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Learn To Die Well

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” 2 Corinthians 5:10 ESV

Learning to die well begins with acknowledging death. It begins with not only knowing one day we shall die, but reflecting on what that death will be like. One day, we shall transition from this life to the next. One day, we will stand before Almighty God and give an account of every idle word spoken. Every hidden thought will be exposed. Every act done to our spouse, family and friends will be seen before Heaven. All will be revealed and we will be shown for who we truly were. What we believe was done in the dark will be brought into the light. Knowing these truths is where we begin our journey of learning to die well.

Being saved by Christ from the wrath of God does not guarantee a productive life lived for God.

We know that “the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23 ESV). However, being saved by Christ from the wrath of God does not guarantee a productive life lived for God. Many saints have been saved only to coast on throughout this life. It was not until their final hours that they seriously began to reflect on their lives - what was done and what was not done.

On many deathbeds lies not only a soul that is about to break from a bounded body, but also plans and purposes of the Lord that were not accomplished.

On many deathbeds lies not only a soul that is about to break from a bounded body, but also plans and purposes of the Lord that were not accomplished. God’s will shall always move forward. However, it is important to know that His Ultimate Divine Will in life does not guarantee His Perfect Will done throughout our lives. This is not a lack on God’s part. Rather, it is due to us.

For it is God’s perfect will that we should not sin against Him, that none should perish, that all would be saved and follow Him. His perfect will, as we know, however, has not been completed. Why? Because of man’s freewill and The Fall. Ever since The Fall, mankind has been led astray by various sins, selfish pursuits, and things that are contrary to God. Even though God’s perfect plan and purpose will not be entirely done in our lives, His ultimate will shall be fulfilled and will prevail.

Why does Scripture say that once believers are in Heaven God “will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Revelation 21:4)? It is because we will see the missed opportunities that God brought before us. We will see idleness and complacency. We will see the lack of tears we had for others and the idolatrous tears we had for ourselves. We will see what could have been, but was not. We will see how our freewill was used and how our time was spent. We will see the vain pursuits we were part of and wasted efforts of trying to work something out in the flesh. All of this will be displayed and we shall shed tears for not being what we should or could have been in this life.

All saints will have this to a certain degree, but those who will feel it the worst are those of us who did not continually stay in the Word and continue our pursuit of growth in God. For many on that day will see decades spent doing the same thing, day in and day out, not desiring to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit or grow in the things of God.

Whenever the Holy Spirit is continually rejected, we deliberately begin to dismiss what God Himself desires to do and what only He can do. Were the men of Scripture special? No. We know this, yet rarely do we live in the knowledge of what we know.

God could very well have wanted to do the same thing with us as He did with the Saints of old. God could have worked through our lives to touch the lives of five, ten, twenty, or hundred times the amount of people we have currently shared the Gospel and witnessed too. This is not some pumped up, man-made gospel that says “God has big plans for us.” When the flesh hears of this, we immediately think of financial success, prestige, being known by the world, and having ease of life. No, God has a purposeful plan, and it is in that purposeful plan that He has a big plan.

Therefore, in learning to die well, we must see ourselves standing before God when our life is displayed before Heaven. What will each tear that God shall wipe away be filled with? Will it be God-given dreams that became clouded by the easy life? Will it be God’s vision that slowly diminished due to busyness, routine, and comfort? Will it be God’s gifts and talents given to us that were not utilized for His glory, but were either neglected or used for selfish pursuits? O that we might learn to reflect on such things. This will decrease the amount of that which we shall see that was missed.

Our hearts must now be guided towards the Judgment Seat. The Second Judgment (which we have just mentioned) is for believers alone. This is where we will be judged based upon what we did and did not do. The first Judgment, which shall be before the Great White Throne, is the separation of the righteous and the wicked. It is the inviting of born again believers into Heaven, while the unrepentant sinners and transgressors are cast into Hell.

Do we have God-sized hearts that meditate on the reality that souls are being cast into the Eternal Abyss of self-absorbed darkness, where men cry and beg for death but death flees them?

Do we have God-sized hearts that meditate on the reality that souls are being cast into the Eternal Abyss of self-absorbed darkness, where men cry and beg for death but death flees them? “And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them” (Revelation 9:6 ESV). In knowing this, are we motivated to share the Truth? Or are we more prone to tell others that we must share the Truth, while we ourselves neglect to do so?

Are we motivated to share the Truth? Or are we more prone to tell others that we must share the Truth, while we ourselves neglect to do so?

Men are dying and going to Hell. Part of us dying well is being motivated by the realization that multitudes are dying and going to Hell. This will spur us on to sharing the Good News and Truth in Love. Reflecting on this soon seen reality will help us to focus on what matters and guide us towards doing what is right.

Would we rather memorize the statistics of our favorite athlete than memorize Scripture? Would we rather watch hours of television then become watchmen for men's souls?

Once we have accomplished this, we must then move onto our current state. What rules us? What captivates us? What are we led by? Are we allowing things that really don’t matter to take root? Are we tired of reading God’s Word and would rather read the junk of this life? Would we rather spend time in speculative conspiracy theories than to grow in the knowledge of the Immutable Truth? Would we rather memorize the statistics of our favorite athlete than memorize Scripture? Would we rather watch hours of television then become watchmen for men's souls? O that we would learn to ponder on what it is we are doing right now.

In my past, I used to be ruled by watching the unclean thing. I was captivated by movies, video games, and spending time with others, while neglecting God. I lived in selfishness, comfort, and ease of life. These things, however, never produced in me the feeling of true life. There was always a feeling of dissatisfaction. I had great zeal, but it was caught up in the wrong things and what served no merit. Eventually, God brought a thundering conviction and I had to respond.

