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The Christian's Toughest Opponent

““Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.”” Matthew 7:21 ESV

The toughest job for the Christian in this life is to maintain a holy lifestyle. For we are constantly being battered by the world and the ungodly. We are continuously tempted by passions and the flesh. It is not an easy life to begin or maintain, but can only be accomplished under the Blood and by the Holy Spirit.

The Christian's toughest opponent is the misled, Biblically illiterate, progressive “Christian”.

There is an opponent that has begun to come to the surface. It is an opponent that has always been in times past, but has radically begun to affect the church. Now, the enemy is always at work; and although he is a tough opponent, he is not the toughest. Though we ourselves are our toughest opponents (as we continually have to deny ourselves and fight temptation, sin, and selfishness), we are looking at the true church, collectively. Who might be the toughest opponent for the true church? The answer is the following: misled, Biblically illiterate, progressive “Christians”.

Some would think the Devil is the toughest opponent of the true believer, when it’s actually the emotion-driven, half-truth, soft "Christians" of our day.

Some would think the Devil is the toughest opponent of the true believer, when it’s actually the emotion-driven, half-truth, soft "Christians" of our day. They have disrupted the steady stream of Christianity. They are folks who want a life of ease and complacency. They don't want to know the One, True God. Rather, they want to receive all the blessed gifts that He is willing to give. They want to hear nothing about crosses, sufferings, persecution, obedience, and repentance. If something is not soothing to them, they simply cast out the Truth like it's nothing. They seek pastors and preachers who will set their minds at ease. They search for those who will deceive them into a false sense of security.

““On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and do many mighty works in Your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness’”” (Matthew 7:22-23 ESV). Lawlessness is someone who disregards the law. Rather than seeking to obey the law of Christ, these progressive, liberal “Christians” seek for a faith that revolves around themselves. How so?

Progressive, liberal "Christians" have no desire to obey God. Rather, they do what can be seen by the world to appear like a good person. While exterior actions and words seem righteous, their inner life is as dark as Lucifer himself.

They desire to be seen by many as good. They have no desire to obey. Rather, they do what can be seen by the world to appear like a good person. While exterior actions and words seem righteous, their inner life is as dark as Lucifer himself. When it comes to sin, they merely excuse it. They are perverters of God’s grace and lack a broken heart when they sin. They are lovers of lust, pleasure, and all things pertaining to this temporal life.

Those who truly have the Holy Spirit and are led by God are those who recognize their sin and seek to hide nothing from Him.

What does Scripture say that God looks for? “For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise” (Psalm 51:16-17 ESV). God will not despise the broken, humble heart that recognizes their sin and is grieved for grieving God. Those who truly have the Holy Spirit and are led by God are those who recognize their sin and seek to hide nothing from Him.

You will not hear one word about sin, righteousness, or judgment in the churches that progressive, liberal "Christians" go to, even when Jesus said of the Holy Spirit that “He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8 ESV).

These progressive, liberal “Christians” know not what it means to be burdened for the things of God. Rather, they are burdened by the things that are given by God and dismiss them. You will not hear one word about sin, righteousness, or judgment in the churches they go to, even when Jesus said of the Holy Spirit that “He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8 ESV).

90% of self-proclaimed Christians are not saved. They may claim to be, but their understanding of Who God is, what He has done, and what His Word says is non-existent.

The danger is found in the reality above. Christianity is being perverted by those who carry the name, but not the Savior. 90% of self-proclaimed Christians are not saved. They may claim to be, but their understanding of Who God is, what He has done, and what His Word says is non-existent. These progressive “Christians” believe in universalism (all people go to Heaven at the end), homosexual marriage, all religions are true, and “we all have our own Hell, and Hell is our wrongdoings that pertain to this life.”

Those who believe what has been mentioned above know not God’s Word. We are not talking about the non-essential doctrinal disputes, we are talking about Christianity 101 truths. Those who deny these truths are heretics and don’t desire God. They simply desire the appearance of being nice and kind, yet they live in a diluted state. Their concept of love is down to the heathens and lacks any Biblical understanding.

When a true Christian simply says what God’s Word says, these progressive “Christians” come in and say such statements as: “This is why so many people don’t come to Christianity”, “You’re not loving”, and “You’re a bigot”.

Progressive, liberal “Christians”are the born again believer’s toughest enemy due to the persecution they give. When a true Christian simply says what God’s Word says, these progressive “Christians” come in and say such statements as: “This is why so many people don’t come to Christianity”, “You’re not loving”, and “You’re a bigot”. The list goes on.

It’s rather easy to discern between the true born again believer and the self-proclaimed, progressive “Christian”. The former desires that all would come to a saving faith and is willing to present the tougher Truths. The latter desires to appear oh so loving at the expense of forsaking Truth.

It’s rather easy to discern between the true born again believer and the self-proclaimed, progressive “Christian”. The former desires that all would come to a saving faith and is willing to present the tougher Truths. The latter desires to appear oh so loving at the expense of forsaking Truth. Born again believers will present all of the Truth with true, Biblical love. Self-proclaimed, liberal “Christians” will say a verse or two out of context and deceive the other person with a fake love. For progressive, liberal "Christians" seek to divorce Jesus from God’s Word, though they are One in the same (As Christ was formerly the Logos and was the spoken Word of God - therefore, leading to being the spoken Word from Genesis to Revelation).

It is sad that the Christian’s toughest opponent is now going up against the deceived, religious crowd that seeks to hold the name “Christian”. These Progressives are leading multitudes astray and much of the blood from the damned will be on their hands. As the years press on, and the more the true believer declares Truth, the more the progressive, liberal “Christians” will persecute the true Christian. For the world has entered into the church and we as true believers have not remained bold. We have conformed to the ideology of other men. Rather than knowing the Word, we have drifted into the feel-good, desirous messages of carnal men.

Due to this Biblical illiteracy, many believe they are on their way to Heaven, when in fact, they are headed for Hell. This message will anger many and scare some. However, it is better to be led into Truth by the fear of the Lord in this life, rather than think about why we didn’t in the next.

We must not find it strange when those who are deceived and do not speak for God attempt to speak for Him and misfire. We must have a burdened heart for the lost and a righteous anger towards those who pervert God's Word.

We must therefore “be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14 ESV). As persecution will increase amongst the progressive “Christians”, we must rise above. We must not find it strange when those who are deceived and do not speak for God attempt to speak for Him and misfire. We must have a burdened heart for the lost and a righteous anger towards those who pervert God's Word. “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord”” (Romans 12:19 ESV). We must come to know and believe that vengeance is the Lord’s and one day justice will be done.

Until then, may we press on in Truth. May we not waiver or flounder at the difficulties of the world. For though the church’s toughest opponents are these soft, illiterate, progressive, liberal “Christians”, we must still pray for them. We must pray that conviction would take place within their hearts. We must be willing to rebuke them in love at the proper time. We must also accept persecution as it comes. For ““Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”” (Matthew 5:10 ESV).


Heavenly Father, You are the True, Triune God. You alone are Immortal and Omnipotent. Lord, when You speak, You utter only Truth. There is no deception in You, for You are a God Who cannot lie. O Lord, we know that persecution is to come. Lord, give us a righteous anger and hearts of love towards those that speak falsely under Your name. Lord, many do not know You because they care not to lay down their sin. They desire the easy life, rather than being confronted and convicted by the Truth. Lord, whatever it takes, give us the strength and boldness to remain planted in the Root of Your Word. For You are the Unmoved Mover. You are Immovable. There is nothing that can shift Your Word and change it from what It says. Those who have an ear to hear will allow the Truth of Your Word to have its place. Those who deceive multitudes will have their coming judgment. For Your Word says that You are angry with the wicked everyday. Lord, we know that You desire mercy. We pray that Your Spirit would convict and convert all men. We rest in the peace of knowing, however, that vengeance is Yours and You will have justice done to those who pollute Your Word. God, keep us steadfast in Thy Love and statutes until we are called Home. May we persevere and endure until the end, in order that we may finish the race and obtain the crown of life. Glory be to You, O God. May Thy will be done. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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