I heard the Lord say:
I want you to know
that I have been calling you
to draw from the
Deep Well of the Holy Spirit.
The time
has now come that I want you
to go deeper into the
Well of the Holy Spirit
for it is going deeper in Him
which will propel you
to the next level
I want you to reach
walk in.
By going deeper in Him,
you are coming up
higher in Me
gaining in a
new intimacy
with Me which
I desire in and from you.
To go deeper
in My Holy Spirit means
you come up higher
in the mysteries
secrets of My Kingdom
I wish to share with you.
Remember what I am
telling at this time.
storm clouds of darkness
are gathering at an
accelerated rate over the earth
I am calling my people
to go deeper into the
Well of the Holy Spirit
where they will find
a greater closeness
to me,
a greater revelation
of My will for them,
a greater understanding
of the times they are living in.
who are coming after Me
have been drinking
in small measure
from the Well of the Holy Spirit..
But I am inviting them
to go deeper into His well
for there they will discover in
addition to what I have said above,
to their
prayers they have been praying
over long periods of time;
they have been seeking
for themselves and others;
new directions
I have waiting for them;
renewed relationships
with those of difficulty;
to speak My Word in places
I will call them to go
share the Word
I put in their hearts;
new anointing and power
to walk with the Holy Spirit
as He imparts Himself
in ways they have not
As those who begin
to forsake
the things which rob
them of their time with me,
begin to enter into a
a new abiding
in and with Me in the ways
I will show them,
they will be the ones who will
drink from the
deepest of waters
of My Holy Spirit
find the His deep waters
refreshing their souls,
renewing their spirits,
fostering a much greater
connection to Me.
I, Jesus,
have told you
that I would send
the Holy Spirit
to empower you to go
testify of Me.
Now the time has come to go
much deeper into Him
where you will discover
and walk in
the things
I have mentioned above.
are sitting and waiting
for the Holy Spirit
to come to them,
But I say to you,
you must go to Him
by going deeper into Him
loving Him as you
love Me and My Father.
He is your
source of everything
as He represents Me
on earth
is preparing you
for the coming end of this age.
Lean on Him,
love Him,
go deep in Him
for He will well-up in you
lead you through the darkness
of your surroundings
the uncertain sounds
of those who speak hidden evil
lead many astray
with false words of hope
promises which are filled
with deceit
I call you to draw
from the deep well
of the Holy Spirit for the days ahead
will then be days of
new and sustained victories for you
in the things I am calling you
to complete for Me by
His magnified presence in you.
How else can you
labor for Me for certainly
not in your own
strength but only
by My Spirit
drawing from His deep well
of refreshing waters
he wants you to
abundantly drink.
Let me repeat says the Lord,
I have given you
the Holy Spirit to
foster in you
My will
My ways.
seek Him deeply
for as you seek Him
you are seeking Me
discovering Me
in ways you
have been asking of Me
to show you.
After scribing this word, it reminded me of the woman at the well where she met Jesus. John records that as Jesus sat by the well, a woman of Samaria came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.”
Comment: O’ dear saint did you catch this – Jesus asks of us to give Him a drink of the fresh waters from the deep well of the Holy Spirit. When we drink of the deep waters of the well of the Holy Spirit, we drink in the Christ of the Cross and the things He desires of us to complete in Him. We give back to Him what He gives to us which please the Father and the Son.
John continues to record: The Samaritan woman said to Him,
How is it that You, being a Jew,
ask me, a Samaritan
[and a] woman, for a drink?—
for the Jews have nothing
to do with the Samaritans—
Comment: It does not matter who you are for Christ will give anyone who is thirsty for Him a drink – a drink of the Holy Spirit – a drink of salvation – a drink of healing - a drink of a new life in Christ where the old life passes away and a new life is imparted by Christ – and, a drink of eternal life with Christ in heaven. To drink deep is to drink in Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus answered her,
If you had only known
had recognized God’s gift
Who this is that is saying to you,
Give Me a drink,
you would have asked Him
He would have given you living water.
Comment: We must continually ask of Christ to give us the fresh waters of the Holy Spirit by going deep in the Holy Spirit where we find intimacy with the Master and the Master reveals Himself to us in fresh ways as often as we drink from the deep well of the Holy Spirit.
She said to Him,
You have nothing to draw with
[no drawing bucket]
the well is deep;
how then can You provide living water?
[Where do You get Your living water?]
Comment: Christ is not one who draws water from the well for that is our calling – drawing the deep waters (Holy Spirit) into our life by our passion and desire to walk, talk, and live by the power of the Holy Spirit. The more we drink of Him the more we are used supernaturally in his Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the more we display His Fruit of the Holy Spirit. This is living by the Holy Spirit who takes control of our lives if we draw from His deep well.
Jesus answered her,
All who drink of this
water will be thirsty again.
Comment: There two types of waters people can drink from – The Water of the World which provides no salvation but only a path to hell and the Waters of the Holy Spirit who opens the eyes of the drinkers to a new life in Christ Jesus and a path to heaven. When one drinks of the Well of Deep Waters of the Holy Spirit which comes through the Savior, one will never thirst for the Waters of the World. Jesus responds to the woman:
But whoever takes a
drink of the water
that I will give him shall never,
no never, be thirsty any more.
But the water that I will give
him shall become
a spring of water
welling up (flowing, bubbling)
[continually] within him
unto (into, for) eternal life.
Comment: Jesus said:
“It is done.
am the
Alpha and the Omega,
the beginning and the end.
I will give to the one
who thirsts from
the spring of the water
of life
without cost.
Revelation 21:6 (NASB95)
The water that Christ gives is the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit through one’s salvation which will affect the inner being of the person where the Holy Spirit cannot be contained and He will become an overflowing stream (flowing, bubbling up) within fostering eternal life and the sharing of the life with others.
It is the abundance of the Holy Spirit inner life in us that flows out and will reach others, penetrating their lives and causing them to also seek and draw from the well of deep waters of the Holy Spirit. It is the drawing from the Holy Spirit that one can bear His fruit – not our fruit, but His fruit bubbling forth from our inner life filled with Him.
The woman said to Him,
Sir, give me this water,
so that I may never get thirsty
nor have to come
[continually all the way]
here to draw.
(John 4:9-15)
Comment: As we have said, when one drinks of the deep Waters of Holy Spirit and Christ, one will not want the Waters of the World. One will not have to draw from the poison Waters of the World for one has the true waters of the Kingdom of God.
Now Jesus, as I have recorded all you have given me in the above, let me go and draw from the deep well of the Holy Spirit His fresh waters each day the things you desire to show me regarding this end times. Thank you, Jesus.
Rich Arnold
Servant of the Lord
311 Adelaide Ave SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632