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Reason Not To Reason

““For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”” Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV

Some things are not meant to be known or meditated upon, but solely given to God.

As we walk throughout this life we have a natural desire to lean upon our own reasoning. Rather than going to God, we quickly assume that we can reason what is going on within our life and how we can get out. Though it is good to reason through God’s wisdom in certain situations, we must yield to the notion that "everything can be figured out". Some things are not meant to be known or meditated upon, but solely given to God. We as humans, however, do not always follow this Truth.

We are a people who base the majority of our intellect upon the physical realm. What we see, what we touch, and what we experience feed into our conscious mind. As important events happen and knowledge is obtained, it slowly begins to seep into our subconscious mind. It is here where we base the majority of our reasonings. Whatever lingers within our subconscious mind will be used and applied to how we think and act.

We desire to know the reasoning of our circumstances, yet, we do not utilize what we know. We know that God is Omniscient; and yet, we fall prey to the want of knowing that which can only be known by God.

It is unfortunate that we believe all situations must be reasoned. Rather than child-like faith, we try to understand what is going on around us. Rather than living simply, we try to understand life’s complexities. Through this, we reveal a lack of trust in the One Who possesses Infinite Wisdom. It is a pity that we would rather trust our senses than simply give over our adversity to God. We desire to know, yet, we do not utilize what we know. We know that God is Omniscient; and yet, we fall prey to the want of knowing that which can only be known by God. Still, what we desire to know is of very little importance when comparing what we know of God. For God is infinitely above the "importance" of any given situation or circumstance.

God’s Omnipresent Eye is in all dimensions of time and space. Nothing goes unseen, and He is above that which we can understand.

It is only when our knowledge of God grows that we will have greater faith. No longer will we desire to reason and attempt to figure everything out. We will know that God’s Omnipresent Eye is in all dimensions of time and space. Nothing goes unseen, and He is above that which we can understand. If we choose to cooperate and live with simple faith, we will have greater peace dwelling within our soul. If we choose to reason with our human intellect and senses, we will only become more discouraged. For as we attempt to reason, the answer we seek will be absent. We will become distressed and perplexed that our human intellect cannot figure out what only is known to God.

Perfect peace can be seen in our walk with the Perfect One.

In the midst of this confrontation of ourselves, we know what must be done, yet we neglect to do it. Perfect peace can be seen in our walk with the Perfect One. As we walk with God, we will trust God. The more we trust God, greater the peace we will have in God. When we fall away from His Perfect Being and lack belief, however, we will slip into man’s reasoning. The Holy Spirit will never leave us as born-again believers who remain steadfast in the faith; however, our faith will be pummeled if we allow our conditions to determine our conscience. What should be given directly to God will be meditated upon with our limited minds. When this happens, we no longer have our souls engulfed in the ocean of His love and Divine wisdom. We simply become downtrodden by our own desire to be as God.

We must, therefore, be a people who “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV). We must quiet our senses and not desire to try and reason everything. ““In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”” (John 16:33 NKJV). So long as we know and remind ourselves that our Heavenly Father possesses Perfect Wisdom and Authority, we can have perfect rest. We do not need to know everything in this life. Rather, we need to know that Perfection awaits us in the after life. God’s reasons may or may not be presented to us. We must not despair, however. A day is coming where He soon will share how He cared, during the seasons we were confused and scared.

The mystery of “why” may never be known; yet, our souls can have full dependency on the One Who sits upon the Throne.

Let us drain ourselves of human reasoning. Let us not be perplexed by circumstance. Let us fall forward into the grace of God and not look back. Our trial has happened. Our adversity has come. The mystery of “why” may never be known; yet, our souls can have full dependency on the One Who sits upon the Throne.

Whatever grows our faith demands us to reject reason and to live simply.

Let us remember that whatever grows our faith demands us to reject human reason and to live simply. The simplicity of knowing that God is in full control will sustain us in the realm of complete faith in Christ. May God be given all the glory in the truth that with simplicity, comes tranquility. May we reason not to reason, in order that we may continually move forward in the faith. It is here alone where peace will be met with full assurance that our Loving Savior remains Sovereign.


Heavenly Father, You are the God of all Wisdom and Truth. Your ways are far beyond ours. You alone, O Lord, see from beginning to end, for You are the Beginning and the End. There is none greater than You, O Lord. Bless us with the stillness of Your Spirit. Drift us from our own dispositions and want of reason. May our child-like faith give us complete trust that You are Who You say You are, and that You will do what You said You will do. Give us the courage to take You at Your Word, O Lord. Transform our minds as we desire to see and believe in Christ through all things. We love You, Lord, and we give You our burdens, for You care for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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