“If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7 ESV
The prayer that soars is the one that is according to God’s will.
The prayer that soars is the one that is according to God’s will. The more we grow in the faith and are sanctified, the higher the prayer ascends to God. As we humble ourselves and live according to His Word, our inner disposition naturally begins to sync with the Lord’s will. It is therefore through our growth in God when the likelihood of our prayers will be answered.
“For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do” (Galatians 5:17 ESV). This life is a continuous battle between our spiritual man and our fleshly man. The more we seek and grow in God, the greater we will conform to the image of His Son. For the Holy Spirit helps reveal to the spiritual man what is a worthy pursuit. He is the one Who brings forth an intimate connection with the Father and us. When we are daily dying to self and living in the Spirit, we will see the flesh dwindle from our spirit. Though perfection cannot be reached in this life, we will see a greater manifestation of the newness of life that we were meant to live in.
By taking time in God’s Word, we naturally become formed to His Word - so long as the heart has pure intentions. “So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11 KJV). Whatever is purely sought for in God’s Word, will automatically be prayerfully sent to the Father. As our reading and meditations flow into our prayers, naturally our prayers will be according to the Father’s will.
Without knowing, we will be praying what is best and what is according to the will of God. Though our fleshly man would see no profit and have no desire of praying for the things of God, the spiritual man slowly shifts into a state of mature faith. Our spiritual man will not want the desires of pleasure, sin, and self. Rather, we will desire holiness, righteousness, and godliness.
We must first become empty if we are to be filled. We must first deny ourselves, if we are to pray according to the Father’s will. We must seek sanctification, if we are to live in restoration.
It is through this transitioning phase that old things become new. Old habits disintegrate and we are left with openings by which the Holy Spirit desires to flow. For we must first become empty if we are to be filled. We must first deny ourselves, if we are to pray according to the Father’s will. We must seek sanctification, if we are to live in restoration. Only by the Holy Spirit may we understand the heart of God and send up prayers of fresh fragrance. “Let my prayer be counted as incense before You, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!” (Psalm 141:2 ESV).
Naturally, we desire to pray selfishly. We pray for temporal becomings rather than God’s blessings. We pray for ease, rather than a greater desire to go to our knees. We want the good life, rather than wisdom to guide us through strife. We seek our own interests, rather than the interests of others.
We must see the profit in praying according to God’s will. Naturally, we desire to pray selfishly. We pray for temporal becoming's rather than God’s blessings. We pray for ease, rather than a greater desire to go to our knees. We want the good life, rather than wisdom to guide us through strife. We seek our own interests, rather than the interests of others. This is the way of the fleshly man that must be struck down. For we cannot do according to God’s will if we do not know God’s will. We cannot know God’s will, unless we seek Him in prayer by His Spirit and through in His Word.
We must allow the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and God's Word to penetrate us. We must use them as silver and gold. We must cherish them as a tender babe. For it is through these blessed Gifts of God that we may come to understand His mind. For when we understand the gifts that He has given, we may advance in our growth of virtue and in our relationship with God. For we know that what we have has not come from our own doing, but is solely by the grace and tender-mercy of God.
The more we pray for God’s glory, for others, for help and direction, and for all to be saved, the more we will see God’s hand move in our lives. The more we “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV), the more the Light of Christ shall glow within us.
“Prayer is the wing wherewith the soul flies to heaven, and meditation the eye wherewith we see God.” St. Ambrose
As St. Ambrose once said, “Prayer is the wing wherewith the soul flies to heaven, and meditation the eye wherewith we see God.” May God’s Word sink deep within our soul, in order that we may meditate upon His precepts. “With my whole heart I seek You; let me not wander from Your commandments! I have stored up Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:10-11 ESV).
With God’s Spirit and commands in our heart, we will pray that which is pure and undefiled. We can trust that ““whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”” (Mark 11:24 ESV). We must desire all that is of God, for that is what will profit our spiritual man. If we do not, the fleshly man shall override us with temporal pleasures, ease, and satisfaction; leading to us missing out on the call of God.
May God make us be as shining vessels that reveal His Holy Light to a darkened land. Only through prayer may we enter into His will. May we continually stay on our knees, in order that the Spirit may lead.
Let us pray the prayers that soar to the Heavenly Father. Let us humble ourselves before His Throne and seek the best interest of all people. May God lead us to where He desires to bring us. May He make us be as shining vessels that reveal His Holy Light to a darkened land. Only through prayer may we enter into His will. May we continually stay on our knees, in order that the Spirit may lead.
May our prayers soar to the Heavenly Father, not because we have uttered them, but because the Holy Spirit has spoken them through us.
May the Holy Spirit draw us into His Light, that we may pray for that which is right. May He place the wings of righteousness and holiness upon us, as we bring ourselves before God’s Throne. May our prayers soar to the Heavenly Father, not because we have uttered them, but because the Holy Spirit has spoken them through us. May we believe that what the Spirit speaks is greater than what our flesh desires. May fleshly ambitions and worldly pursuits be retired, in order that we may receive more of Holy Ghost fire. For it is by the Holy Spirit that the fleshly nature is burned. By Him, the spiritual man is awakened with eyes set upon God, His will, and His glory.
Heavenly Father, may we pray that Your Holy will be done, and nothing more. O Holy Spirit, pray the prayers through us that God shall answer. May we be righteous men and women where our prayers availeth much. May we seek to die to our flesh daily. Cover us with Your power and Your love. Forgive us where we have fallen. We repent of our sins and renounce anything that has stood in the way of You. O Holy Spirit, rise up mightily. Like a rushing current, sweep away all the evil and smut that has lingered within our minds and has dwelled within our souls. Awaken the spiritual man within, that we may once again pray earnestly and fervently, according to Your will. We desire for Your Hand, O God, to move mightily upon us, in us, and around us. Lord, stretch out Your hand, that the world may see Your wonders. May they see that You are God and we are man. May they see that You are in Heaven and we are on earth. O God, do whatever must be done, in order that our soul may be the fountain by which Your will flows. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine