“Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2 NKJV
Many believe that worship is solely done and revealed by clapping, dancing, and singing songs. In actuality, this is a small portion of what it means to worship God. True worship comes in the form of holiness, and it is enacted out by the Holy Spirit. Holiness is the way by which we reflect Christ. It is when we move in the direction and manifestation of His perfection and resemble Him Who loved us, died for us, and lived a perfect and pure life. It is being the image bearer and mirror of God’s reflecting Light. Though our holiness will never be as God’s, we can nonetheless strive towards His holiness. For God commands us to be holy, just as He Himself is Holy (1 Peter 1:16).
Just as we preach forgiveness and barely touch on repentance, so we preach goodness and rarely speak on holiness.
There is beauty in holiness. Rarely do churches nowadays preach a sermon on holiness. Just as we preach forgiveness and barely touch on repentance, so we preach goodness and rarely speak on holiness. Why? Because the Truth of holiness is dangerous. It demands us to reflect on Who God is, not merely accepting what He has done and offered. For many have preached soft messages that are easy to understand and accept. This, however, is not what we should feed on for the entirety of our lives. There is more to be found. There is a greater call to be set apart from the world, especially within our day.
To be holy means to be wholly set apart for God. It involves doing God’s work according to God’s will for God’s glory.
In the midst of most churches, holiness is not preached because it is offensive and intimidating. To be holy means to be wholly set apart for God. It is doing God’s work according to God’s will for God’s glory. Too many believe that after conversion they must focus on what they do for God, more than who they are becoming for God. This false conception moves one towards a sense of Moralism, rather than holiness. For it is good to do good, but if we see ourselves as good because of our good, we are defusing the light of holiness. If we focus on becoming holy, however, we are slowly transitioning into our future state. We are becoming true Light-bearers of God’s Divine Word.
Francis of Assisi once remarked that “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” The world is in need of seeing the Light of Christ shining within us. Our world must not merely judge us based upon what they themselves are able to do; namely, good works. Anyone can feed the hungry, give money to the poor, donate to nonprofits, and post inspiring quotes online. Few, however, strive for holiness.
Holiness is seeing, doing, experiencing, and being motivated by a dimension that is higher than one’s self, man’s applause, and one’s own aspirations and interests.
For holiness is of a different realm altogether. It is seeing, doing, experiencing, and being motivated by a dimension that is higher than one’s self, man’s applause, and one’s own aspirations and interests. It is a pursuit of that which man cannot do alone, but only God can do through man. This, in return, gives true, honest and authentic praise and worship to God. It wholly dedicates one’s self and works to God alone.
Holiness says, “I am nothing and have nothing without You, O God. Fill me to the fullest with Thy presence. May I experience a taste of Heaven on this earth. Shine Thy Holy Light through me. May I walk according to Thy Holy Word.”
For we can be so deceived and trick ourselves into doing right with wrong motives. Holiness, however, puts oneself before God’s Holy Throne. It says, “I am nothing and have nothing without You, O God. Fill me to the fullest with Thy presence. May I experience a taste of Heaven on this earth. Shine Thy Holy Light through me. May I walk according to Thy Holy Word.” This is the true prayer of a righteous man that avails much.
When we are willing to die to self and the world, we may begin to run in the Light of Truth.
When we are willing to die to self and the world, we may begin to run in the Light of Truth. Though we are bound to stumble in this life, a pursuit of holiness is never in vain. For the quest of holiness is an entire dedication of one’s life to Him Who made us in His image, created us to know and experience Him, and Who loved us and sent His Son to die on the Cross for our sins. When we make the libertarian freewill decision of accepting the message of the Gospel and repenting of our sins, we have just embarked on the opportunity to strive for holiness. This quest will never be perfect, but will forever be blessed by God, for it is a life that desires to live for God.
Better to live a life wholly set apart for God in holiness, than to deceive ourselves and the world by living in mere goodness.
May we all enter into the Light and desire to reflect its purity within the depths of our soul. May our faces shine as Moses and may the world see that we are one of God’s anointed saints. Life is too short to merely do good for self-approval. Better to live a life wholly set apart for God in holiness, than to deceive ourselves and the world by living in mere goodness. For if holiness is at the forefront, goodness will be done with pure intents and motives. If doing good is at the forefront, we will be more susceptible to fall into good deeds with selfish motives.
If holiness is at the forefront, goodness will be done with pure intents and motives. If doing good is at the forefront, we will be more susceptible to fall into good deeds with selfish motives.
May God give us the wisdom and discernment necessary to walk in the beauty of holiness. For there is no greater lifestyle or reflection than that which is of the highest degree in God’s Kingdom. May we “Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14 ESV). May we submit ourselves entirely to Him, in order to begin this life of being set apart from the world and sold out for the purposes of God. “For God has not called us for impurity, but in holiness” (1 Thessalonians 4:7 ESV).
Heavenly Father, God of Infinite Holiness, You are Him Who dwells in Unapproachable Light. There is nothing more pure, more precious, more beautiful than Your Holiness. O God, illuminate our souls. Shine Thy Holy Light upon us. May all desires of the flesh disintegrate from our being. May Thy Holy Blaze permeate our souls to shine the Light and Truth of Thy Holy Word to the world. O God, may all we do, think, experience, and say be motivated by seeking to glorify Your Name. Guide us down the path we must go. Our spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, God. Give us the strength and power of the Holy Spirit to live according to Your Word. May our worship be a fresh fragrance to You. Not in our own strength, but by You may we live for You. May Thy will be done in our lives, as we pursue holiness in all things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine