“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1 ESV
I recently saw a new age pastor make a post that said, “Sin does not equal separation. Sin equals the perception of separation.” These types of ungodly, un-Biblical messages are damning multitudes by the thousands and no one is sounding the alarm.
How is it that false prophets have crept in and gotten away with preaching partial truths and false doctrines? How is it that man-made religions continue to compile heresies day after day? Detestable doctrines that deny Christ as Lord and Savior? Ungodly religions who merely say Christ was a “good man” or at best “a Prophet”?
What a frightening end will be for false prophets, false teachers, and man-made religions who refused the One True God of the Holy Scriptures. Theirs will be swift destruction as they are cast into Hell along with their abominable doctrines.
O what a frightening end will be for false prophets, false teachers, and man-made religions who refused the One True God of the Holy Scriptures. Theirs will be swift destruction as they are cast into Hell along with their abominable doctrines. Christ was the God-man Who died on the Cross for the sins of mankind. His gift is universally offered, but it is not universally accepted due to man wanting to be his own god and go his own way. Due to this, many develop their own idol of what they want God to look like. Their carnal hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Instead of bending to the Truth, they create a lie and allow their sensuous lusts to feed into their manmade image.
Within man's self-centered religiosity, they bring in destructive heresies. Many are being duped into seductive messages that caress the flesh. Many are being told its okay to live in sin. Multitudes are being comforted and told they are promised Heaven when they are on their way to Hell. Somehow, these godless men have crept into the pulpits and have been allowed to preach this sensuous song. Many in the congregations are aroused by such messages and love to be coddled.
Destructive heresies support what the present world supports and rejects what the Word of God clearly has to say about sin.
These destructive heresies support what the present world supports and rejects what the Word of God clearly has to say about sin. Some of them are so deceptive that they disguise their messages with surface level truths. For the falsity is in their partial truths. Many false teachers are cowards who speak only on what brings them applause and what is easy to speak on, while neglecting to preach against sin.
They are men who are excited by their own self-gain and motives, while their congregations go to Hell. Whatever is current and popular in the world, they themselves support. Ironically, it is God’s Word which is the Immutable Truth. Only God’s Word remains as is throughout time. Only God Himself remains as He is throughout eternity. From everlasting to everlasting, He is God (Psalm 90:2). God is Perfect, Good, and Love. Therefore, what He declares is His Word has been written to teach exactly what He wanted to be taught.
Anyone who contradicts God and His Word are children of darkness. They do not know the One True God of the One True Word.
For God is for us and He is a God Who cannot lie (Titus 1:2). Any viewpoint that challenges this, challenges God Himself. Any viewpoint that seeks to override this, is filled with deception and idolatry. Anyone who contradicts God and His Word are children of darkness. They do not know the One True God of the One True Word. Those who go against God damn themselves by creating and indulging in destructive heresies. They reside on the ship of carnality, and unless they accept the outstretched hand of the one true Christ, they will sink into the Lake of Fire.
Those who reject the One True God of the Holy Scriptures will burn in Hell with an undying rage. Their hearts will condemn them for following their self-made path of lies and deception. For they were those who were mockers, scorners, scoffers, and adulterous men.
False prophets are men who become their own idol. They are liars. With each sermon they preach, they damn themselves twice over.
False prophets are men who become their own idol. They are liars. With each sermon they preach, they damn themselves twice over. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself said that in the latter days, ““many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold”” (Matthew 24:10-12 ESV). False prophets simply go with the tide of iniquity and lawlessness. Rather than preaching against it, they blend in with it.
False prophets encourage, promote, or permit sin. They live a double minded life that claims to believe in Christ but lives a lifestyle contrary to what He preached.
False prophets are led by a carnal love that simply preaches what feels good and pleases the flesh. True love, however, speaks against sin. For all sin has consequences. Without speaking against sin, none will come to know Him. For to know God is to believe in Him, His Word, and to repent of sin. False prophets encourage, promote, or permit sin. They live a double minded life that claims to believe in Christ but lives a lifestyle contrary to what He preached.
Belief without action is merely an idea.
We know that "a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8 ESV). We know that belief without action is merely an idea. Yet, many false prophets live a life as such. Without being questioned by their congregation, they appeal to the fleshly senses rather than the spiritual. As men are lulled to sleep, they drift further into darkness. Before they know it, Satan has captured them as their lusts have been allowed and permitted by those who claim Christ but do not possess Christ.
