“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV
A man is an Apostate not because he preaches error, but because he knows the truth and refuses to preach it.
A man is an Apostate not because he preaches error, but because he knows the truth and refuses to preach it.
A tsunami of apostates have infiltrated the church. They are led by the fear of men rather than the fear of God. They want to be liked. At the core they are fearful cowards. They are preachers who simply want to fit in.
In exchange for truth, Apostates preach kindness. In forsaking the way, they look the part. To the undiscerned person they sound good. Their messages are soothing and fit the criteria of a motivational speaker, rather than a Biblically-based preacher. They insert human wisdom and steps and processes on "how to be such and such". They do this all while neglecting a word about the Holy Spirit. They preach how good you are, what you can become, and how you can do it! The messages revolve around the very thing that God desires for us to deny: SELF (Matthew 16:24-26).
These Apostate churches are filled with hypocritical Christians. Those who sit under an apostate's preaching could not endure the Truth if it came boldly and in Biblical love. For just as many people ridiculed, made fun of, and did not listen to the Prophets, Disciples, and Apostles, so too our current generation does to anyone who speaks for God.
How can we know if someone truly speaks for God? They preach the full counsel of God's Word.
How can we know if someone truly speaks for God? They preach the full counsel of God's Word (Acts 20:27). They don’t sugar-coat the realities of sin, Hell, and God’s coming wrath due to the wickedness of mankind.
True men of God preach the entirety of Scripture, no matter how hard it may be, how upset people will become, or how ostracized they shall be.
They preach the entirety of Scripture, no matter how hard it may be, how upset people will become, or how ostracized they shall be. For those who truly speak for God are willing to endure ridicule, persecution, and suffering. Those who truly speak for Christ suffer for the sake of the Gospel. They are willing to be falsely accused by the heathen Christian.
Apostates would rather people perish in their sin than to confront them in love about sin.
Many times the churches of these apostates are mega churches or are churches driven by liberalism. Rather than sharing a multitude of Scripture from the pulpit, they share a multitude of their own viewpoints, stories, and thoughts. They seek to put to sleep those who are dying in their sin. They would rather people perish in their sin than to confront them in love about sin.
Coffee and donuts, man’s thoughts, and sugar-coated doctrine that damns the soul is what satisfies the congregations led by Apostates.
Those who follow such people are usually those who desire to be lulled into a deadly sleep. They want to be falsely led into the misconception that everything is fine. They don't want to hear anything about how God hates sin, where the un-repentant sinner goes, or how the Christian life is a transformed life. Just coffee and donuts, man’s thoughts, and sugar-coated doctrine that damns the soul is what satisfies the congregations led by Apostates. Multitudes are on the highway to Hell simply because of these cowards that claim to be preachers.
Those who are cowards will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Revelation 21:8). Those who cannot believe that God’s Word means what it says and are not willing to conform to It and obey It will not see Paradise. Their portion is destruction. Along with the transgressors of all the day, they shall burn in their lusts of self. They will accumulate for themselves a life lived throughout eternity with only themselves. They will burn in their desire to be liked, seen, appreciated, and applauded. Sadly, their portion ends only in ruin. They will live with themselves for all eternity in Hell, never hearing the voice of another or the applause of men.
Rather than bringing conviction of sin, apostates comfort their congregations in sin.
Rather than bringing conviction of sin, apostates comfort their congregations in sin. They have no desire to bring the tough truths. Rather, they choose to bring forth happy, fun, likable messages where you can always feel good coming out of the service. I am not against messages that are uplifting and make you feel good coming out of church, but only if they are done in the proper context.
The prophets of the past were ridiculed and mocked; beaten and battered; bruised and abandoned. They were offensive to the carnal man because they preached against sin!
All of us need hope, and that hope is found in Christ alone. However, if one is continually coming out of church with a big smile across their face, something is off. If an entire congregation is happy, happy, happy; that is religion my dear friend. I look at the prophets of old, and I don’t see everyone being happy and accepting when they spoke. The prophets of the past were ridiculed and mocked; beaten and battered; bruised and abandoned. They were offensive to the carnal man because they preached against sin!
How many apostate churches have pastors who are politicians? They say what Christ did, but not why He did it!
How many apostate churches have pastors who are politicians? They say what Christ did, but not why He did it! God hates sin. Christ went to the Cross and was crucified because of YOU and I, dear friend! We have done nothing to deserve the Cross. We have done everything that led Christ to the Cross.
We have done nothing to deserve the Cross. We have done everything that led Christ to the Cross.
We are sinners at the very core. The only means of escaping damnation and being drawn into fellowship with the Father is through Christ’s crucifixion. Yet, apostate churches handle the situation so delicately.
The entry point of a pastor fearing man is when he preaches “Christ died for you”, rather than “Christ died for your sins. Repent.”
The entry point of a pastor fearing man is when he preaches “Christ died for you”, rather than “Christ died for your sins. Repent.” For many, their knees would buckle at the thought of saying such words. “Sin”. “Repentance”. It’s too intimidating for these cowards. They would rather sell their soul for publicity, prosperity and popularity than to walk in the footsteps of Paul the Apostle, John the Baptist, and Peter.
Apostates would rather sell their soul for publicity, prosperity and popularity than to walk in the footsteps of Paul the Apostle, John the Baptist, and Peter.
O how far we have drifted. Where is the message of “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15 ESV). We must be on alert, for our very souls depend upon it.
Too many are being led astray and they don’t know it. Many are unaware of the spiritual blindness Satan has veiled over their eyes. Many are living in deception rather than being convicted by the darkness within themselves and within all of us.
Alas, Christ said, ““Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few”” (Matthew 7:13-14 ESV). Multitudes are dying in their sin. In this overly offended generation, multitudes are offended by that which should not offend. All while this is taking place, they are never confronted with what should offend.
Many are either unaware, are aware and would rather live a lie, or simply don’t care. It is such a sad reality how weak the faith of those in the apostate church is. It is a tragedy that they don’t know God; for if they did, they would believe God.
They would believe that “no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21 ESV). They would believe that God is a God Who cannot lie (Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18). They would believe that “The sum of Your (God’s) Word is Truth, and every one of Your (God's) righteous rules endures forever” (Psalm 119:160 ESV). They would believe that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). They would believe that God’s Word is true and they would want to be sanctified by It (John 17:17).
Apostates claim the message, but don’t live out the message. They take partials and fill in the rest with their own credentials.
They claim the message, but don’t live out the message. They take partials and fill in the rest with their own credentials. Man is flawed and desires to place his thoughts, opinions, perspectives, ideas, popular viewpoints, and current events above God’s Word. What a sad reality this is - that many apostates shall die having been a cowardice devil in this life.
Man is flawed and desires to place his thoughts, opinions, perspectives, ideas, popular viewpoints, and current events above God’s Word.
This message is strong because we have lost the conviction of God in this life. We like to paint a god in our minds and have it bend to our will and make sense to us. We want to take what portions we enjoy of God’s Word and leave the rest out. This is the path of damnation.
We cannot expect to accept part of God in this life and receive Him in whole in the next life. We cannot expect to willfully live a habitual lifestyle of sin without conviction and be considered saved.
We cannot expect to accept part of God in this life and receive Him in whole in the next life. We cannot expect to willfully live a habitual lifestyle of sin without conviction and be considered saved. For those who are truly saved will possess the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Seal and Sign that we are truly saved (Ephesians 1:13). How can we know we have the Holy Spirit? If we are convicted by sin and repent.
Him Who is Holy will not allow us to partake in unholiness. He will not let us live in sin or be promoters of sin. Instead, He will bless us through convicting us in love.
For it is the Holy Spirit Who “will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8 ESV). If we have not been convicted of these things, it is doubtful we have the Holy Spirit. If we are convicted and led to repentance, we can be sure that we are saved. For Him Who is Holy will not allow us to partake in unholiness. He will not let us live in sin or be promoters of sin. Instead, He will bless us through convicting us in love.
Let us conclude with this final thought: What is your eternity based on? Is it God’s Word? Or is it what your pastor says?
Let us conclude with this final thought: What is your eternity based on? Is it God’s Word? Or is it what your pastor says? How dangerous the latter, how safe the former. Choose wisely, for when you draw your last breath, whatever you choose will determine your destiny in one of two eternal abodes.
I know where I place my trust. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
Triune God, Him Who ascends above all, High and Lifted Up are You. You are the God of Holiness and Righteousness. You are the God Who cannot look upon sin, yet, sent Your Son to die for our sins. God, we know that we cannot be truly saved unless we believe and repent. Help us to truly desire Your will, Your plans, and Your purpose for our lives. God, many times we have tried to live our lives the way we thought best. Many times we have lived in sin, seeking that which can only come from You. True joy and peace comes from You, the Unlimited Well of Living Water. O Blessed Savior, touch us with newness of life! Forgive us of our sins. Blot out our transgressions. Make us new by the Blood. We pray, God, that You would expose those who speak falsely on Your account. God, bring them down from their ministries and lead them to genuine repentance. Don’t allow others to die by way of apostates. We ask that you would bless us and others with Heavenly wisdom and discernment. Present Your Truth to others, O God, that they may cast their vote. If they go to Hell, may it be by their choice and not by the misleading of cowardice preachers who claim to know You but deny You and Your Word. O God, shine Thy Holy Light upon our souls and purge us with hyssop. Make us clean that we may live again with Thee in Eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine