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God Ponders The Ways of Man

“For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, And He ponders all his paths.” Proverbs 5:21 NKJV

God alone is in a constant state of an “Eternal Now”. Forever, all at once, everything is stretched out in an instant.

There is nothing that is done without God’s knowing. God alone is in a constant state of an “Eternal Now”. Forever, all at once, everything is stretched out in an instant.

Whatever is to occur for us has already been for God.

God sees what we are doing now simultaneously as He sees what we will be doing a decade from now. Whatever is to occur for us has already been for God. “That which is has already been, And what is to be has already been; And God requires an account of what is past” (Ecclesiastes 3:15 NKJV).

Whatever has happened, is happening, or is to occur, God sees it as it is, even before it is.

Whatever has happened, is happening, or is to occur, God sees it as it is, even before it is.

God knows more about us than we know about ourselves.

With this power and authority, God can discern man's ways. He understands the reason why we act the way that we do. He knows our motives and intentions behind what we speak. He is the One Who created us and made us. He knows more about us than we know about ourselves.

With this knowledge, all of man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, for God has created space, time, matter, and energy. God has made everything that can be seen and understood. As R.C. Sproul once said, “there is not one spec of cosmic dust outside the Providence of God.”

Nothing that can be thought, imagined, entertained, produced, innovated, or revealed is done without God’s permitting, allowing, and His Power behind the function, components, resources, abilities, characteristics, form, or cohesion of His creating.

By God’s Will, things exist. By God’s Word, He creates. By God’s Spirit, things live.

By God’s Will, things exist (Revelation 4:11). By God’s Word, He creates. By God’s Spirit, things live. All things come by God alone, for there is “One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:6 ESV).

God is always in a continual state of “Knowing”. He cannot learn or unlearn. He never grows or expands.

With all this knowledge, we must understand that God knows everything we do, everything we are, and everything to come in our lives. God is always in a continual state of “Knowing”. He cannot learn or unlearn. He never grows or expands. All that is of God is known by God. All that God is, He is in His Unending Fullness.

Since God is the only Being Who created and rules over all that is, our ways are continually before Him. Not only this, but everything we do, think, say, and imagine will be brought before Him Who is able to judge the living and the dead. “For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14 NKJV). ““I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak”” (Matthew 12:36 ESV).

We know that “The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both” (Proverbs 20:12 ESV). God has created us the way we are and has given us specific gifts for a particular purpose. It is our job to combat the Enemy and the temptations of the world and seek to use the blessings God has given for His Glory. We are to use all that has been given in its proper form without perverting or distorting its manner.

The constant warfare we wage against are the paths and ways presented to us.

This is the constant warfare we wage against – the paths and ways we take. Everything that we do leads toward a particular end. If we are continually looking at pornography, our end will be a distortion of women and lead us down a path we would never have imagined. Talk to most rapists and those in jail for sexual misconduct, and the majority of testimonies say, “this all began with pornography.”

If we constantly surround ourselves in environments that cause us to get drunk, fornicate, scam, steal, cheat, lie, become gluttons, and gossip, our ways are not leading toward a good end.

If we constantly surround ourselves in environments that cause us to get drunk, fornicate, scam, steal, cheat, lie, become gluttons, and gossip, our ways are not leading toward a good end.

All we do, whether in public or private, is seen and known by God. Even in the chambers of our hearts, God sees everything. As if we were in the middle of an NFL stadium noon-day, God sees our thoughts and imagination in like manner.

All we do, whether in public or private, is seen and known by God. Even in the chambers of our hearts, God sees everything. As if we were in the middle of an NFL stadium noon-day, God sees our thoughts and imagination in like manner.

With this knowledge, we must come to understand that it is only the Holy Spirit Who can change us from within. Without Him, we have nothing and are nothing. With Him, we truly can do all things. For we know it is “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6 NKJV).

According to the Word of God, the Holy Spirit is the One Who purifies us, sanctifies us, and gives us the power to walk in the Way of God. Too many people claim they walk in the Way of God when they do not heed God's Word. This deceptive viewpoint prevents multitudes from profitability for God’s Kingdom and keeps them from Heaven as their eternal abode.

Everything that is truly good, noble, just, sincere, loving, kind, gracious, and joyful takes the power of the Holy Spirit.

Everything that is truly good, noble, just, sincere, loving, kind, gracious, and joyful takes the power of the Holy Spirit. Understanding this means we can pray to the Lord and ask Him, “Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways” (Psalm 119:37 ESV). We must vow to ourselves, “I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me” (Psalm 101:3 ESV).

The world is enticing. The flesh is weak. The Enemy is deceptive. Without the Holy Spirit, our ways will not be according to the ways of God.

We cannot create our own form of reality and morality. We cannot fall prey to thinking God does not see when He does see.

God's All-Seeing Eye continually perceives the physical and metaphysical realms, both from within and without, knowing and discerning everything that pertains to our body, mind, soul, and spirit.

God sees more than we would care to know or admit. For His All-Seeing Eye continually perceives the physical and metaphysical realms, both from within and without, knowing and discerning everything that pertains to our body, mind, soul, and spirit.

May we always understand that wherever we go, whatever we do, whatever we think, is all being pondered, perceived, and known by God.

May we always understand that wherever we go, whatever we do, whatever we think, is all being pondered, perceived, and known by God.

It is easy to go in the ways of the world. It is difficult to stand for the Word.

May we live in such a way as to not go in the way of darkness or deception. May we stand out as children of Light, rightly handling the Word of Truth.

It takes the strong to acknowledge their weakness and seek God’s Power. Those who are truly strong are those who are humble enough to recognize their sin and frailty.

It is easy to go in the ways of the world. It is difficult to stand for the Word. Anyone can conform to that which is easy and fulfills one's own carnal desires and passions. It takes the strong to acknowledge their weakness and seek God’s Power. Those who are truly strong are those who are humble enough to recognize their sin and frailty.

Only God can make our paths straight. Only God can clear His path and help us walk in the way. Let us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV).

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:7 NKJV).


God in Heaven, Who knows all things and sustains all things by the Power of Your Word and permits things to exist by Your Will, may You be honored and glorified in all things. God, give us the strength to walk in Your Way, according to Your Word, by the power of Your Spirit. God, bless us with the remembrance that You see all things. You know what we will do before it is done. You know what we will speak before it is said. You know what we will think before it is even a thought. O God, truly, You are in all, through all, and above all. May we forever live for You. Give us the strength to discern our ways and question why we go where we go. O God, bless us with Your Wisdom, Knowledge, and Strength. Help us, Lord, for we are sinners in constant need of You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



Unknown member
Mar 21, 2023

Absolutely great teaching and so well written! These are concepts I have known for a long time but the way you expounded on them drew me in and gave me such a vivid picture to realize these truths in an eve deeper and more treasured way. Gratefulness wells up in me as I contemplate this truth in a deeper way than ever before. Thank you!

Unknown member
Mar 23, 2023
Replying to

So encouraging to hear, thank you so much for your sweet words, Sherry! May God continue to grow us in Him. Really appreciate your comment :) To God be the glory. Have a blessed day!


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