“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” Hosea 4:6 NIV
We are led now days by the spirit of lawlessness, more than we are by the Holy Spirit.
Multitudes are perishing because they do not know the Truth, nor do they want to know the Truth (especially when it comes to sin and morality). There is a residing conviction in all of us, however, that knows there is such a thing as Truth, but culture sways our hearts and minds. We are led now days by the spirit of lawlessness, more than we are by the Holy Spirit.
Even though the Holy Spirit is vastly superior to the spirit of lawlessness, He is gentle and is not forceful. He brings forth conviction in love, and does it ever so delicately. The spirit of lawlessness, however, is very forceful. It lingers within the souls of unconverted believers because it excuses any and all actions and activity of seeking God. It is a selfish spirit that has long existed. As Christ’s return draws closer with each passing day, the spirit of lawlessness grows stronger. Why? Because the stage is being set for the antichrist.
Many pastors who preach lack knowledge of what they teach.
It does not take long to recognize the demonic spirit that is ruling our day. This spirit excuses any message on sin and repentance, and “deceives even if it were possible the elect of God” (Matthew 24:24). How disheartening it is to know that multitudes in the pulpits are just as wise as the seekers of Truth in the pews. Many pastors who preach lack knowledge of what they teach. Instead of preaching God’s Word entirely, they conform to society. They allow the current standards of today dictate what they believe and what they say.
“As times change, morality changes” is the underlying message behind the heart of man.
This damning acceptance of allowing culture to dictate what is right and what is wrong is a mere swaying in the wind. “As times change, morality changes” is the underlying message behind the heart of man. “We no longer live back then”; though there is a fire inside my bones that says “God’s Word stands true for all time because it is the only Book that has stood the test of time.”
People's free-will decision of accepting or rejecting Christ will determine the soul-wrenching or soul-uplifting eternity that awaits them.
Though God be long-suffering (2 Peter 3:9), there comes a time when His foreknowledge knows the ultimate decision of a person’s freewill. After God has been merciful and patient with wanting to draw them in with the Holy Spirit’s gentle conviction, He reaches a point where He gives them over to the spirit of lawlessness. When this happens, people will be without excuse come Judgment Day. God will have innumerable examples of His drawing of that person towards the knowledge of the Truth, but that person’s self-deception and idolatry of wanting to live in sin took precedent. Therefore, their free-will decision of accepting or rejecting Christ will determine the soul-wrenching or soul-uplifting eternity that awaits them.
Let us all have a willingness to listen to God’s stirring within our spirit.
There is such a thing as Truth; for without it, nothing would be sound. Let us all, therefore, have a willingness to listen to God’s stirring of our spirit. Let us all have a genuine interest in wanting to know Truth, no matter the cost. May God send Holy Ghost fire throughout the land to bring forth one more mighty awakening. May an infectious revival take place in the years to come. Above all else, may the Holy Spirit take root in all aspects of all lives, by the blood of Christ. Amen.
Heavenly Father, You are the Omniscient God that knows and foresees all. You alone, O Lord, know the destiny of every man's freewill decision. Lord, we pray that we would not suppress Truth within our lives. Open the eyes of our soul to see You. Enlighten us with the knowledge that comes from above. No matter how convicting it may be, we open ourselves fully to Your Word. May the Holy Spirit sanctify us and change us according to Your Word. May Christ rule and reign the throne of our hearts. Humble us, O Lord, that we may receive Godly wisdom. May we be men and women who walk this earth with a spiritual authority that shakes the gates of Hell. Do this in us and through us, O God. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Lance VanTine