporary kingdom; and throughout the years, I have seen a moral decline within this nation. I have seen morality stripped of her garment, and have watched as the horns of Satan are placed upon the pillars of this world.

As morality is declining, how many are stagnant in their faith? Where are the men and women of today who are willing to lay down their lives for Christ? Are they all overseas? The amount of martyrs who have lost their lives for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is beyond anything we can comprehend.

O how easy we have had it in the United States. How quick we take for granted the luxury of just showing up to church, having a cup of coffee and singing songs. The idleness of Christianity within America is frightening. As the enemy sweeps upon this land, I wonder how many of us are standing up to fight? If we could transfer all the energy from political battles and utilize that same energy into spiritual warfare, we would turn this nation upside down. The battle of light vs. darkness. The battle of Heaven vs. Hell. The battle of God vs. Satan. Where are the praying men and women? Where are the bold proclaimers of the faith to rise up and call sin, SIN? Where are those who are willing to go against the masses for the one, true Christ? Where are those “whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (2 Corinthians 16:9 NIV)?

What a sad truth it is that we have allowed the carnal man to dictate the church. Not all, but many American churches are now full of CEOs rather than God intoxicated men. We seek to use manmade methods rather than seeking the Lord to fill our congregations. We preach messages that accommodate the carnal man in exchange for Holy Ghost power. How far we have missed the mark.

We need to reprioritize why we are here on this earth. We need to stop being afraid of what other people think because this life is but a vapor (James 4:14). One day the wicked will be separated from the righteous for an eternity. FOR AN ETERNITY. Our job as Christians is to show the hope, joy, peace and purpose that is found in Jesus Christ.

Now of course the Lord loves all of those that He created in His image; but He has given His own creation the ability to accept or reject Him. When Scripture warns us that there is an eternal Hell waiting for the unbeliever, I for one cannot take that lightly. We are to share “the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15 KJV). We are not to conform truth, for the Apostle Paul says “if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed“ (Galatians 1:8 ESV). We are not called to dumb down the Gospel to the carnal man. We are not to preach a love that is a mere uttering of words and an affection. Love is more than an emotion, it is a decision; it is obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ; for Christ said “”If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15 ESV).

May we stop caring what others may think when we present truth; after all, it’s not our job to force anyone to Christ. We are simply here to share the Gospel, and the freewill decision is up to the other person. We don’t need to find the most beautiful, articulate, fleshly way of presenting the Gospel. We simply need to share it and allow the Holy Ghost to do the convicting, just as He did with us. Their salvation is not in our hands, it is in God’s hands; and God moves based upon the freewill decision of each person choosing to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or not. May we pray for everyone to come to know our Heavenly Father, for He is not a condemning God. God wants a living relationship with all of His people, but we need to be willing to share the tough truths that all may know the one, true God.

There are too many false Jesus’ being preached in the pulpits today, and I pray that God Almighty would awaken us from our slumber as a nation. May we stop sleeping and enjoying “the good life”. There is work to be done for the Kingdom. Life is more than sitting on a boat, drinking and having a good time with the buddies; we are to fight for the souls of men! We are to stand for truth! We are called to be victors in the faith and bold proclaimers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The question now is this: Are you willing to go all out for Jesus? Or do you just want to do the bare minimum to get into Heaven? Where do you lie with regards to Christ and carnality? Which do you prefer? ““Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”” (Matthew 26:41 ESV). Yes, we as Christians are not perfect. Yes, we stumble and fall. The question is, however, are we willing to get back up and seek His face and His will in order that the greatness of His name may be proclaimed throughout all the earth?

The plans God has for you and I are beyond anything we can fathom. ““If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in Heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”” (Matthew 7:11 ESV).

May we live for that which extends into eternity. May we not live for the things of this world. May we seek to serve others in Christ’s name. May we unite as one body in Christ to fight this demonic wave that has infiltrated our nation and this world. Darker days lie ahead, but we know that the light will soon outshine and overpower wickedness. We know that Christ is coming again and He will annihilate “the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life” (1 John 2:16 ESV); and when that day comes, may we find ourselves behind Him rather than in front of Him.

Lance VanTine



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