God is calling the last day remnant church to hear the “now” prophetic word for without the prophetic word the churches languish under their own thinking and doing which contributes little to the coming kingdom of God (See 1 Corinthians 12-14). The church needs all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in operation in these last days to overcome the evil permeating the nations of the world.
The church is being called to become a greater candlestick - a larger candlestick – a vocal candlestick - a holy and a consecrated candlestick – an extraordinary candlestick which will allow the Light - the (revelation from the throne of God to do the work of God in the midst of immense darkness coming upon the communities, cities, the nation of America, and the world.
When the Light of Christ comes forth in huge ways through “sold-out” and “extraordinary disciples” of Christ, God’s grace is manifested, and darkness goes into retreat. With darkness in retreat, His Light goes forth and His Grace appears bringing salvation to all men (Titus 2:11).
But allow me say for the above to happen, there will be a high cost to pay by individuals and churches for the world hates Christ and the true church and will attack and attempt to mock, ridicule, despise, and accuse any church who is allowing the Light of Christ to touch the darkness of the society surrounding it and pulling it into spiritual bondage .
The church is not called to get along with the culture it is in, but to call (share, preach, testify, and speak against evil in the anointing and power of the moving of the Holy Spirit. Its mission is to call the culture or society to repentance and to accept the Christ of the Cross. It will suffer greatly if it follows the commands of Christ as did in the book of Acts under the leadership of the Apostles and Prophets..
With the above said, this prophetic word came during a church service not long ago.
I hear the Lord say,
This is the Word
I would speak to you
in the midst of darkness
which surrounds you for you
are not called to walk
in the darkness
but to let
the Light you possess
burn brightly.
I Am the Light of the candle
you are
My candlesticks
for without Me you have
no Light
without Me
the darkness
will overcome you.
A candle without Light is a
candle overcome
by darkness
But listen carefully -
it is the winds of darkness
which are coming
against you
such winds are growing
in intensity
challenging you to stand
strong in faith
by allowing Me,
the Light in you,
to shine forth.
I Am the Light
I will
pierce the darkness
as you speak the things
I will impart to you
in the coming days.
The things you will
are not of you
are they
“old things”
“old ways”
but are
“new things”
“new ways”
I will impart to those who
will listen
heed what they
hear from Me.
As you speak these
things of Light to a
world filled with
your heart and mouth
will be set on fire
by the
power of Holy Spirit
you will say,
I have never
experienced anything
like this in my life.
touching my heart
is too wonderful for me
I am
overflowing with
love for you
in a way
I have never come
to experience before.”
For as I have said
in My word,
it is what is in
the heart
which makes
the mouth
if your heart is
on fire
of my kingdom,
the darkness
will be dispelled
evil will take flight.
But know this,
victory will not come
without a fight
for your battles
will be against the
kingdom of the world
which has filled up its cup
with iniquity
This is not a day to
be silent
retreat from the
is all around you
causing many to
walk in
fear and unbelief.
O’ My friends,
the hour of My return
is closer than you
think but many
are not expecting
My return
are not allowing Me
to brightly burn
within and without.
When I come,
what will find?
Will I find My candles
burning brightly
will I find my candles
with wicks “burned-out”
the wax cold and hard?
Hear what the Spirit
is saying
to you
do not let
the darkness
overtake you
for you are called
to go
speak My Light
into the darkness
for I am the
Light which
lights your way
brings you into
a divine righteousness
which brings glory to Me.
Rich Arnold
Servant of Christ
311 Adelaide Ave SE
Hartville, Ohio 44632