Solomon said,
If the
ax is dull
he does not
sharpen it,
then he must exert
more strength.
(Ecclesiastes 10:10)
Let me put this another way,

If a person walks in a
shallow relationship
with the Master,
they becomes
dull of spirit
to hear when Christ calls.
They walk out of their own
strength of soul
rather than
being led by the Holy Spirit.

However, if they keep themselves sharp in terms of
walking closely
to the Master in prayer,
praise, worship, witness, testimony,
meditating continuously
in the Word
of God and
the Words of Christ,
these disciple of Christ will be
by the Holy Spirit,
mature and wise
in their relationships, life perspectives,
spiritual endeavors,
will possess godly success.
Christ is not only looking for those in the Kingdom of God who look sharp but also who are sharp and willing to move from the ordinary to the extraordinary in spiritual development. The closer the person moves toward the Father and the Son in intimacy and sacrifice, the sharper they become in spirit and sensitivity to supernatural things.
They became empowered, bold, and confident in the midst of darkness, deceptions, threats, persecutions, and even afflictions and sufferings.
Mark recorded:
they went out
preached everywhere,
while the
Lord kept working with them
confirming the message by the attesting
signs and miracles that closely accompanied [it].
Amen (so be it). Mark 16:20 (AMP)
Later, Luke penned that Apostle Paul and Barnabas also went out…..
……speaking freely
boldly in the Lord,
who continued to bear
testimony to the Word of His grace,
to be performed by their hands.
Acts 14:3 (AMP)
Luke provides the last day model of spiritually sharp followers of Christ who could be called the “Radicals of Christ” (meaning going to the root – the root of New Testment simplicity in the presentation of the Word accompanied by signs, miracles, and wonders.
Even the Hebrew writer who I believe was Apostle Paul added the importance of the dual aspect of Gospel witness and testimony (Word and Wonders) which is sadly lacking in the last day church when he pens:
[Besides this evidence]
it was also established
plainly endorsed by God,
Who showed His approval of it
by signs and wonders
various miraculous manifestations
of [His] power
by imparting the gifts of the Holy Spirit
[to the believers] according to His own will.
Hebrews 2:4 (AMP)
Spiritually sharp and extraordinary disciples who become the “Radicals" for Christ" and His Kingdom will move in this duality of Word plus Power. In addition, they will sharpen other people who have become dull of spirit.
The kingdom of God is in need of a critical mass of spiritual sharp people who can take the Word of God and His power into the marketplace and cut through the darkness, slice up the demonic powers, slash through the political corruption, cut down the proud and the arrogant with the truth of God’s Word, and chop-up the wicked and profane with God’s wisdom, knowledge, discernment, and supernatural the power.

Spiritually sharp people are Christ’s sanctified and sacrificing solders who seek after and walk in the Master’s strength and who carry the Sword of Righteousness and the Scriptures into places where the divine seed can be spread and be sowed to reap a harvest of born-again sheep.
The kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of the world need to be shaken up by spiritually sharp disciples who submit, yield, and obey the Son of God. They go and salt the earth in the power of the Holy Spirit setting the slaves of Satan free and thereby ushering in the spiritual Kingdom of the Father and the Son upon the earth.
These spiritually sharp disciples will be the extraordinary ones who will do extraordinary things for Christ and His Kingdom. I received this prophetic word and wish to share it with you to end this oracle.
I hear the Lord say,
I want to release out of the flock
those of extraordinary spirit
to do extraordinary work
in My kingdom.
Yea, I say, I will place on these
extraordinary ones the
Spirit of Wisdom
the Spirit of Discernment
to tell and foretell what is to come.
They will be a people of
extraordinary faith
possess understanding
like My servant Daniel.
Their knowledge and understanding
will be above
the earthly knowledge
will reflect Me speaking
through them
to the many I am calling them
to seek out
speak words of power to.
They will speak the divine councils
of heaven
draw and disciple
many into the My kingdom
As soon as they come
into your presence you will
know who they are for the
words they speak will pierce
the hearts of those who hear
cause many to repent
draw close to Me.
I say to you,
hear them for truth comes
from their mouth
they walk in the secret places
which I call them to walk in.
I declare to you these
are the extraordinary
men and women who are called
to extraordinary servanthood –
yielding to Me with little regard
for their own desires
willing to listen and obey
all they hear from Me.
The Lord, further says,
the time has come
I will not delay any longer –
an anointed word of great import
is coming through
the extraordinary ones
who will boldly declare
to you what is to come.
The time is now -
prepare yourselves,
throw off those things
which load you down
cause you to be unbelieving
for I the Lord stand in your midst
call you through these
extraordinary ones
moving by My Spirit
to come
surrender all of your heart to Me.
For I say to you when you come
with all your heart,
you will see
the sick healed,
the broken-hearted mended,
the lost finding eternal life,
the seekers of Me finding Me,
the downtrodden, lowly, and depressed raised up,
the hungry fed spiritual things,
the blind seeing.
Do not doubt any longer for
those things will come
quickly into your midst.
Hear that the Spirit says
through these extraordinary workers
the extraordinary things of My hand
I am doing.
Let me ask you, “Are you ready for this kind of last day mission? Are you ready to allow the Holy Spirit to sharpen you to move in the supernatural aspects of the Kingdom of God as the New Testament shows us how to bring in the sheaves as we observed from reading the above? Are you ready my friend to be sharpened by the Holy Spirit from your present dullness if that may be the case and come up higher and become a super-charged extraordinary and spiritually sharp disciple?
Father, I thank you for this word you have downloaded to me today and call upon you to sharpen me in all areas of my walking with you and the Lord Jesus.
May those who read this word also call upon you to sharpen them in spiritual things so they can be Your Light and Salt in a world which needs to hear, see, and experience Your mighty Word and power in the final days of this age before the coming of Your Son to reign and rule for one-thousand years known as the Millennial Reign of Christ on earth.
I praise and thank you for all you do for us. In Jesus, Name, Amen.
Rich Arnold
Servant of the Lord
311 Adelaide Ave SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632