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Honesty Before God

“Let us lie down in our shame, and let our disgrace cover us. We have sinned against the Lord our God, both we and our ancestors; from our youth till this day we have not obeyed the Lord our God.”” Jeremiah 3:25 NIV

It takes a heart of humility to recognize that what God has called sin is sin. Greater still, it takes humility to admit that one has sinned and is a sinner.

It takes a heart of humility to recognize and admit that one has sinned. When God’s Word is studied and reflected upon, we all can come to the rational conclusion that what God calls sin is in fact sin. Lying, cheating, stealing, murder, adultery…the list goes on. The most hidden form of sin, and the one that most people refuse to lay down is idolatry.

Idolatry is the most hidden form of sin that most people refuse to lay down. It comes in the form of sports, entertainment, video games, friends, politics, and self-seeking goals. These are not bad in themselves, but compared to the time one spends with God, they far outweigh Him.

For some, it is the idolatry of sports, for others it is entertainment. For some it may be video games, for others it is friends. Maybe it’s ambition and self-seeking goals and interests. Maybe it’s politics. These are not bad in themselves, but when compared to the amount of time that people spend praying to God and reading the Bible, God is most certainly not at the top of the list.

It takes an honest and humble heart to stand before God and say, “I am not where I should be. I have not done what I am supposed to do. I just wanted to be happy and enjoy the good life and do things my way.”

It takes an honest and humble heart to stand before God and say, “I am not where I should be. I have not done what I am supposed to do. I just wanted to be happy and enjoy the good life and do things my way.” After all, it is your life, right? The Gospel message has a different story.

In the midst of a sensitive and pampered generation, people are very willing to accept a false christ, while neglecting and despising the real Jesus.

Once we enroll in Christ’s army we no longer belong to ourselves. We are bought with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. That is why the Gospel message offends so many people in this generation of sensitive, pampered Christians. When the real Jesus is presented to the congregations, they will be told that they were bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20). They will be told that they are sinners in need of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. They will be told that Christ’s crucifixion both offers salvation from Hell and sin, as well as draws each person into a place of fellowship with the Father.

The more we die to self, the more we feel at peace. When we seek God’s will over our own, we begin to receive a transformed heart and mind for things that will last for eternity.

Once the genuine seeker makes the free-will decision (based upon the drawing of the Holy Spirit) to become a Christian, that is when they have just signed up to sacrifice all they have and all they are to Christ. The irony in this is that the more we die to self, the more we feel at peace. When we seek God’s will over our own, we begin to receive a transformed heart and mind for things that will last for eternity. We become less caught up and focused in the temporary satisfactions of this world that are fading. We shift our mindset to focusing on honoring and pleasing the One Who made us uniquely and independently apart from everyone else in this world.

To walk into the purposeful plans God has for us, we must be willing to admit that we are a sinner.

A cliched verse within the Church, but nonetheless truth: ““For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). God’s plans are much higher than ours. His infinite mind transcends beyond anything we can comprehend or imagine with our finite minds. To walk into these plans, however, we must be willing to admit that we are a sinner. They must be willing to say, “Yes, I am not a good person in my own strength.” They must smite that terrible devil called “pride” that they have allowed to linger deep within their vessel - the one that says, “you’re a good person.”

If we were to ask ANY of us, “Is it okay if we put all your life, thoughts, motives, actions and words onto a screen for everyone to watch for the next five years?”, we all would give an immediate, “NO”. Why? Because deep down, we know that we are not good.

Ironically, if we were to ask ANY of us, “Is it okay if we put all your life, thoughts, motives, actions and words onto a screen for everyone to watch for the next five years?”, we all would give an immediate, “NO”. Why? Because deep down, we know that we are not good. We know we have thought lustful and harmful thoughts. We know we have said foolish and ungodly things. We know we have acted unruly in the private place. We know we have hated, coveted, envied, remained bitter, and been guilty of complaining.

If we were to line up good deeds to sin, sin would launch our good deeds into an entirely different atmosphere by the weight it bears.

Deep down we know we are not good people. Yet, we continue to walk around and believe that we are, simply because someone told us or because we did something kind or generous. Dear friend, if we were to line up good deeds to sin, sin would launch our good deeds into an entirely different atmosphere by the weight it bears.

Christ Jesus paid the price for our sins and offers newness of life. May all come to know Him and take that first step of humility that apart from Christ, we can do nothing; that apart from Christ, we are nothing.

Glory be to God, however, that it is Christ Jesus Who paid the price for our sins and offers newness of life. May all come to know Him and take that first step of humility that apart from Christ, we can do nothing; that apart from Christ, we are nothing.

There will only be one voice on Judgment Day that will be able to speak on our behalf in front of a Holy God. Our hope should be that all would choose that Voice; the Mediator between God and man: Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

There will only be one voice on Judgment Day that will be able to speak on our behalf in front of a Holy God. Our hope should be that all would choose that Voice; the Mediator between God and man: Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Heavenly Father, God in Heaven, You are Holy and Just. You are Goodness and Love. In You, O God, all things reside. You alone rule and reign Sovereign. God, we repent of not loving You like we should. We ask for forgiveness, O Lord, of our complacency and idleness. Instill in us a supernatural desire to seek You and do that which is of You. Give us the strength to continue on in the race of faith. May we not grow despondent and lack care for Your will and Your work. God, we repent of our selfishness and sinfulness. Awaken us. Draw us, O Holy Spirit, to the Throne of Grace. As we obtain mercy, may You change us. Make us in the image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We desire nothing but what You desire from us, O God. May we live for You all the days of our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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