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The Deborah Company and the Gideon Company!

I heard the Lord in my dream speak the following to me, and I got up and recorded it as it is presented below:

 For I am raising up not only one Deborah,

but many Deborah’s who will take 

My kingdom into the center of the enemy’s camp.

The Deborah’s I am raising up

 will be bold and fearless


women of few words

 but woman of insight,

wisdom, and power.


They will flow easily

 in My anointing


 hear when I call them

and give

 them their assignments.

They will know Me intimately


I will come to them

in dreams


through the prophet’s voice

which will prophesy

the anointing

into their lives.


And they will certainly know

 the anointing as it will fall on them


 they will be consumed to seek

 me diligently to know

how to walk, war,



 under this anointing.

              The Deborah’s of the Lord

will be mobilizers –

forming the ranks of women

of My army to tear down


defeat the oppressors

of My Kingdom.


They will be a Company

of Deborah’s who will be

a mighty

 force of truth and righteousness



 not cut and run

when the battles

 grow in intensity


become heated.

They will stay the course


I am imparting to them



 them with

spiritual weapons

of war which

will bring victory.

There will be young Deborah’s.

There will be middle age Deborah’s.

There will be older Deborah’s who

will band together


form rank

to accomplish the purposes

 I will give them.


The Deborah’s of the Anointing

 will be strong in Spirit


will possess supernatural





 to accomplish the work

I have planned for them.

I am calling the Deborah’s

to step forth and recognize

what I am going to do


am doing in their lives.


          The word ended and I added the following.


Deborah in the Bible was a Hebrew prophetess, judge, and a military leader who rallied an Israelite coalition to victory over the militarily superior Canaanite forces of Sisera in the plain of Esdraelon (Judges Chapter 4).


Deborah means “bee or wasp.”  A bee is an insect which is extremely industrious or hardworking and serves the bee colony about pollinating flowers and gathering pollen for providing the nest with food for the community.


 Many of them lay down their lives so there is honey in the camp.  Also, the bee colony has certain bees which are appointed to guard the hive and keep it safe and chase away intruders.


The Deborah’s God is calling forth will be like the bees – serving the Lord and His people, keeping the community of believers safe, and going after predators and the enemy of God’s people.  They will have spiritual military knowledge and strategies and will know how to conduct war against the enemy of God and His people. 

The Company of Deborah’s will be like a swarm of bees and when they are stirred up, watch out.  Their attack and sting will be most deadly on the spiritual forces of darkness.


They will not compromise their anointing and are fully committed to the purpose of serving the Lord and His people similar to the worker bees who care for and eventually die for the Queen Bee.  Truly, being called to function in the role of Deborah is an honor which the Lord is bestowing on those women who desire to live radically for the Kingdom of God.

The Gideon Company 

I have no hesitation not to believe that He is calling, shaping, and testing and getting many women ready and equipped to serve in the Deborah company – women of strength, truth, integrity, perseverance, and absolutely loyal to the Cross of Christ and to His coming Kingdom -  women who will burn out their lives for Christ.  I just heard the Lord say,


And I want you to know



that not only a Deborah company

of My called-out women is being raised up,

but I am also developing a Gideon

company of men


am commissioning

them along with the Deborah company

of women to work in tandem

to defeat the enemy and further the

establishment of My kingdom

 in the earth for the

 preparation of My return.


 Both of these companies will walk

 in the anointing of My Spirit


will sound the trumpet of war

in the camp.


 They will both be mighty soldiers


will judge as well as defeat forces

 which will far outnumber them.


Do not doubt that I can do this

 for a war of great magnitude

is about to come upon

the face of the earth.


 I am speaking to the hearts

of those who

are being called

to the end-time Army of the Lord

 which will require their complete



obedience to walk stoutly,




in accordance

 with My commands as the

I AM the General of this Army.


The battles that the company

of the Deborah’s and Gideon’s

 will face will be unlike any other

 battles heretofore


But as I was with Deborah and Gideon

in their battles


I will be

 with My end-time

Deborah’s and Gideon’s

 to bring victory despite what they

see with their eyes


hear with their ears that

would bring fear and worry. 

Each Deborah


each Gideon

 are selected by Me to serve


will not turn back in the heat

 of the battles

they will face.

 They are the Lord’s Army,

 mighty in strength


power and nothing will prevail

 over them as I will grant

 unto them My Scepter which says,

 “The Lord of Host, Victory is Mine.”


The prophetic word ended here, and I added the following.


          In regard to Deborah, a prophetess, the sons of Israel would go to her while she was sitting under a Palm tree.  (Judges 4:5) The Palm tree represents victory, peace, and fertility or reproduction. The Lord told Deborah to “go and march to Mount Tabor and take with you ten thousand men….and I will give him (Sisera) into your hand (Judges 4:6-7).


 She did and the Lord gave her victory.  After this, Deborah reigned for forty years in Israel and Israel was undisturbed by war. (Judges 5:31).  I believe that her army could have been called, “The Deborah Company.”

When God appeared to Gideon, he was sitting under an oak tree in the City of Ophrah as he threshed wheat in a wine press to keep it from the Midianites. (Judges 6:13-16).  The Oak tree represents strength, hardness, endurance, and is resistant to insect and fungal attack


The Lord told Gideon to raise up an army and defeat the Midianites (Judges 6:11-12) for the Lord would give him the victory (Judges 7:7).


  After starting with 30,000 men, the Lord reduced the Army to 300 men and when they attacked the Midianites, the Midianites fled in panic (Judges 7:22).  120,000 enemies were slain by the sword (Judges 8:10).


  The Lord gave Gideon victory, and the Scripture says, “And the land was undisturbed for forty years in the days of Gideon.”  I believe that his army could have been called the “Gideon Company.”


          As the two prophetic words indicate, God is calling forth a “Deborah Company” and a “Gideon Company” to fight the forces or enemies of God in this end-time period.  It will be a most fierce battle or battles that will be encountered by these companies of extraordinary called out and selected saints of God.


These battles will set the prelude for the great day of the “Mother of all Battles - Armageddon.  It will not be for the faint-hearted or divided hearts of those in the body of Christ. For such people will fall by the wayside because of fear, fright, faintness, and/or will fail the tests of the Lord (Judges 7:4) to go to war – they will stay home (Judges 7:3).


      The Scriptures say that Gideon was threshing wheat in a wine presswhen God call him to his assignment.  I hear the Lord speaking to me that those He calls to the Deborah and Gideon Companies will be those who are threshing in the Word of God – gaining in revelation and obedience of His will and voice, His desire, and how to commit everything to Him.  In addition, they will march into battles with the joy of the Lord representing the wine press for the joy of the Lord will be their strength.


They will be the ones selected for they know how to respond to being squeezed at every moment in terms of hard, tuff, demanding times, tests, and trails which the Lord allows to refine their character and spiritual maturity to promote bring them out of the ordinary into the extraordinary calling of the Lord and His Christ.


They will be men and women of uncompromising character, loyalty, integrity, and devotion not only to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but to their brothers and sisters in the Lord.  They know how to be pressed on every side and still gain victory for the Lord.


 The Deborah Company and the Gideon Company will be people selected by the Lord because of their strength, reliance on the Lord, people of endurance, and people who want to see peace in the land and people who desire to reproduce others with the same character and warrior mentality to “fight the good fight of faith” (1st Timothy 6:12) and to manifest the Kingdom of God. 


          As I write this at 1:01 am, may I be so bold to say, I believe this is a word for the Body of Christ in the last days of this age. We are in the midst of “birth pangs” (cultural, morally, economically, politically, and religious wars) which have come upon America and the world and only will intensify until Christ returns.  Christ warns us in Matthew 24:5-13:

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars.

 See that you are not frightened….

Nation will rise against nation,


kingdom against kingdom…..

…..various places will be famines



But all these things are the beginning of birth



Then Christ says,

… will be hated by all the nations

because of My name.

…..many will fall away


will betray one another


hate one another.

Many false prophets will arise


mislead many.

Because lawlessness is

increased,most people’s love will

grow cold.


But the one who endures to the end will be saved.


          I believe the Lord wants us to see the necessity of the Deborah and Gideon companies and as Apostle Paul would say, “fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called…..” (1 Timothy 1:18; 6:12).


          Brother and sister, will you be in these Companies or will you be the ones who will stay at home?  May this word stir your thinking and cause you to heed what the Lord would say to you as to your place in the Kingdom of God and your divine assignment in this end-time age of grace.


Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632








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