Look around My people,
What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you expect to see?
What do you expect to hear?
Do you expect the Light
to overcome the darkness?
Do you expect the Truth to triumph
over what is untrue or false?
The Lord says,
Do let not let what you see shape
form your expectations?
Do not let what you hear misdirect
your path in what I am calling
you to –
a walk of purity,
a standing in righteousness,
a separation from that which
does not honor Me.
Be careful of what your eyes see
what your ears hear
for many do not
perceive the evils of the day
nor do they
distinguish with their ears
what is of Me
what is of the world.
Listen to what the Holy Spirit says
in these critical times for surely
as you walk with Me
will see the Light
overtake the
what you hear
from My word will strengthen your
spirit and mind to possess
new insight
new understanding of
things now and things to come.
You are living in an extraordinary time –
a time unlike any other time –
a time of great tension and anxiety –
a time of confusion and questioning –
and a
time of great rebellion
darkness which
has come upon the earth.
It is a time of calling out of the
ordinary into the
extraordinary things I desire to do –
an extraordinary work –
an extraordinary task –
an extraordinary anointing.
It is the “Daniel Anointing”
on the young generation.
I am bringing–
an anointing of
a discernment of the times,
a walk of holiness,
a knowing of the
mysteries of My kingdom.
I am raising up a new generation of youth
who will not back-peddle
in their walk with Me
will seek Me at all times
with no other passion but
to hear from My mouth
the direction I want them to go
the extraordinary work
I have for them to complete.
The Lord further says,
The present generation of My people
I am also calling to leave
the things which consume their time
rob them of their devotion
love for Me.
Therefore, I say to you,
intensify your relationship
with Me for when you do
you will see
hear more clearly
what the Spirit says
you will know your call
how to speak
do the extraordinary things
of My Spirit in these last days.
You come to Me and ask,
“Lord what do you want of Me?”
“Lord how can I serve you?”
“Lord, how can I come up higher in You?”
But I would say to you,
There is an extraordinary anointing
coming upon those who will
walk in true faith and sacrificing obedience
to My Word
My call
upon their lives
leave behind all the
distractions and passions
for the world which draw
their hearts away from Me.
Take to heart the Word I speak
to you for in it you will find
the Call to the Extraordinary Things
I wish to have you
do and complete for Me.
God bless,
Rich Arnold
311 Adelaide Ave SE
Hartville, Ohio 44632