““Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched. And since they had no root, they withered away.”” Matthew 13:5-6 ESV
When we become complacent with where we are - not desiring to change, not desiring to grow, but to live off of our initial encounter with God, we begin to become idle in the faith. Our idleness soon becomes our idolatry.
Spiritual lethargy comes from a state of complacency. When we become complacent with where we are - not desiring to change, not desiring to grow, but to live off of our initial encounter with God, we begin to become idle in the faith. Our idleness soon becomes our idolatry. When we are comfortable and see no need to persevere and endure to the end, we will spend our lives living a life of little meaning. Yes, we may be saved, but the profitability for the Kingdom begins to dwindle. Slowly, our ability to work as unto the Lord becomes non-existent. We no longer desire to live out the realities and meanings of the inner life. Rather, we become satisfied and distracted by the things of this world.
The amount of access to the Word has become so widespread that the depth of the Word within us has become virtually extinct.
“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22 ESV). The outlets of receiving God’s Word have become more widespread than ever. Especially in America, we are able to listen to the Bible, download the app to read the Bible, listen to YouTube sermons and Biblical teachings on podcasts. We are able to read books and listen to sermons on T.V. and radio. The amount of access to the Word has become so widespread that the depth of the Word within us has become virtually extinct.
Gradually, the ease of access sinks us into a state of believing we are living out the call of God and His Word simply because we hear it regularly. We think that being surrounded by that which is of God equals us living for God. As this mindset expands, we become hearers of the Word who do not do what the Word commands. Just as the seeds that fall upon little soil have an initial stage of growth, eventually their growth ceases. When this occurs, the heat of the sun withers and kills the seeds that were planted. Why? Because the rocky ground of this life and lack of roots in the Word provided little ability for us to grow.
As we hear the Word each Sunday and neglect to act upon It, to do It, and to meditate upon It, we fall into spiritual lethargy. Due to our own neglect, God’s purposes, plans, and call for our lives becomes flatlined.
The rocky ground of this life can be seen as complacency, entertainment, distractions, the pleasures of the world, and the ease of comfortability. When we are surrounded by such things and they become more prevalent, the spiritual growth we were destined to have is robbed. As we hear the Word each Sunday and neglect to act upon It, to do It, and to meditate upon It, we fall into spiritual lethargy. Due to our own neglect, God’s purposes, plans, and call for our lives becomes flatlined. As the months and years press on, we refuse to wake up from our spiritual slumber. We neglect to take time to reflect upon our lives and say, “God, what have I been doing all this time? Have I truly sought You first in all things? Have I truly wanted You to be the Lord of my life? What have I fallen into and what do I need to get away from?”
Too many times our idleness comes from a lack of reflection. We begin to go through the motions, content with who we are and where we are. No desire to change from our sinful state. No desire to seek more of God and have less of self within us. No willingness to grow towards the things of God and distance ourselves from the distractions of this world.
Too many times our idleness comes from a lack of reflection. We begin to go through the motions, content with who we are and where we are. No desire to change from our sinful state. No desire to seek more of God and have less of self within us. No willingness to grow towards the things of God and distance ourselves from the distractions of this world. Slowly, the weeds of this life grow around us and we become entangled by the vines of vices. Our vices may not necessarily be embedded in sin itself, but rather comes in the form of self. Our desire to live for ourselves and neglect to be real, raw, and authentic distorts spiritual realities that could have been. For spiritual lethargy is one of the most dangerous things that can happen to a child of God.
God speaks to a church that is fast asleep in Revelation 3:15-22 (ESV) and declares: ““‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’””
Those of us who are lukewarm will face a terrifying reality of not making it into Heaven. Many of us who coasted on in the ease of this life will be severely disappointed when we stand before God. Those saved who did little for the Kingdom and glory of God shall see a multitude of missed opportunities. Though all of us will be guilty of missed opportunities, the spiritually slothful will be especially brought in the depths of despair.
They will see all that God was calling them too and wanted to do through their lives. Instead of seeking God and desiring to know Him more and show Him to the world, their lives were consumed with television, the news, conspiracy theories, video games, entertainment, sports, and other meaningless endeavors. Instead of entertainment being a means of temporary intake, it became an idol. Distraction and entertainment became the pillars that stood in front of the Lord Jesus Christ. They became the deadly, sensuous song of the enemy. Being comforted in doing nothing but the bare minimum, spiritual lethargy settled in. No concern for souls saved. No passion for loving God more. No desire to press into the gifts and talents God had given. No willingness to be used for God's glory by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Only those empowered by the Holy Spirit and seeking after Him will be amongst the true born again believers who endure to the end. They will be those who will not be amongst the many who coasted on and coasted by, indifferent to matters of eternal weight.
Let us therefore “not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9 ESV). Only those empowered by the Holy Spirit and seeking after Him will be amongst the true born again believers who endure to the end. They will be those who will not be amongst the many who coasted on and coasted by, indifferent to matters of eternal weight. Those who died to self and chose to take up their cross and finish the race set before them will be those who shall reap a harvest. Good works done in and of ourselves are nothing in the eyes of God. When they are done in the Spirit, however, they are done in Truth and are recognized by God. For when we deny ourselves and desire more of God flowing through us, we are simply vessels moved along by the Spirit for the Father's glory.
May we as a church wake up from our spiritual slumber. May we wake up to the realities that an entire generation is slipping into Hell. May we repent of our lack of concern for souls and our coldness towards God.
May we as a church wake up from our spiritual slumber. May we wake up to the realities that an entire generation is slipping into Hell. May we repent of our lack of concern for souls and our coldness towards God. May we ask that God would burn our calloused hearts and keep us away from complacency and the idolatry of comfort. May we pray that He would give us a new and softened heart for the things of Him.
May we not go in the ways of the lukewarm. May we not be the seeds that fall on rocky ground and last for but a short time. May we choose to be all in for God. He desires a people that truly fear Him. He desires a people that love and trust in Him. He desires a people who are willing to lay down the easy life and endure the road He has paved. God’s ways are filled with blessing, but they are also filled with the permitting of persecution and adversity.
God is looking for men and women who will trust in Him, believe in His promises, seek Him for strength, and awaken the dead soul to spiritual heights that can only be obtained and understood by the Holy Spirit.
Those who desire to live out a painless, lackadaisical life will not make it in these Last Days. It is only the sinner who admits their weakness and desires to change who will be saved. Saved from Hell. Saved from sin. Saved from self. We must repent from what we have neglected to be, failed to do, and denied to pursue. We must repent from a lack of productivity and a lack of concern. For God is looking for men and women who will trust in Him, believe in His promises, seek Him for strength, and awaken the dead soul to spiritual heights that can only be obtained and understood by the Holy Spirit.
May God call us out of the tomb that we have so comfortably stayed in. May He resurrect our dry and dead spirit to be lively with the Truth and His love.
May God call us out of the tomb that we have so comfortably stayed in. May He resurrect our dry and dead spirit to be lively with the Truth and His love. God help us.
Heavenly Father, God of Order, Love, Truth, and Wisdom, we seek You and ask You for forgiveness. O God, forgive us of setting our minds on this world and its pleasures. Forgive us of allowing entertainment and distraction to leech onto our soul and interfere with our pursuit of You. Forgive us, O God, of our spiritual lethargy. God in Heaven, have mercy upon us who are weak and so prone to go our own way. We repent, God, for not being what You desire us to be. Give us the strength and courage to reflect on our lives and honestly assess and evaluate where we have gone wrong. Make up for lost time and lost years, O God. Only You, the Alpha and Omega, can write a new story and a new song within our lives. May we embark on the journey of waking up from our indifference and lack of concern. Holy Spirit, strengthen us on this day to forever press into the plans and purposes of God. We desire to have more of You, O God, and less of us. Fill us with a renewed awe of You and a heart that seeks to serve and love You. May You receive all the glory. May Your Holy will be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine