“Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”” John 3:3 NKJV
If all preachers today preached the full Truth the way Jesus did, they would be labeled hateful.
If all preachers today preached the full Truth the way Jesus did, they would be labeled hateful. They would be seen as not loving all people, even though the most loving thing one can do is preach the entirety of God’s Truths in love.
Many preachers have fallen to their own beliefs. They have gone by way of their ideology. Rather than depending on God, they depend on themselves to choose their preferred doctrines and Scripture.
Many preachers have fallen to their own beliefs. They have gone by way of their ideology. Rather than depending on God, they depend on themselves to choose their preferred doctrines and Scripture. They are entitled, weak, and misguided. Thankfully, God's Word warned us of preachers who loved more of the world than God.
Many people are preaching in the pulpits who are not born-again.
“Then many false prophets will rise and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 24:11-13 NKJV). Many people are preaching in the pulpits who are not born-again.
Those with the Holy Spirit can easily discern who speaks for God and who does not. Why? Because God’s Spirit is the Spirit of Truth Who testifies who is of Him.
Those with the Holy Spirit can easily discern who speaks for God and who does not. Why? Because God’s Spirit is the Spirit of Truth Who testifies who is of Him. Not only this, but those who are born-again and staying in God’s Word know what the Word has to say.
Too many men and women are preaching their preferences. They go about the same sermon, in the same category, creating doctrines that appeal to man’s flesh rather than convicting man's spirit.
Too many men and women are preaching their preferences. They go about the same sermon, in the same category, creating doctrines that appeal to man’s flesh rather than convicting man's spirit. What a tragedy this is: to have multitudes entertained by carnal sermons created by carnal means. No desire to seek God. No desire to pray for the message. Just spending a few hours a week on a message without seeking God for the message.
Many think they are saved by association, ritual, practice, a simple prayer, or getting dunked under water… little do they know that all these external means do not make a person born-again.
This is where we are in today’s society, and this is why we have many counterfeit conversions within the church. Many think they are saved by association, ritual, practice, a simple prayer, or getting dunked under water… little do they know that all these external means do not make a person born-again.
Many preachers preach that which secular people could create and preach.
Leonard Ravenhill once said, “If Jesus preached the same message ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified.” How true - many preachers preach that which secular people could create and preach.
“How-to” sermons, fluff, and selfishness are at the forefront of many preacher’s preaching. Little is there said about being born-again. Due to this sense of not wanting to offend anyone, multitudes drift idly by. They think they are saved by external means and do not understand that regeneration comes from within.
“How-to” sermons, fluff, and selfishness are at the forefront of many preacher’s preaching. Little is there said about being born-again. Due to this sense of not wanting to offend anyone, multitudes drift idly by. They think they are saved by external means and do not understand that regeneration comes from within. It is through the Blood of Christ and by God’s Spirit that one becomes born-again -- when one falls on their face and admits, “God, I am not what I should be. I am a sinner and have sinned before Thee. Christ, You are my only hope! I repent before Thee. Fill me with Thy Spirit!”
It is a sad reality that many of us are dangling our eternity on what man says rather than God’s Word. When this occurs, deception and confusion are sure to follow.
It is a sad reality that many of us are dangling our eternity on what man says rather than God’s Word. We believe and put our trust more in man than in God. When this occurs, deception and confusion are sure to follow.
It is no wonder why there is so much division within the church. There is division, not because those born-again are not living the way they should (though this is true). The church is divided because people in the church building claim they are Christians when they are not born-again.
Some of us claim the title “Christian” without any lifestyle change. Some of us are living the way we have for the last ten, twenty, or thirty years. We have no desire to change, no desire to lay down our sin, and yet, we still claim Christianity.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV). Some of us claim the title “Christian” without any lifestyle change. Some of us are living the way we have for the last ten, twenty, or thirty years. We have no desire to change, no desire to lay down our sin, and yet, we still claim Christianity.
I just recently had dinner with one of my very good Atheist/Agnostic friends. After a 2-3 hour conversation, he said, “Lance, it’s not that I don’t believe in God; it’s just that the hypocrites make me not want to believe in God.”
We have allowed the world to blend in with the Church for too long. We have not called out sin and voiced the call of repentance as we should.
We have allowed the world to blend in with the Church for too long. We have not called out sin and voiced the call of repentance as we should.
Anyone can give mental ascend that Jesus is Lord and Savior, but few are willing to repent.
We have provided an easy way for people to think they are saved when it is only through belief in Christ and repentance of sins that we are saved. This is easy to understand; even easy to do, but many are doing the former and neglecting the latter. Anyone can give mental ascend that Jesus is Lord and Savior, but few are willing to repent.
