Isaiah says,
The surviving remnant of the
house of Judah shall again take
bear fruit upward.
(Isaiah 37:31)
There is a lesson to be learned from this verse for us today who desire to follow the Savior and it is this – there will be remnant of God’s people who will cast away everything to live radically for Him and as they do they will go deep into the cross of Christ bearing outwardly a tremendous capacity of bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Going upward in God is going downward in terms of self and one’s own will, desires, wants, and self pleasures. One does not bear fruit while going down, but it is climbing up on the cross of Christ that brings the fruit of spiritual works to maturity and acceptance before the One who sits on the throne.
And it will be the crucified remnant from the Body of Christ who will make the mark of exploding the kingdom of God in the midst of a world darkened by the enemy ofman’s soul – Satan.
The cross and the blood of the Savior are the two co-equal factors that bring to naught the work of the Satan in the earth today as well as the end of the self-life for the followers of Christ.
It is these two weapons – the cross and the blood in the life of the saint that cause the radical Christian to take root in the depth of the character of Christ to spring upward producing the fragrance or aroma of Him in every place.
Isaiah further says,
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth
a remnant and out of Mount Zion survivors.
The zeal of the Lord of host shall perform this.
(Isaiah 37:31)
Understand this my friend – Jesus said,
But when the
(the remnant)
(grew upward)
bore grain
then the
(the uncommitted, the foolish, the pretenders)
became evident also.
Within the pseudo-church today there exists the wheat remnant along with the foolish and uncommitted. And there is coming a day or a period of time when out of Jerusalem or the pseudo church will arise a surviving remnant (wheat coming to spiritual maturity) who have gone downward in Him in order to go upward in Him and who will separate unto Him through the application of the His cross losing everything to gain His fruit to bear - Holy Spirit fruit and give to others.
It will not be through intellect, cleverness, self-effort, and manipulation that will cause the wheat to grow and come into ripeness producing a crop of good works, but it will be the zeal of the Lord meaning it will be His strong desire, His deep devotion, and His passion for the remnant of the Cross that will cause them to suffer the Cross and harvest for Him souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.
It will be this radical remnant that will go down, go up, and go forth and pull in the great harvest that is waiting for the harvesters for Jesus said,
“The harvest is plentiful,
but the laborers are few;
therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest
to send out laborers into His harvest.
(Luke 10:2.)
Brother and sister, let us not lose sight of Christ’s mission for the radical remnant – farmers and soldiers in the world field pulling in the harvest so they can stand with us before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord and say,
“To Him be praise, honor, glory, and power forever and ever.”
Rich Arnold
Servant of the Lord
311 Adelaide Ave SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632