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The Coming Kingdom of God! (Part 4)

A Vision with Interpretation


My brother-in-law (a retired Pastor) and his wife came to visit us for a few days.  One evening, we began to close our time of fellowship with prayer with my brother-in-law’s wife starting the prayer time.


Allow me to say there was something in her praying which triggered heaven to open and bring this vision with interpretation as I sat listening to her pray. 

Prayer which touches the heart of the Lord is a powerful factor which can open heaven to send down a word, vision, dream, or prophetic word in terms of encouragement, comfort, exhortation, and/or warning. 


I did not share this vision but wanted to take time to see if the Lord would share anything else concerning this vision and give it time to percolate in my spirit and mind.


I finally typed up this vision and its interpretation while noting and affirming from Scripture the various things I was seeing. 


We need to realize that God said He would pour out in the last days in prophecy, visions, and dreams. These things are increasing and intensifying in the last day remnant church (Acts 2:17-18).

I believe God desires to move in much greater ways in order to bring last day true biblical revelations to the Body of Christ not only through preaching and teaching His Word, but also through His impartation of prophecies, visions, dreams, and through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1st Corinthians 12-14).  These are the supernatural tools which allow the Holy Spirit to operate in greater freedom and expression in His ministry to individuals and the Body of Christ as a whole.

The Vision

    In this vision I saw the earth covered with deep darkness when suddenly, I saw a huge lightning bolt come out of heaven and split this darkness – pushing it back and allowing beams of light out of heaven to come forth in much brilliance.

Then I saw a mountain arising up from the land mass and growing till it reached far about the earth surface.

 It was a huge mountain surrounded by this tremendous light out of heaven with beams of light dancing around this bolt of lightning.  The mountain stopped emerging and was extremely tall and spread out for miles.  It would probably be the tallest mountain on the earth. 

I noticed immediately a gigantic eagle standing on top of this mountain who was extremely majestic in appearance with eyes looking upon the earth as if he were looking for something or examining the earth.  It was here that the vision ended.

Interpretation of the Vision

There were seven things (noted by the superscript numbers I noticed in this vision.  Here was the meaning of deep darkness and what it brought to my mind and spirit.


 (1) The Deep darkness…..represents the Satanic Kingdom covering the earth and holding many in bondage through deception which was blinding the eyes of the people.  People trapped in this deep darkness are held captive by Satan and his demonic powers and unable to escape from this darkness.


This darkness prevents the Light of God from opening their eyes to His Truth and salvation which was purchased for them by Christ’s death on the Cross and His resurrection.

Satan’s darkness blinds the eyes capturing the mind of man as well as the nations of the world through his “world forces of darkness” covering the earth (Ephesians 6:12).


T his is what I saw – deep darkness representing the “world forces of darkness” as well as representing his “domain of darkness” (Colossians 1:13). These are the impression I received from the Lord.


Satan works in darkness and hates the light for it exposes his nefarious activities.  Sadly, “the whole world lies in the power [under the power] or the domain of the evil one [Satan]” (1 John 5:19).


Regarding the Devil and deception, he is the seducer or deceiver.  Note:


 And the huge dragon was cast down and out—

that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan,

 he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over; 

Revelation 12:9 (AMP)


Regarding blinding the eyes of man.....

For the god of this world has blinded the

unbelievers’ minds

[that they should not discern the truth],

 preventing them from seeing the illuminating light

of the Gospel of the glory of Christ

(the Messiah),

Who is the Image and Likeness of God.

2 Corinthians 4:4 (AMP)

Thus, the entire world is covered with this deep darkness which is perpetrated on the whole world by the Satan and his power of darkness.  This is all I saw – the deep darkness with the impressions of what this darkness means.


(2) The Bolt of Lightning…..represents three things…..(1) the Word of

God, (2) the judgment of God, and (3) the soon coming of Christ.


(a) First, the bolt of lightning represents the Word of God coming out of heaven to overcome the rebellious words and evil or wicked ways of man in this end time.


For the

 word of God

is living and active and sharper

than any double-edged sword,

piercing even to the point of dividing

soul from spirit, and joints from marrow;

it is able to judge the desires


thoughts (intentions) of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 (NET)

(b) Second, the bolt of lightning represents the coming immense judgments of God coming upon the earth for the rebellion of man against God.  We see this in the Book of Revelation Chapter 4-19.


(c)  Third, the bolt of lightning represents the soon coming of the Christ (who is the Word of God)….. 

…..For as the

lightning flashes


lights up the sky

from one side to the other,

so will the Son of Man be in his day.

(Comment: His day meaning His coming)

Luke 17:24 (ESV)


Christ’s coming like a bolt of lightning will be so immense, powerful, and majestic that the Psalmist describes it as …..

His lightnings light up the world;

the earth sees and trembles.

Psalm 97:4 (ESV)

Thus, this bolt of lightning (Christ as the Word of God, Christ bringing the judgments of God, and Christ coming to establish His power and reign on the earth will lead to the next section.  Again, these were the impressions I was receiving.


(3)  The Splitting of the Darkness…..represents His Word, His judgments,

and His coming as we mentioned above which will disperse the darkness meaning the Satanic powers and principalities will flee for they cannot withstand the King of kings, and Lord of lords, the Alpha and Omega, and the Beginning and the Ending. 


The dominion of darkness will be shattered by the Light of Christ coming as a bolt of lightning for He is the Light of the world (“the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” - 2nd Corinthians 4:4) which opposes the Darkness of the World.  He will overcome the darkness by His coming to planet earth at the end of the present age and prior to His millennium reign.


Let us take comfort in His Word:


I have told you these things,

 so that in Me you may have

 [perfect] peace and confidence.

In the world you have tribulation


trials and distress and frustration;

but be of good cheer

[take courage;

be confident, certain, undaunted]!

For I have overcome the world.

 [I have deprived it of power to harm you


 have conquered it for you.]

John 16:33 (AMP)

     Thus, this splitting of the darkness covering the earth will be totally dispelled by Christ and we are to take comfort that His Light is greater than the darkness in the world.  His Light in us is “greater than he [Satan and his darkness] that is in the world” (1st John 4:4).


This we must believe and declare daily as we walk with Him

(4)  The Mountain rises out of the earth…..represents the holy mountainof God which is spoken of many times in the Old Testament and is often referred to as the House of God.  God’s mountain will shatter the mountains of man who has built up to challenge God’s Word and His Ways. 

God’s mountain becomes His House for…..

It shall come to pass

 in the latter days

 that the

 mountain of the Lord’s house

shall be [firmly] established

as the highest of the mountains


shall be exalted above the hills,


 all nations shall flow to it.

Isaiah 2:2 (AMP)


The rising of the mountain I saw also represents the Kingdom of God which replaces the domain or kingdom of Satan.  Jesus told us to pray:


And He said to them,

When you pray, say:

Our Father Who is in heaven,

hallowed be Your name,

Your kingdom come.

 Your will be done 

[held holy and revered]

 on earth as it is in heaven.

 Luke 11:2 (AMP)


          Thus, the rising of God’s holy mountain (His House) will be established in the earth and will not be moved.  His mountain house will be a place of his dwelling, rest, salvation, and victory for all who come to Him, trust in Him, and obey Him.


(5-6-7) The Majestic Eagle on top of the Mountain…..represents Christ in His mighty glory, power, and grace.  I believe that this is part of a double reference – first reference - Christ coming like a bolt of lightning to the earth and the second reference Christ like an Eagle looking out on the world with eyes of discernment and examination on the conditions of man.


          All I saw was this gigantic eagle standing upright with a powerful appearance and with very penetrating eyes.  Apostle John describes the eyes of Christ as or “like a flame of fire” (Revelation 1:14; 2:18; 19:12). 


This description along with Christ like a bolt of lightning could symbolizes His coming will be with divine displeasure and wrath.  It could also mean “His eyes are toward the righteous or those who are upright and right standing with God” (1st Peter 3:12) and His eyes on “those who fear Him or who revere and worship Him in awe, who wait for Him and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness, to deliver them from death…..” (Psalm 33:18-19).

Finally, we need to be secure in the biblical fact that in the end, God’s Kingdom will overcome all evil in the earth.  This vision was given I believe to reassure us that evil and wickedness will not win in the end for the Great Eagle (Christ) will come like a thunder bolt to deal with the wicked of the earth and call the righteous to His side where He will comfort them and take them under His wings for as the Psalmist declares:


[Then] He will cover you with His pinions,


under His wings

shall you trust


find refuge;

His truth and His faithfulness

 are a shield


a buckler.

Psalm 91:4 (AMP)

So be it Lord Jesus – Thy Kingdom Come on earth as it is in heaven.

Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632









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