Those who want their church to be loved more by the world than by God are those who are not of God.
Sadly, many don’t know they have to repent because cowards captain many of the pulpits in our day. Those who want their church to be loved more by the world than by God are those who are not of God. “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15-17 NKJV).
“I see more of the world impacting the church, rather than the church impacting the world.” David Wilkerson
David Wilkerson once said, “I see more of the world impacting the church, rather than the church impacting the world.” We have lost touch with our Heavenly senses and have allowed ourselves to have religion without regeneration. We believe that we are saved when we are still enslaved.
How dangerous a place this is to be - to believe that we are saved, only to find on that Final Day that we are not. It is not the unbelievers that God says, “I never knew you,” too - it is to self-proclaimed Christians who were unwilling to receive the Holy Spirit and lay down their sin.
““Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”” (Matthew 7:21-23 NKJV). People who thought they knew God based upon externals will be found to have not received newness of life internally.
No one ever climbed to the heights of Heaven without prostrating before God. No one ever worked their way to God without God working through them. Without realizing the simple truth that it is only by God that we can live for God, our efforts will be in vain, and our mindsets will be deluded.
No one ever climbed to the heights of Heaven without prostrating before God. No one ever worked their way to God without God working through them. Without realizing the simple truth that it is only by God that we can live for God, our efforts will be in vain, and our mindsets will be deluded.
When a person breaks the law, do they want to be told that they broke the law? Do they want to be found out? The answer to both those questions is, “no”. Likewise, is it with the true Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. A man cannot know He needs to be saved without understanding what he needs to be saved from. A man cannot receive healing without first being diagnosed.
When we understand that to know God and to become born-again begins from within, we will better understand the reality that external works are meaningless. Not meaningless in furthering God’s Kingdom, living for God, and storing up for ourselves treasures in Heaven, but meaningless in pursuing our salvation.
When we understand that to know God and to become born-again begins from within, we will better understand the reality that external works are meaningless. Not meaningless in furthering God’s Kingdom, living for God, and storing up for ourselves treasures in Heaven, but meaningless in pursuing our salvation.
We can disguise ourselves as best we can in Church, but our true nature will reveal itself throughout the week.
We can disguise ourselves as best we can in Church, but our true nature will reveal itself throughout the week. A man can only hold his tongue for so long and play the game of religion for but a time.
Time reveals all truths. Eventually, we will be found out for what we truly are.
Time reveals all truths. Eventually, we will be found out for what we truly are.
We must take regeneration and being born-again, seriously. The carnal, religious crowd will say, “we aren’t supposed to judge”, yet the Lord Jesus will say, ““Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment”” (John 7:24 NKJV). Judging with righteous judgment is using the Word to dictate what we see in the present.
If we never called out the hypocrites, we wouldn’t give them a fair chance to choose who they will live for.
If we never called out the hypocrites, we wouldn’t give them a fair chance to choose who they will live for. For we know that “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons” (1 Corinthians 10:21 NKJV). ““So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth”” (Revelation 3:16 NKJV).
If a person is going to go to Hell, why not go all the way? We know God doesn’t want to send anyone to Hell, but He gives man the freedom to accept or reject His call. Why would someone waste their life playing the game of religion but hear, “I never knew you. Depart from Me” from God?
If a person is going to go to Hell, why not go all the way? We know God doesn’t want to send anyone to Hell, but He gives man the freedom to accept or reject His call. Why would someone waste their life playing the game of religion but hear, “I never knew you. Depart from Me” from God?
In this day of deception, may we remain bold and concrete on the foundations of God’s Word. God loves all and desires to save all. Only by becoming born-again can we truly enter into a living relationship with Him.
In this day of deception, may we remain bold and concrete on the foundations of God’s Word. God loves all and desires to save all. Only by becoming born-again can we truly enter into a living relationship with Him.
May all come to know the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, You are the God of Truth. Every Word from You proves True. You are our Sword and Shield. You are our Protector. God, we pray that You would expose darkness within the Church. Lord, expel those who want nothing to do with You and who are pretending to be of the Church. God, we know that we are not perfect, but by Your Spirit, we can be transformed. O God, lead self-proclaimed Christians to true belief in Christ and repentance of their sins. Save them from Hell, Lord God. May the world not judge true Christianity based upon those pretending to be Christians. May the world see that Christianity is not about Christians but Thee Lord Jesus Christ. God, we love You and ask that Your Spirit would move in a mighty way within our day and age. May we live for You, Lord God, to our final breath. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine
Thank you brother Lance. May we live a Spirit filled life In repentance and the true light of salvation in Christ without any shame or objection. Let’s open our mouths to preach the gospel of salvation! Amen