As lawlessness increases, false prophets will continue to say that sin is okay. They will promote sin rather than preach against sin. They will be the first to comfort others in their sin, rather than say, “Thus saith the Lord!” Preachers and teachers who truly believe Christ is Lord and Savior will believe His Word and His message: “but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3 ESV). False prophets, however, will preach no such thing. Why? Because they know not Christ.
Does the message we hear about Christ demand us to change from sin? Or does it allow us to live in sin? Does our Christianity seek freedom from sin, or freedom to sin?
The question now remains: Does the message we hear about Christ demand us to change from sin? Or does it allow us to live in sin? Does our Christianity seek freedom from sin, or freedom to sin?
Those who are false prophets and false teachers will be amongst the worst in Hell. They will stand beside the Hitler’s and Stalin’s, if not surpassing them. They are those who will have compiled the blood of multitudes and damned many souls along with theirs.
God knows the heart. One day, everything that dwells in us will be brought to the light. Those who are false prophets and false teachers will be amongst the worst in Hell. They will stand beside the Hitler’s and Stalin’s, if not surpassing them. They are those who will have compiled the blood of multitudes and damned many souls along with theirs. They were lovers of the world. They did what was easy and what was not based on truth. They will be those who will be damned and receive the due recompense of their ungodly ways.
God is patient and long-suffering. God desires to save. Eventually, however, there comes a point when His fury will be unleashed. ““Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord”” (Romans 12:19 ESV). God’s wrath shall be kindled against the ungodly and wicked unrepentant sinners. That is why we are commanded to “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming” (Colossians 3:5-7 ESV).
What message are we hearing and believing? Do we take time to reflect and discern if what is being spoken aligns with the Word of God? Do we even spend time in the Word of God? Do we even care for the wellbeing of our soul?
What message are we hearing and believing? Do we take time to reflect and discern if what is being spoken aligns with the Word of God? Do we even spend time in the Word of God? Do we even care for the wellbeing of our soul?
Hell’s heat is hot for the heathen. God does not want any to perish (2 Peter 3:9), but most do. Why? Because man is selfish. Man wants to do what he wants to do. Man does not want to be told to submit to His Creator. Man does not want to dwell in what is True, Noble, Just, Holy, Righteous, and Godly. Man naturally does not seek God (Romans 3:11).
God is calling all to Him, but will we hear the call? Will we desire to obey Him Who is a Good, Compassion, Loving Father and has plans and a purpose for our lives? Or will we try to go our own way?
Will we delude ourselves into a false reality? Will we attempt to dumb down Biblical Truths and perversely say that they are “miswritten” and “misinformed” writings? How foolish man is nowadays - to believe what is popular psychology and sociology, which is written by man, and not believe the Word of God, which was written by men as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21).
Multitudes have a low view of God. Due to this, they do not trust God. Instead, they simply hand their soul over to false prophets who know not God or His Word.
Multitudes have a low view of God. Due to this, they do not trust God. Instead, they simply hand their soul over to false prophets who know not God or His Word. O that people would have a passion for Truth! For the end of false prophets and false teachers is a horrifying reality if they do not repent and get on their face before God. For “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31 ESV).
“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:31 ESV
May God bring false prophets down and expose false teachers for who they are: self-centered, self-absorbed, rebellious people pleasers who know not God, want nothing to do with God, and want everything to do with the world and the flesh.
God help us.
O God, You are Faithful, Just, and True! You are God over all and there is none like You. God, have mercy on the souls that are being led astray. Bring down deception in our day. Raise up a people. Bring order and Truth back into the pulpits across the nation and across the world. O God, convict false prophets and draw them to repentance before it is too late. Those who will not repent, O God, bring them down from their positions. Reveal their hypocrisy, deception, and rebellion. O God in Heaven, raise up men and women to speak as the prophets of old. May Truth in love be preached. May men and women repent of their sins. May we seek You for deliverance and empowerment over our sins. O God, may we walk in the fear of You with a holy hatred towards sin and evil. We have nothing to give You, O God, but our freewill. Save us. Transform us. Lead us in Your Truth and guide us down the narrow way. May we obey Your statutes, Your commandments, and Your precepts. Not in our strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine