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Facing The Scoffers

Updated: Mar 12, 2021

“Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.” 2 Peter 3:3 ESV

The majority of Atheists walk around with an emotion-driven faith, rather than an intellectual one.

The majority of Atheists walk around with an emotion-driven faith, rather than an intellectual one. Yes, Atheism is a faith. It takes more faith to believe that there is not a God, then it does to believe that there is a God. There is not a person on this earth that possesses a sound mind who is willing to spend the majority of their life (like Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris) arguing for something that they believe does not exist.

If mainstream Atheists truly believed that "there is no God" and they were 100% confident, then they would not waste their valuable time with debates.

I myself personally know that unicorns, Big-Foot and the Easter Bunny do not exist. At the same time, I have absolutely no passion to spend the majority of my life to make others believe that they do not exist. If I did spend the majority of my years attempting to prove that those things do not exist (ex: doing debates), I would have spent the majority of my life in vain. Countless of hours would have been wasted. It is similar to the Atheist. If they truly believed that “there is no God” and they were 100% confident, they would not feel the need to debate. However, there are many debates that they partake in. This solidifies the reality that they are not confident in their view that "God does not exist."

We as Christians know that God exists, for it has changed us within.

We as Christians know that God exists, for it has changed us within. We know that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only God that is alive and true. All other “gods” are man-made and invented. The majority of gods are handcrafted and have to be transported to and from different locations. We as Christians, however, worship the One, True Omnipresent God. He is everywhere at all times. “Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:24 ESV). The God that born-again believers worship is the only True and Living God that sends His Holy Spirit to come and live in us (when we have truly believed in Jesus Christ and repented of our sins).

Scoffers confirm that God exists!

It should be comforting to us, therefore, when mockers and scoffers come to ridicule us for our faith. It should not make us sad, but rather rejoice. For they simply verify that we are worshiping the One, True God. Scoffers, therefore, confirm that God does in fact exist! For His Word has warned us that ““In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”” (John 16:33 NKJV).

Only the self-proclaimed Christian that spends no time in the Word trembles when they are scoffed at and ridiculed for their faith in Christ.

The mocking of our faith simply verifies that God’s Word is Truth! Only the self-proclaimed Christian that spends no time in the Word trembles when they are scoffed at and ridiculed for their faith in Christ. For those who do not spend time in the Word, will always give into pressures and opposition. They will be defeated by human intellect, rather than strengthened by God’s wisdom from the Holy Scriptures.

Those who do not spend time in the Word, will always give into pressures and opposition.

That is why it is imperative that we as Christians study Apologetics and stay in the Word of God. What is Apologetics? Apologetics is the rational justification of truth claims. Simply put: it is defending the faith. In this day and age, Atheists have no excuse. There is much empirical evidence that points to God. Those who deny that God exists are simply reacting to an emotion feeling. They simply don’t want to know God because His Truth is convicting and demands change.

Many who will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ will tremble. For what appeared to be intellectual and regarded as highly esteemed in this life, will be brought low. It will be regarded as lower than the dust of the ground. As the Bible simply and plainly states: “The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good” (Psalm 14:1 NKJV).

Only genuine seekers will find God. For God is faithful to reveal Himself to those who seek after Truth and are willing to allow the Truth to change them.

Only genuine seekers will find God. For God is faithful to reveal Himself to those who seek after Truth and who will allow the Truth to change them. Those who have no such desire will not find God, but will eventually be given over to a reprobate mind. God’s long-suffering patience endures only as long as His foreknowledge knows that one's freewill has reached a point where they will never accept the Truth. God’s patience ends when He knows that people have made their final decision. When this happens, it is impossible for them to seek God again because God’s foreknowledge knows that they will continue to neglect Christ, even if He gave them more time.

God allows unrepentant sinners to have their full in this life. He allows them to indulge in the flesh and carnality of this world. God permits such men to do so because He knows that soon they will stand before His Almighty Throne. God knows “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11 NKJV), for it is He Himself Who has declared it. “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31 NKJV). God will let reprobates have their way for a short period of time in this life. In the end, however, this does nothing but add to one’s own damnation.

For us as believers, we must not become angry at Atheists and mockers. Rather, we must endure their scoffing and persecution in love.

For us as believers, we must not become angry at Atheists and mockers. Rather, we must endure their scoffing and persecution in love. We must be like God in 2 Peter 3:9 and desire that all would come to genuine repentance and to the knowledge of the Truth. For if God saved us who deserve equal damnation, surely He desires to save all others.

May all come to choose Christ, while the free gift of salvation is offered.


Heavenly Father, we thank You that Your Word is Truth. We thank You that You have revealed the knowledge and glory of Christ Jesus to us. Lord, we pray that You would give us love and strength to endure the persecution that lies ahead. Lord, whatever happens, we know that You are in control and that You alone are the One and Only True God. Heavenly Father, instill in us the desire to study Your Word and to meditate upon Your precepts. Give us a hunger to learn Apologetics and stand up for the faith. God, You do not need us to fight for Christ, yet, it is our heart’s desire to stand up for Him. Lord, we know one day soon You will return and will judge the nations. Until that day, may we persevere in the faith and continually learn more about Your Word. You alone, O Lord, deserve the praise and glory. We ask that You would reveal Yourself to many others, just as You have done so with us. Thank You for Your long-suffering patience, gentle-kindness, and tender-mercies. Glory be to You, O Holy One of Israel. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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