For His anger is but for a moment, and His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” Psalm 30:5 ESV
In the midnight hour, we may weep. Throughout the day we may feel defeat. In our days we may be weary and beat, but joy is promised to come in the morning for those who are found in God.
Many times in this life, situations disrupt and disturb us. Whether externally or internally, we are all guilty of giving way to rage, anger, pride, lust, anxiety, and depression. The battle continually wages against us from the world and from ourselves.
Our problems may be a result of the world around us or the war within us.
As Paul, we have fightings without and fears within (2 Corinthians 7:5). Our problems may be a result of the world around us or the war within us. Whatever the case, we are bound to have shortcomings, failings, drifting, backsliding, and sinning. Recognizing these realities should not excuse us to remaining in these states that are bound to come. Nor should they be reason to think that we can live habitual lifestyles of sinful states. Rather, they are understandings of what will come as we are covered by the Blood and progress down the sanctified road that leads to eternal life.
Many times our selfishness brings forth preventable consequences.
When we sin against God, we grieve God. Many times our selfishness bring forth preventable consequences. Rather than living in the joy of the Lord, we live in the guilt of our sin. Shame begins to ensnare us and eventually we fall prey to wasted hours, wasted days, and wasted years. Depending on whether our sin is a stumble or a lifestyle, the joy of the Lord will be exiled until we once again repent of our sins and seek Him.
For the joy of the Lord is our strength. It is God Who renews and restores us. He shines His Holy Beam into our soul and illuminates us from within. We go from being dead to being resurrected. Through repentance, our internal state once again allows the Holy Spirit to take charge. When this occurs, we are able to experience the joy that comes with the morning.
The morning is when the dawn of the new birth takes place. The morning is when we repent of our sins and believe in Him Who offers newness of life: the Lord Jesus Christ.
The morning is when the dawn of the new birth takes place. The morning is when we repent of our sins and believe in Him Who offers newness of life: the Lord Jesus Christ. The morning is when we no longer are allowing the iniquity of this life to enslave us. The morning is when we have confessed our sins to Christ and the Holy Spirit once again fills us and takes control over us.
The morning is when we no longer are allowing the iniquity of this life to enslave us. The morning is when we have confessed our sins to Christ and the Holy Spirit once again fills us and takes control over us.
For the born again believer, Christ is both God and Friend. As A.W. Tozer said in The Pursuit of God, “No one need to be downcast, for Jesus is the joy of Heaven, and it is His joy to enter into sorrowful hearts.” When we are sorrowful over our sins, our mourning turns into the morning. We go from being downcast to uplifted. The Comforter reminds us that yes, we have sinned. Yes, we have grieved Him, but only for a time. Through our repentance, the Holy Spirit whispers, “You have been forgiven. Rise up, my child. Surrender your all to Me once again and I shall breathe in you newness of life.”
God always draws us to Him through conviction, chastisement, and comfort.
True joy does not come from this world, but from above. True joy ramifies throughout our entire being. Christ’s vine begins to overlap us who are born again and are the branches. Through this beautiful intertwining, we find ourselves unashamed and walking in the Light. We become reminded that we know Him Who is both Truth and is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). God will not let us fall away. Instead, He will draw us to Him through conviction, chastisement, and comfort. His love flows through these blessed three C’s. For all that He does is in love.
Conviction from the Holy Spirit occurs to let us know what is harmful, wrong, and not of God. Chastisement is the temporary pain of discipline to both cleanse our being and deepen our faith. Comfort is the Heavenly Father making known to us that He loves us and His anger is but for a moment. He is not proud of us when we sin, but He makes it known that He loves us as He draws us back to Him. His arms of comfort are always open to the penitent heart. He fills those with joy who are sorrowful over their sins and desire to walk in the ways of the Lord.
““I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples”” (John 15:5-8 NKJV).
Abiding in Christ is to progress in the gift of newness of life.
Abiding in Christ is to progress in the gift of newness of life. Though we may fall and go astray, God will call us and draw us back to Him. He will change our guilt into gladness, shame into happiness, sorrow into joy.
Christ can change our guilt into gladness, shame into happiness, sorrow into joy.
For God loves us and is calling all of us to Him (1 Timothy 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9). God understands that the Christian life is impossible to live without Him intervening and working through us. That is why He sends us His Holy Spirit, the One Who is our Advocate and Helper. He is the One Who brings true joy in the morning.
““So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you”” (John 16:22 ESV). One day the Illuminating, Undefiled, Pure Light of the Holy One of Israel will Radiate through Christ. One day, that warm, comforting Light will be upon us, without distraction or darkness. Perfection will take place and the ever-increasing joy of the Lord will draw us closer to Him, while bringing us blessed elation.
There may be times where we feel as if we have lost all hope, sinned away the day of grace, and that God does not love us. These are lies from the Enemy. So long as we are repentant over our sins, God is willing to forgive us who are the Prodigal Son. God desires to extend His grace and mercy. He desires to love us with His rod and with His encouragement. He desires to give us His power to both fight and have dominion over that which robs us of our joy.
The world will forever tell us to acquire more. The Enemy will forever tempt. People will forever fail us. We ourselves will forever stumble in this life. All of these things will rob us of our joy and will destroy us. We must remember, however, that God has already done what is needed on behalf of our salvation. The Enemy has been conquered, and sins have been forgiven of those who repent and believe.
One day, all things will be made new. The Blessed Dew of the Eternal Morning will shine throughout the Prairies of Paradise. In due time, we will reap the reward of being with Christ forever, if we do not give up.
One day, all things will be made new. The Blessed Dew of the Eternal Morning will shine throughout the Prairies of Paradise. In due time, we will reap the reward of being with Christ forever, if we do not give up.
May God’s joy be with you. May the realization of knowing God and God knowing you be enough. Climb through your adversity, knowing Christ is with you. Reach for Him Whose hand is willing to pull you out of the swamp of sin. Know that your identity is in Christ.
Do not be discouraged or fearful. Do not run away when you have strayed. Come boldly to the Throne of Grace. God is willing and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
Do not be discouraged or fearful. Do not run away when you have strayed. Come boldly to the Throne of Grace. God is willing and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). May we confess our mess in order that we may receive rest.
A.W. Tozer reminds us that “The Scriptures teach that God will rejoice over us with joy and with singing. This is not a picture of an angry God. Rather, it is a picture of a loving Father Who is everlastingly patient toward us, His children.”
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13 ESV).
Heavenly Father, God of Joy and Peace, Him Who is High and Lifted Up, Who disciplines with a rod of love and comforts the wounded and afflicted, blessed are You, the Creator and Sustainer of all. O God, forgive us of our sins. We have grieved You time and time again. We have been guilty of putting the Holy Spirit in situations that are ungodly and immoral. We are guilty of defiling our temples with impurity, pride, and selfishness. God, forgive us of vain pursuits, foolish endeavors, devilish thoughts, and unwholesome talk. God, forgive us of actions that have gone against Your statutes and commandments. O Holy Spirit, rise up within! Forgive us and cleanse us. Return to us the joy of our salvation. Draw us into Your Light that no darkness may touch us. Give us strength over our temptations. Deliver us from evil. Purify our hearts, renew our minds, and sanctify our vessels. O Christ, cover us with Thy Blood. May we be forgiven and restored in what You have done. Give us strength, power, wisdom, and love to press on, O Holy Spirit. Fill us with joy from above. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine