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Lance VanTine - "About Me" Blog

Updated: Apr 20, 2019

About Me

My name is Lance VanTine and I am the Founder & CEO of P.E.A.C.E. of Mind. I was born in Detroit at the University of Michigan hospital (Go Blue); however, I was raised in Muskegon, Michigan. Since I was four, I have been passionate about the game of soccer. I played in High-School, on MRL teams, and in college. Soccer has taught me many life lessons and allowed me to meet many different people. I am a graduate of Mona Shores High School and Calvin College in Grand Rapids. I have a degree in Business: Double Concentration in Marketing & Entrepreneurship. Some of my hobbies include working out, launching business startups, reading, writing, and studying Apologetics and Theology. My relationship with Christ is my number one priority. He is the reason for the my company, P.E.A.C.E. of Mind. In the coming future, when I am able, I would like to eventually become a Pastor and start a nonprofit that is directed towards aiding the homeless.

P.E.A.C.E. of Mind

For me, being an entrepreneur is more than starting up a business. It’s more than being an owner and making money. To me, being a successful entrepreneur is developing a company that both solves a problem and aids the community. It is running a business that seeks the best interest for its clients, while leading and developing employees with a serving heart. My passion is to help those around me. I remember asking myself before P.E.A.C.E. of Mind began; “What can I do for those in my community? How can I develop a business that is not just seeking a sale, but seeking a relationship?” After asking myself these questions and fervently praying for five years, the Lord has begun to open doors and lead me with my business.

A brief rundown of what we do: P.E.A.C.E. of Mind is a medical advocacy and transportation service. Many families struggle staying involved with their loved ones’ health care. We provide registered nurses who transport and accompany loved ones into their medical appointments; provide clarification and guidance within each appointment; and take notes and document each appointment for the loved one and their family members. Our mission is to maintain clear communication between the loved one, family and physician(s), and to reduce readmission rates; all while providing an enjoyable, satisfactory experience. For additional information you can follows us @PofMUSA.


I believe faith to be the most important part of our lives. In this day and age, in the midst of darkness and false prophets and false doctrines, we need men and women to rise up and preach the truth boldly and unashamedly. Every great man and woman that allowed the Lord Jesus Christ to work through them was bold in the faith. They were not willing to conform to societies standards and ways. I believe that God is once again beginning to call and raise up a holy remnant.

As my writings are projected out into the world through this platform, I am not doing it for publicity sake. If I was all for you liking me and wanting to be “famous” in the world’s eyes, I would simply write on health, wealth, success and prosperity; but because I have a thundering voice inside my soul that says “Wake up church of Jesus Christ”, I am going to present to you the full Gospel. My writings may be convicting, but know that it is done in love. I am only where I am today because of the grace and mercy of God; and part of that grace and mercy includes convicting me of what is wrong and what is distracting me from the call God has on my life.

“To live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). Being conformed into the image of Christ, and living for the Lord and for His glory is the life that is worth living. I pray the Lord speaks through me with what is to come in my writings, and together may we grow in Him and take what we have learned and minister to others. May we forever have eternity’s values in view, and may we always be motivated to live the life of soul-winning; by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lance VanTine

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