Would I keep drinking the things of this world? Or would I get my true supply from Him Who is the Unending Well of Living Water? 1 John 3:8 (ESV) says, “Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” God continues to change and sanctify me, and I am glad I can look back and see a progression that has taken place in His power and by His Spirit.

What has the last day, week, month, year, and decade been filled with? When it comes to our faith, do we see a progression or stagnation?

We must learn the art of reflection, daily. What has the last day, week, month, year, and decade been filled with? When it comes to our faith, do we see a progression or stagnation? Is our spirit being led and perturbed by the news, politics, theories, ideas, and the unclean thing? Notice that all of these get transmitted through the air. While multitudes sit and take in the filth, rage, and distractions of the world, do they not understand that Satan is the Ruler of the air?

We must reflect on where our time is going and what we are doing. If we do not, we shall remain doing what we are doing; thinking that everything is okay, when God may think otherwise.

Ephesians 2:1-2 (ESV) declares, “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience”. We must reflect on where our time is going and what we are doing. If we do not, we shall remain doing what we are doing; thinking that everything is okay, when God may think otherwise.

When movies and shows ruled my life, God convicted me of their idolatry. Originally, I would watch hours of such things each day. After listening to the voice of God, I went on roughly an 8-month span of not watching movies and shows. When this no longer took root within my spirit, I returned to watching these things in moderation. They no longer consumed my life and were therefore no longer an idol. My priorities became clear due to the Holy Spirit’s conviction. In like manner, we must see what is currently occupying our time and whether or not it is drifting us off course. It may be something that is even okay, but is eroding our productivity and efficiency for God.

When we take time to assess our past, we can better live in the present. If we refuse to take time and reflect on our lives, our present will mold into our past. Instead of changing, things will remain the same. We will be those who continue in the way in which we have always gone, rather than allowing God to do a new thing in us.

When we take time to assess our past, we can better live in the present. If we refuse to take time and reflect on our lives, our present will mold into our past. Instead of changing, things will remain the same. We will be those who continue in the way in which we have always gone, rather than allowing God to do a new thing in us. Again, reflection helps reveal to us the idols that we have not yet put to death.

Many things are profitable to the public, but do not fulfill the purposes of which God is calling us too.

Idols come in many manifestations. Idols are always bad in nature, but can be disguised as good. Just as Lucifer comes as an angel of light, so do idols come in the manifestation of being good and upright. Idols may be in the form of always listening to a godly pastor or speaker and neglecting to spend time listening to God Himself. They may come in the form of being well educated, learned in doctrine, established in finance, a predictor of the times, or being known as generous. These things, however, can become idols. Whether by selfish pursuits or having our time be more to them than to God, we can be lulled to sleep by hidden idols. We can simply follow that which may be profitable, but is not purposeful. May God give discernment in this, for many things are profitable to the public, but do not fulfill the purposes of which God is calling us too.

“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). When we die, we must learn to die well. Dying well includes dying to what is sinful and selfish. Learning to die takes constant reflection and a heart that is willing to change from what it has always known and indulged in.

God’s conviction is meant to either get us away from that which is not of Him, or to get that which has been idolatrously placed before Him out of the way.

Change is painful. Not many are willing to change, let alone endure the pursuit of change. There may be a spark for but a short time, but those who persevere to the end will receive eternal life. God does not give His Spirit, His power, His authority, or His purposes to those who are spiritually lazy. He will not enhance a believer’s life who is set in their ways and unwilling to hear the reproof of God and go through the chastisement and discipline of God. For God’s rod is a rod of Love. God’s conviction is meant to either get us away from that which is not of Him, or to get that which has been idolatrously placed before Him out of the way.

May we truly live out the knowledge that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV). May we learn to reflect on our lives and endure God’s reproof. May we see ourselves and others standing before the Great White Throne and the First and Second Judgment. May we assess our present and desire that God would reveal our idols and destroy them.

If we desire to meet God in confidence and not fear, then we must call upon Him while He is near.

If we desire to meet God in confidence and not fear, then we must call upon Him while He is near. For many are filled with regrets in their final hours. Those that shall be satisfied, not perfect, but satisfied with what was built up in their lives will be those who sought God to the very end. They did not lay in comfort and routine. They sought God’s will, desired to obey, and were willing to be afflicted, chastised, and convicted by God. They were willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of seeing souls saved. They were willing to be led by the Holy Spirit to the very end.

May God teach us to die well. For “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21 ESV). ““If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it”” (Matthew 16:24-25 ESV). “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2 ESV).

In the words of Henry Suso, “Ah, Eternal Wisdom, come down so powerfully this day into my soul, that all my enemies may be driven out of her, all my crimes be melted away, and all my sins be forgiven. Enlighten my understanding with the light of true faith. Inflame my will with Thy sweet love. Cheer up my mind with Thy glad presence, and give virtue and perfection to all my powers. Watch over me at my death, that I may enjoy Thy beatific vision in eternal bliss. Amen.”


O God, Him Who ascends and is above all, Who cannot be passed or conquered, Who sent His Son to die on the Cross for our sins, blessed be Your Holy Name. God, forgive us where we have not been what You wanted us to be. Forgive us for neglecting or despising Your speaking and Your Word. Forgive us, O God, of not preparing ourselves to meet You face to face. God, we are guilty of wasted time. We are guilty of wanting the easy life and not living for You. God, we repent of our selfish ways and sinful desires. Forgive us, O Lord, and renew our minds. Birth within us a right spirit. May our spirit be led by the Holy Spirit. May our being be moved by You, O God. Guide us into Your plans and purposes. Whether big or small, may all be done for Your glory. May this be a day where You revived us and touched us in a new way. May our old selves pass away forever. May we walk into the new and keep in step with the Spirit, that we may not gratify the desires of the flesh. O God, help us to die well both in this life and for the one to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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