My son and daughter,
I have placed a calling on your lives –
a holy
extraordinary calling which
is of
My hand
will manifest in your lives as you
continue to seek Me in the ways
I will be showing you
as you come into
My presence.
I know your passion
hunger for Me
am well pleased
that you are
crying out for
more and more of the things of
My Kingdom.
I have brought you this far
you should know
realize that
I am placing on you
a holy
extraordinary calling
which will manifest
in the ways I am preparing
you for this calling
to come forth.
Be not anxious
attempt to bring this calling
to pass in your own abilities
strengths for it is I
who will birth in you
extraordinary calling
by placing anointing
of the Holy Spirit
on and in you
to accomplish the work
I have for you which is a work
not of your choosing
but a work I am
choosing for you.
Continue in the things
I am presently putting
in your heart
opening your eyes to see
your ears to hear
for the small things
you are now doing for Me
will grow into
larger responsibilities
which will challenge
your faith
trust in Me to take
you from
glory to glory.
I have chosen you
My son and daughter,
to birth a
mantle of love and compassion
from which will emerge
a mantle of ministry
for out of your
love for me
the imparted love
I am giving you
will flow the
mantle of ministry.
All ministry
for Me arises out of
divine love expressed
demonstrated in your life
the giving of this love
to those I am calling to
receive this love from you.
My love
shared will foster
My Light
to the hurting,
The anointing
extravagant compassion
I am placing on you
will propel you into a
greater understanding
knowing My
desires I have for you –
desires you have yet to realize
in many ways.
I further say to you,
that you need not look
for those to show
My compassion to
for I will bring them to you
they will not be the
ones you would choose to love
for they will be the
empty ones,
the challenging ones,
the difficult ones,
the faithless ones,
the ones needing the infusion
My compassion
birthed and matured
in you to bring them
to a new life in Me.
The Lord would continue to say….
As you walk with Me
in this
Valley of Compassion,
you will find
My power
to carry you along to
to do the work of
My Kingdom
in the ways
I will be showing you
places I will be taking you to.
As your love
will birth the
light of the Gospel,
so shall the
light of the Gospel
shine through you
power to overcome the
many obstacles
and difficulties
will come your way.
My son and daughter,
My last Word to you
is to:
(1) Position yourselves in what I have spoken to you by entering in and walking in the Valley of Compassion toward those I bring to you. It is in this Valley where your calling and the mantle of ministry will be birthed, developed, matured, sustained, and brought to fruition.
(2) Expect the extraordinary things of My Kingdom to take place for I am a God of the extraordinary and the new things which I will bring to you. I am not a God of the old but of the new and of the extraordinary things.
(3) Prepare yourselves to continually listen to the Holy Spirt who will speak to you when you are awake and when you are asleep in dreams, visions, and revelations I desire to place in your heart and mind.
The flow ended here.
Post word:
After I finished penning this Word the thought entered my mind and I recorded below:
Divine compassion or love
is the fulcrum which brings
ministry into balance
pleases the heart of
the Lord and His Son.
I believe that one’s ministry
can be diminished or accelerated
in proportion to one’s love
for the Lord and His Son
as well as for others.
All true and spiritual ministry
of the Kingdom of God
first flows out of
His love demonstrated
actively shown to others
no matter
how difficult it becomes
to love the unlovable.
Christ loves the unlovable
died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6) –
should we be any different
in the loving area?
Rich Arnold
311 Adelaide Ave SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632
How extraordinary, just a few hours ago I spoke to the Holy Spirit, to Jesus, and my Heavenly Father, for my desire to begin a real work of prayer with then on my knees. That I would go back to my place of Prayer I started when I was a young boy. Then I only knew how to pray dozens of hail maries and al Fathers for the deaf dumb and the blind. I wait on my Heavenly Father the work he would have do I pray in Jesus name.