“Then I saw that there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness. The wise person has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness.” Ecclesiastes 2:13-14 ESV
The two greatest qualities for a born-again believer to seek are wisdom and love. Both, however, should be approached and acted upon with humility. Those who seek wisdom to merely appear intelligent before a crowd, seek with vain motives. Those who desire to love others to be seen, do so with vain intentions. It is humility that balances both love and wisdom and guides what is given by God towards its virtuous end.
Without an earnest desire to have God glorified, wisdom will simply fall into the category of knowledge.
When a Christian desires wisdom for the sole purpose of helping them in their walk throughout this life, that is when wisdom will be given. Folly cannot override a man who humbly seeks wisdom and uses it with all humility. Without God, we can do nothing (John 15:5). It is only by God that we can live for God, if we freely choose to follow God. Without an earnest desire to have God glorified, wisdom will simply fall into the category of knowledge. It is the wise, therefore, that seeks God first, in order to acquire wisdom. They do not seek wisdom first, for that would distort their integrity of placing God at the throne of their heart. For even wisdom can become an idol, if it is not sought after to guide others towards the knowledge of the truth and to provide help within our everyday lives.
Just as light opens the visibility to that which is around us, so wisdom opens up the truths that have always been.
Just as light opens the visibility to that which is around us, so wisdom opens up the truths that have always been. Those who are foolish and live in folly are those who live in darkness. They prefer their ways over God’s; and because their wickedness has prevailed over a desire to seek Truth, their ways are darkened. They cannot see the light, for they have blinded their intuitions from acting upon the conviction that there is something greater out there than themselves. It is the foolish man who neglects this conviction that desires to remain in the dark. In the darkness of their soul, they believe no one sees. They believe nothing can view their thoughts or the secret motives behind their words and actions, but God sees. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3 ESV).
The fool trades eternal goodness for temporal pleasures. The wise trade the will of man for the will of God.
When we fail to understand why the wicked prevail, it is because they have already been pre-damned. Those who have sold their soul to the pleasures and desires of this world, have no desire to take heed to the caution of repentant faith. They have chosen their path. The fools are those who trade eternal goodness for temporal pleasures. The wise trade the will of man for the will of God. When the wicked seem as if they are reaping everything they could ever want in this life, we must remember that they will soon stand before the Judgment Seat of Almighty God. When the eyes of a wise person see the wicked flourishing, it reminds them of James 4:14 (ESV): “What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”
God may not end the life of the wicked immediately, but it does not mean that justice will not be done in the afterlife. The righteous person who possesses wisdom knows that this life is but a vapor. They know that despite the wicked enjoying this life better than Christians (from a carnal point of view), they understand the reality that darkness and damnation awaits them on the other side. There is no hope for those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The foolish man who walks in darkness and does wrong in this life will soon receive his due penalty from Him Who both gives and takes life.
The eyes of the wise seek after God and lack nothing. The eyes of the wicked seek after themselves and lose everything.
Those who are wicked will be cast into utter darkness due to their own folly. Those who are righteous will ascend into Heaven to be with the Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity. The eyes of the wise seek after God and lack nothing. The eyes of the wicked seek after themselves and lose everything. Only the wise can discern that which is pure, righteous, and holy. The wicked cannot discern such things for they find “good” within themselves. “None is righteous, no, not one”” (Romans 3:10 ESV), declares God’s Word.
It is only the humble who can receive wisdom without distorting or perverting its profits.
Those who have been given wisdom by God see the reality of this statement. Those who understand what Christ did on the Cross, understand just how sinful they are. They don’t seek after excuses to find themselves deserving anything that is good. Their eyes look within their head and evaluate their thoughts, motives, actions, words, and deeds, honestly. They do not deceive themselves, but rather humble themselves to see who they truly are. That is why God gives wisdom to the humble. It is only the humble who can receive wisdom without distorting or perverting its profits.
The wise follow the Light and are willing to look within at their true identity both in and apart from Christ.
Let us conclude, therefore, that the wise follow the Light and are willing to look within at their true identity both in and apart from Christ. Those who are wicked will constantly be falling and stumbling their way into an eternity of outer darkness (Matthew 25:30). This darkness consists of elements not known to man, but the wrath of God will make this darkness as bad for the heathen as their sin was to God. Our hope should be the same as God’s for those in this life, however. We must pray and hope that none should perish, but that all may come to genuine repentance (2 Peter 3:9). God makes all in His image and He desires for all to become His children. It takes an act of faith to come into the knowledge of the Truth. Once this Truth is known, then the eyes will no longer be upon self, but upon Christ. It is only by the Blood that we receive all things, including wisdom. “For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8 ESV).
May we never cease to ask God for wisdom. May God graciously give those of pure motives and a humble heart, wisdom. May God alone be glorified through His saints.
Heavenly Father, we are grateful to know such a wonderful, loving God. A God of tender kindness. A God Who is gracious towards those who stumble and fall. O Lord, may all come to the knowledge of the Truth. May they use the gift of freewill to choose You over their ways. How we long for our friends and relatives to press in and press on in the faith. O Lord, give us a natural heart of humility to receive the wisdom that You are so willing to give. We do not want to go our own ways and strive in the flesh. We need Your wisdom, Lord, to know what must be done and said in any and all circumstances. Help us through Your Holy Spirit, Father. We need Your guidance and counsel in our jobs and our relationships. Grant us the gifts of diligence and discipline to seek You first, O Lord. May we not go online or to people, but may we seek Your wisdom, first. You alone can flood the soul with undying Truth. Quicken our conscience, Holy Spirit. Guide us into Thy Father’s Light. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine