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The Five Stones of David!

Updated: Jan 14


As David went into battle a mighty warrior angel went with him.  David refused weapons of war such as a sword or spear but did possess five stones and a sling which he would use one of the stones to bring down Goliath (enemy of Israel) and scatter the armies opposing Israel. 


The Lord put this picture in my mind and then spoke the following word to me which I have entitled “The Five Stones of David” and what the five stones which to me could represent  the heat of the battles we Christian face daily.


Allow me to say that during the previous week, the Lord kept speaking to me about Psalm 8:5-6 which David penned. As I wrote this prophetic word, the Lord kept me going back to this Psalm and matching the things in these verses with the five stones of David.  I have not received anything like this before in this fashion.  This was very unusual.


It is interesting that the church I attended the previous Sunday the pastor’s message touched heavily on God’s glory and he penned this sentence at the top of his teaching outline:

“We need

 His glory

to fulfill our calling as

 a believer.

 What does that look like in

everyday living.”

I believe what the Lord shared with me confirmed the previous Sunday’s message by the pastor. I believe it was a heavenly sent message for me and the people to take hold of God’s glory and walk in it.

Also interesting is that the Sunday School lesson for the children and youth was basically on spiritual warfare and the Armor of God.  David was not only in a physical battle with Goliath but was also in a spiritual struggle with the powers of darkness. 


It is the same for us today – our walk with the Lord can involve physical battles along with spiritual challenges which come our way. But we have the victory for the Lord has giving us the spiritual tools to walk in His victory he accomplished on the Cross of Calvary.


What God spoke to me during the week and during the worship time prior to the Sunday School lesson and the pastor’s teaching touched heavily on the glory of God and seemed to confirm what God was drawing my attention to in Psalms 8:5-6.


The Five Stones of David


The following is what God spoke into my spirit and mind.


Did I not call


out of this shelter of tending

his sheep 

which was My shelter of




provision to become

My chosen warrior

to bring My Kingdom

against the

 Kingdom of Darkness?


I did not allow David

 to put on the

fleshly armor of his day

 to go into battle but

 equipped him with

 a sling and five stones.


He did not possess a

physical sword


 heavy armor 

to combat


but he possessed 

My weapons of war –

a simple sling


five stones.


David’s battle was a

 spiritual battle


his strength to use

My weapons

came from Me

  for it was

My Warrior angel 

 which went

 into battle

 with David

for as he fought

 in the

 physical My angel




 spiritual forces

 coming against Him.


Now I say to you

 that it took

 one stone

 to bring down

David’s enemy


 he had other stones

in his bag.

  I will tell you the


 of these stones


 My people of today

need to move out


 into the battles

that will come

 to them

 with the stones


My kingdom

 to conquer

 the enemies


 My people.



 first stone.

used to

 bring death

 to the Goliath


My Stone of My glory.


My glory

 rests on My people


 when they face the enemy

they bring with them

 the glory

 I have imparted to them.


My glory

 is with them –

it is over them,

it is around them,

it is behind them,

it is in

front of them,


 it is in them.

I wrap My people

securely in

My glory

which I did with David


 the glory imparted to Him

penetrated the


which came against him

 as it will

dispel the darkness

which comes against

My servants.


David went to the giant


My name on his lips


My glory with him.


Let me say again,


first stone

in David’s sling


My Stone of My Glory

which fell the giant


brought favor to David.


You are not

 to fear

the giants


 will come

 against you.

What comes

against you

comes against

the glory

I have

 given you as

 My servants

 whom I love


have called

to face


battles with

  My Stone of Glory

as your



second stone

 in David’s bag 


My Stone of majesty

which accompanied him for

He walked

 with Me in a

strength of character



in his calling

which represented

the majesty of

 My Kingdom.

With the glory and majesty

I placed on Him

I place on My people

as they walk with Me


follow Me

in the things

I am calling

 them to do

 especially in the times

 of trouble and during the

attacks of the enemy.



third stone

 in David’s bag


My Stone of Rulership.

I called David

to rule in the mist

 of his enemies as I am

 calling you rule

in the midst of the

 darkness which

surrounds you each day. 



 My Word

 for it is


 weapon of truth


it puts fear in


 powers of darkness

who come

 against you.


Stone of Rulership 


for the purpose of

 extending and establishing

 My Kingdom in the

world you walk in.


I call you

 to declare the

 Stone of Rulership

over all things

you encounter

for you were met

to rule


reign with Me.


I have placed

 on you

 My glory,



rulership –


 that you are


to reflect

these things

 for I have giving

 them to you.


fourth stone.

 in David’s bag

represented the

My Stone of Authority.


you possess the


of heaven to walk

over your enemies

by using My Name

for David said to Goliath-

“I come to you in the name

 of the Lord of Hosts…”


It is not your

authority that

you are to



 your enemies,


My Stone of Authority 

I have imparted to you.


fifth stone.

 in David’s bag

represents the

My Stone of Power.

It is not your power that

you are to exercise

 against your enemies,


My Stone of Power

I have imparted to you


do not tremble


fear the enemy

 of your soul,

for he knows you carry

My Glory,

My majesty,

My rulership,

My authority




When he comes

 against you,

realize that these

Stones of Grace

 I have imparted to you

 will see you through

 to victory in this life


 the life to come.


The flow of this word ended here.



Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632




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Thanks be to the LORD for this wonderful encouragement.


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