His Calling!
Jesus wanted His disciple’s then and His disciples now to definitely know what their primary calling involves. Observe:
Jesus tells
His disciples:
You have not chosen Me,
I have
chosen you
I have
appointed you
[I have
planted you],
that you might

bear fruit
keep on bearing,
that your
fruit may be lasting
[that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you
ask the Father
in My Name
[as presenting all that I AM],
He may give it to you.
John 15:16 (AMP)
“Jesus tells His disciples…..” Jesus calls His disciples together and begins to “tell”- meaning to instruct, to make known, to inform, to make aware their primary mission or purpose in serving Him and His Father which we will observe in these two verses of John 15:16 and 19.

Their mission becomes the modern-day disciple’s mission which Jesus put in a “nutshell.” It is a simple but profound mission which calls His disciples to be Ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
The mission is to be imparted by Christ Himself with expectations that His mission would be executed according to His exact instructions in the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit.
Not so much human power, but Spirit power – Holy Spirit energized, shaped, formed, and executed by the leading and guiding of the third person of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit. The Lord spoke to Zechariah:
Not by might nor by power,
(Comment: “Might meaning in the Hebrew – strength, efficiency, wealth or an army)
but by My Spirit,’
(Comment: “My Spirit” meaning the Holy Spirit blowing the wind of heaven on the work of God done through the servant of the Lord).
says the Lord of hosts.
(Comment: “Lord of hosts” meaning Yahweh – the God of Israel and His heavenly army attending to the affairs of the nations, the church, and the servants of the Lord).
Zechariah 4:6 (NASB95)
“You have not chosen me…..” These are His first words He spoke in opening His instructions. Jesus wanted to make it very clear that His disciples did not choose Him on their own.
No one comes to the Father and Jesus on their own. No one has the divine faith to come to the Father and the Son unless They impart faith or desire for the person to either accept or reject Their invitation.
It is the Father in heaven who attracts the sinner to come to Christ. A person does not choose Christ – the Father chooses the person, and the person decides to accept or reject Christ as a personal Savior and Lord. Apostle John penned:
No one
is able to come to Me
unless the
Father Who sent Me
attracts and draws him
gives him the desire to come to Me,
I will raise him up
[from the dead]
at the last day.
John 6:44 (AMP)

Apostle Paul also made it clear that God….
……wishes all men to be saved
know precisely
correctly the [divine] Truth.
1 Timothy 2:4 (AMP)
Note the dual dynamic of the Amplified Bible translation ….to be saved and to know divine truth. To be saved occurs once (born-again) but to know divine truth take a lifetime of daily and consistent study of His Word and a close relationship to Jesus Christ. The Word (Christ Jesus) is the centrality in the life of His disciples.
“I have chosen you…..” Jesus relates to His disciples that they did not choose Him, but He chose them – He selected them – He called them. The Father in heaven gave them faith to come to Christ and then Christ selected them, and they made the decision to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord.
They could have rejected Christ, but they made the wise decision to accept Him. When they accepted Him they accepted His call at the same time. When they accepted His call they would accept His mission for their lives. A simple but profound invitation by the Master to all who wish to follow and serve Him.
They left their occupations and their worldly ambitions to submit to and serve the Master (Christ Jesus). Now, they had no other purpose but to carry out the instructions of Christ no matter what the costs. And the costs would be great!

“…..appointed you……planted to you……” Christ says He appointed them. It was a divine appointment which came from Throne of the Father. The Father in heaven gave Jesus the authority and power to call and appoint these men to be His representatives on earth once He went back to heaven. They were common or ordinary men – men with no religious training, no wealth to speak of, no high ambitions, and men of normal social standing in their communities.
They were simple men who could be easily taught and trained to begin to adapt to the transition from the kingdom of the world to the Kingdom of God.
They had their rough moments, but in the end they all gave up their lives to serve and die for Christ. The ultimate sacrifice of Christ is to give up one’s life for the Him.
His appointment was from day one (1) of meeting Christ to their last day on earth. They fulfilled everything Christ called them to do for Him. Their final destiny was to wear and cast their crowns before the thrones of the Father and the Son in heaven.

Jesus said “He planted them” - meaning His Word, Power, and Authority He gradually imparted the supernatural anointing and power to witness, testify, preach, and teach His word accompanied by signs, wonders, and miracles. A dual call – share the Word along with expecting the supernatural manifestations of the Spirit of God.
They were secured in Christ and Christ was secured in them. Christ had called, appointed, anointed, planted, and secured His men to carry out the most important assignments on planet earth.
These men were selected by the Godhead to be the forerunners of laying the foundation for Christ’s church on earth. There was no other task for them to complete which involved – total devotion, commitment, and consecration to Christ and His call on their lives.
“…..go…..bear fruit…..keep on bearing…..fruit may be lasting……” Christ said “GO (GO..D)”…..not sit, not stay, not spiritually sleep, not make the cultural idols of wealth, riches, and materialism their ambition, and not to make themselves comfortable with secular ambitions.

His disciples were to leave their occupations never to go back; not worry about substance (money, food, clothing, housing, etc.); not to fear what was ahead; be open to the radical teachings (New Wine of Grace and Truth) which opposed the Pharisaical religious traditions; and to be prepared to be persecuted, suffer, and eventually give their lives over to the Kingdom of God.
“…..bear fruit…..keep on bearing…..fruit may be lasting……” When Christ talks about fruit, He means His Kingdom of Fruit (Spiritual fruit……Fruit of the Spirit)…..which should be demonstrated daily in attitude, behavior, speech, and values of born-again disciples of Christ. It is His fruit deposited in the believer and reflected in the believer’s lifestyle which brings glory to the Lord and His Son.

Paul talks about the Fruit of the Spirit – love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control which reflects the character of Christ and should reflect the character of His followers.
When Christ chooses, appoints, and plants His life in those who follow Him, He also imparts the Gift of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit to be given to others.
Allow me to say that I believe the manifestation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Healings, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues, Faith) manifest when the Fruit of the Holy Spirit is demonstrated in the lives of the believers. The greater the manifestation of the Fruit of the Spirit the greater the appearance of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation.
Perhaps we do not see the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation in the modern church today because of a scarcity of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. It demonstrates what Apostle Paul presents in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 – the importance of love, faith, and hope and then follows with 1st Corinthians 14 – listing the importance of the Gifts of the Spirit). Fruit (love) first, Gifts second. Fruit of the Spirit flowing in great measure between and among the disciples of Christ opens the door to the manifestations of the Gifts and the accomplishing of the mission of the Lord.
Lastly, bearing, demonstrating, and speaking His fruit is to be continuous….. ongoing…..permanent ……daily coming forth in the lives of born-again believers.
It is in this manner that His fruit is lasting and impacting others especially the unbelievers. The world does not have this kind of Fruit for its fruit is contrary to the Word of God. Its fruit centers in a humanistic philosophy – without the influence of God.
“……ask the father…….He may give it to you…..” The amazing thing about being an anointed carrier and implementor by the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit, and making it a daily demonstration, the disciple can ask the Father in heaven in the name of
Jesus “and He may give it to you.” Give what?

Give the requests asked for within the perimeter of God’s sovereign plan for the one asking.
It is not a “carte a blanche” asking. But what is asked for must agree with what God would give. In other words, it must be in the Will of God. If not, then the answer to the asking will not materialize. The closer one walks with, obeys, and serves God and Christ, they will come to know what to ask to please the Father to give it.
His Warning!

In three verses later, Jesus sounds a warning to His disciples.
If you belonged to the
the world would treat you with
you as its own.
But because you are
not of the world
[no longer one with it],
I have
chosen (selected) you
out of the world,
the world hates
(detests) you.
John 15:19 (AMP)

Jesus changed His instructions three verses later to talk to talk to His disciples about the world – a world which does not recognize the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – a world diametrically opposed to the One True God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. A world at war with God and His Son (Jesus Christ) informed His disciples:
If you belonged to the
the world would treat you with
you as its own.
But because you are
not of the world
[no longer one with it],
I have
chosen (selected) you
out of the world,
the world hates
(detests) you.
John 15:19 (AMP)
Jesus wants the disciples to know that the world treats its “own with love and affection.” They were once in the world and partaking of all the world had to offer. They were not persecuted or hated by the world. For the most part, they got along in the world.
But now that they accepted the call of Jesus to leave the world and come along side of Him to be trained in their calling which would involve serving the Kingdom of God. Now they would encounter a world which would hate, persecute, and put them death for their witness and testimony of Christ and Christ crucified. Observe:

“…..chose you out of the world…..not belong to world…. affection…. love its own…..not of the world”…… “world hates (detests) you…..” The 19th verse tells us that Christ has chosen His disciples out of the world – a world opposed to Christ and would eventually crucify Christ. If His chosen ones belonged to the world, the world would love them, and they would function under a worldly philosophy. But once they accept Christ as Savior and Lord, they would leave the world and walk into the Kingdom of God. Now, instead of the world loving them, the world hates the followers of Christ.
In short, what to Conclude!
(1) Every born-again disciple of Christ is chosen, called, anointed, planted in God’s Word and told to go and impart the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who are unsaved as well as the saved. They are to bear fruit and it should be long lasting where it is planted. And where it is planted salvations can be forthcoming.
(2) Without bearing the Fruit of the Kingdom of God, prayers can be hindered and asking can result in no answer from the Lord. Fruit-bearing for Christ is not an option but a commandment. Christ said we will know others by their fruit they produce Matthew 7:16, 20) in their character and the fruit they give away coming from their character.
(3) Fruit bearing for Christ will invite opposition, persecution, harassment, violence, and even death for those will to walk in the Spirit of the Lord producing and giving away the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. The world hates God’s fruit-bearing disciple and does everything to stop their producing His fruit in the lives of others.
(4) Let me end with a very interesting statement Jesus made concerning a good tree producing good fruit and a bad tree producing bad fruit.

So every good tree bears good fruit,
but the bad tree bears bad fruit.
(Comment: Good tree means a fruitful, faithful, and obedient disciple of Christ.
Bad tree (Bad tree can mean false prophets, false apostles, false teachers, false preachers, pretenders, etc.).
Never knowing the Lord bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot produce
bad fruit,
nor can a bad tree produce
good fruit.
(Comment: A good tree meaning a disciple of the Lord producing His fruit) does not bear bad fruit. A bad tree (false prophets, false apostles, false teachers, false preachers, pretenders, etc., cannot produce good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is
cut down and thrown into the fire.
(Comment: “Every bad tree” is “thrown into the fire.”
So then, you will know them by their fruits.
Comment: (Good fruit people are known and approved by Christ
but bad fruit people do not produce the good fruit of Christ).
Not everyone who says to Me,
‘Lord, Lord,’
will enter the kingdom of heaven,
but he who does the will of My Father
who is in heaven will enter.
(Comment: Another hard word - those bad tress producing bad fruit (unbelievers) will be cut off
from heaven while those who do the will of the Father
which is allowing the Fruit of the Spirit
to manifest in their lives will enter heaven.
Many will say to Me on that day,
‘Lord, Lord, did we not
in Your name,
in Your name
cast out demons,
in Your name
perform many miracles?’
(Comment: Evidently, the bad tree people producing bad fruit were able to prophesy, cast out demons, and perform miracles. These things they were doing were the counterfeit of the true biblical gifts).

And then I will declare to them,
‘I never knew you;
depart from Me,
you who practice lawlessness.’
Matthew 7:17–23 (NASB95)
(Comment: Another hard word – “If Christ never new them, than they were not true Christ followers. They were unbelievers pretending to be believers counterfeiting the Gifts of the Spirit using demonic influence.
In other words, He never knew them for they were not true disciples of the Lord. If they were His true disciples, He would never have made the statement “I never knew you.”
These bad tree bad fruit people were lawless meaning not submitting to God and not practicing the righteousness of Christ. They wanted people to believe they were followers of Christ, but Christ told them to depart from identifying with Him. Therefore, they were truly not bearing or distributing the true spiritual fruit of the Holy Spirit.
May we process the call of the Lord on our lives and ascertain if we are consistently and daily bearing His Fruit by giving it away to those who need to eat from our “Good Tree” - Christ Jesus who abides within by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Rich Arnold
Servant of the Lord
311 Adelaide Ave SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632