“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”” Hebrews 13:5 ESV
A quieted spirit rests in the promises of God.
A quieted spirit rests in the promises of God. A stilled soul is continually replenished and filled with the Heavenly touch of Him Who rules and reigns Sovereign. When we can peacefully dwell in the midst of a loud and noisy world, we have learned the art of being in the world but not of the world. For the world is continually commanding us to do what it takes to get to the top. It tempts us to strive for the applause and to treat humans as pieces on a chess board. If some people must be sacrificed to achieve our dreams, goals, and ambitions, so be it.
This is the way in which the world speaks. It continually strives to puff up self. It deflates any ability for us to be at rest in the present; to not worry about tomorrow or what happened yesterday. To not be concerned about what others think or say about us. It distracts us from simply learning to live and be in the present.
Satan always takes what God meant for good and he uses it for evil. Whereas, God always takes what Satan intends for evil and uses it for a greater good.
Sadly, due to new age and yoga this sort of language sounds all too strange. Satan always takes what God meant for good and he uses it for evil. Whereas, God always takes what Satan intends for evil and uses it for a greater good. This is the continuous battle. Whatever the current state is, one side is striving to turn it towards what they both are and are for. Though we know God wins in the end, we do know there is a battle between the flesh and Spirit. Continually, there is a war between deception and Truth.
Within this war, Satan continually takes what is meant for good and makes it look weird, deranged, or enhances it to an ungodly level. When we hear "learn to live in the present" or are encouraged to take time to rest, we may begin to think, “Well, that may be for the hippies or young folk down the road, but it isn’t for me and my walk with the Lord.”
Satan has taken what seemed harmless to those involved in yoga and the new age movement and has ramped it up. Those of us who are not caught up in it find what they have to do and say extremely odd and off-putting. This is because much of the beliefs and practices are strange.
Simply because a mindset or act has been polluted, does not mean the mindset or act is corrupted in-and-of itself.
We must come to understand, however, that simply because a mindset or act has been polluted, does not mean the mindset or act is corrupted in-and-of itself. Sex is good. Rape is bad. This doesn’t make sex bad, it just makes the context of the sex taking place and lack of mutual love bad. Likewise is it with learning to be still and focusing only on the present.
Learning quiet contentment comes from living in the present and understanding that nothing will move faster than God’s speed.
As Christ says: ““Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble”” (Matthew 6:34 ESV). Learning quiet contentment comes from living in the present and understanding that nothing will move faster than God’s speed. We may attempt to work things out in the flesh. We may try and make haste to get things done, but it is only in God’s timing that things will be accomplished as they ought. It is only by God’s will that things will finally be released to occur and happen.
If we cannot remember what we got for Christmas or our Birthday five years ago, then we should not worry about keeping up with the Joneses within the present. For that which we seek to buy and acquire now, will soon be forgotten and replaced.
That is why we must not get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of today. We must not be so consumed with storing up treasures in this life. As Christ said, “““Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”” (Luke 12:15 ESV). As the world tempts us, we must become blind and deaf. We must learn that the things of this life are truly temporal and passing. If we cannot remember what we got for Christmas or our Birthday five years ago, then we should not worry about keeping up with the Joneses within the present. For that which we seek to buy and acquire now, will soon be forgotten and replaced.
There is no reason to covet what others have, for even they will soon dismiss and dislike what they currently have. Eventually, they will want the next best thing (whatever that may be). On and on this cycle goes. Trying to fill the void of our soul with distraction, entertainment, technology, vehicles, vacations, books, movies, activities, events… as the list goes on and on, so does the desire. We know that “each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:14-15 ESV).
Desire is not the problem, but too much of a desire is what can become troubling.
Desire is not the problem, but too much of a desire is what can become troubling. That which we continually want can slowly creep into first place. It can become an idol if we do not learn to master our desires. For if we do not learn to master our desires, our desires will master us. We will become a slave to wants and passions. We will have neglected to learn the path or the way of discipline and contentment. In lacking these two pillars of character qualities, we will slowly begin to drown in the swamp of our own carnality.
If we do not learn to master our desires, our desires will master us.
We must know that “there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content” (1 Timothy 6:6-8 ESV). Is it not enough when we have the necessities of food and clothing? America will say it is not, but most people in other countries would be grateful and satisfied because most people don’t have five-hundred dollars to their name.
Too quickly we become ungrateful because our disposition is in a continuous state of striving, not resting. It is in a place of quickened zeal and swift acquiring, rather than slowed stillness and quiet contentment.
Too often we overlook the many blessings God has given. Too quickly we become ungrateful because our disposition is in a continuous state of striving, not resting. It is in a place of quickened zeal and swift acquiring, rather than slowed stillness and quiet contentment.
It is amazing to not merely read what Paul says in Philippians 4:11-13 (ESV), but to take a few minutes to meditate and actually understand what he is saying: “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” In any and every circumstance - that means in sickness, in health, in wealth, in poverty, in persecution, in friendship, in stress, in peace, in discouragement, in happiness, in famine, in time of food, in time of war, in time of tranquility, in seeing a loved one die, in mentoring a child... - in all circumstances, God taught Paul to be content.
Learning contentment is a continuous battle and fight to never allow ourselves to drift too far in the future or too far in the past. It is a balance of knowing God’s Will and God’s Vision for our lives, and trusting God to accomplish it through us.
How might we learn contentment? It is a continuous battle and fight to never allow ourselves to drift too far in the future or too far in the past. It is a balance of knowing God’s Will and God’s Vision for our lives, and trusting God to accomplish it through us.
We cannot complete what God is calling us too without God Himself. Therefore, why must we strive in beating God to the fulfillment of His Will and Vision, if we cannot surpass Him or do anything without Him?
We cannot complete what God is calling us too without God Himself. Therefore, why must we strive in beating God to the fulfillment of His Will and Vision, if we cannot surpass Him or do anything without Him? Understanding this truth sheds light on the reality that we must learn to live in quiet contentment. We must not seek to stretch so far and desire to be past where we are, that we neglect to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding and directing us in the present.
For without listening to Him, we will merely coast on as vessels filled with anesthesia. We will be knocked out from our present. We will not learn to hear the voice of the Spirit, wait on the Spirit, or allow ourselves to yield and be guided by the Spirit.
Lack of contentment always produces dissatisfaction and missed opportunities. A spiritual state that is discontented, is forever where the present is not. It is beyond where it should be due to covetousness, comparison, or desiring what will eventually be to be now.
For lack of contentment always produces dissatisfaction and missed opportunities. A spiritual state that is discontented, is forever where the present is not. It is beyond where it should be due to covetousness, comparison, or desiring what will eventually be to be now; even when a journey and road are required in accomplishing the end we seek before us.
May we come to truly understand that “God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 ESV). Each day provides new growth and opportunity. Each place within time provides a new direction. Each heartbeat allows us to live a little more for God.
May God give us eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. May He touch us with a stilled peace as we dwell within His Presence. Only then, shall we learn the path of quiet contentment.
Heavenly Father, God of Peace Who gives tranquility and contentment to the weary and dissatisfied soul, we seek You for all things. God, keep us in the present and help us to do, be, act, and speak what is according to You. Give us the discipline, awareness, and strength to live in the present and wait upon You. For those who wait upon You will renew their strength. Time spent with You and waiting on You is never wasted, for You can do all things within an instant. May that not be head knowledge, but transform the way we live and move and have our being in You. We love You, God, and we ask that Your will would be accomplished and done in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine