“Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.” Proverbs 20:19 ESV
Gossipers believe they themselves have the right to speak badly about others. They believe that they can say whatever they want because they themselves are exempt from wrong.
Many men carry within the bosom of their being a slanderous tongue. Many are led by emotions. Their filtration and ability to control themselves is little to none. Instead of speaking words of kindness, they speak slanderous words. Even in the midst of being kind in-person, they are those who will gossip as soon as a person leaves. Indirectly, their gossip and slander reveals self-righteousness. They believe they themselves have the right to speak badly about others. They believe that they can say whatever they want because they themselves are exempt from wrong. As long as they are kind every now and then, their gossip and slander is believed to go unexcused.
Many believe themselves to be good and nice individuals by particular things they do, rather than looking at themselves in the entirety of what they do, say, and think.
This deceptive mindset has caused many to go about living an unexamined life. They believe themselves to be good and nice individuals by particular things they do, rather than looking at themselves in the entirety of what they do, say, and think. Due to this, they live a double-life. They deceive themselves by excusing their sins and speaking on the faults of others. They love to be tale-bearers and spread rumors. They enjoy bringing others down because they themselves are not confident in who they are.
They desire to form groups of people that will believe as they believe. This, in effect, produces a sort of “tribe” by which a gossiper sees themselves as a leader. They begin to form a connection with others that produces common thought, but is infected by a godless heart.
Those who have hate in their hearts will breathe out lies. They will disguise their hatred and foolishness behind their gentle words.
Proverbs 10:18 (ESV) states that “The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.” Those who have hate in their hearts will breathe out lies. They will disguise their hatred and foolishness behind their gentle words. As soon as they are done speaking with someone, their wicked hearts will think of all the things they dislike about a person. Rather than extending grace and mercy, they are merciless. Their hearts judge others and always find the flaws in others.
We must learn to discern and stay away from such individuals. For “Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered” (Proverbs 11:13 ESV). If we are bound to be near such people due to our job or career, may we be tread carefully. For many will appear as our friend, only to want the latest intel of our lives and others.
This is a dangerous path to live, as many gossipers share secrets swifter then a broken dam. The water of their words flows into every ear. Eventually, gossipers believe themselves to be forming unique bonds with others. They believe that by sharing secrets they will be seen as the “go-to” person for the latest news. Ironically, their own gossip reveals their folly. Soon, shame shall be upon such individuals.
For they reveal what truly lingers within their heart. As time presses on, connections will fade due to lack of trust from others. Slowly but surely, they will die a death of a thousand cuts. People will distance themselves from them because they will be exposed for a lack of genuineness and authenticity. Eventually, all will hear that such a person cannot keep secrets - that their kindness and niceness are merely acts towards a corrupt end. Rather than truly caring about others, gossipers will be seen for what they truly are: Caring only about the latest news to spread.
That is why “With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered” (Proverbs 11:9 ESV). The more we know Christ and the Word of God, the less likely we will give into the ways of the foolish. For we become led by the Holy Spirit when we are born-again. His conviction brings forth our ascension in the faith. When He convicts, we learn what is not of His Spirit and what must go. Day by day we become led by His speaking, guiding, and leading. Day by day the chastisement of our soul brings forth a blooming purity that never used to be. We become those who want to speak words that edify. “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29 ESV).
For many people are busybodies. They have nothing better to do than gossip and find the latest intel. This is due to sin, but also due to a lack of knowing one's purpose and calling. Gossipers do not realize that God is calling all to Him and, once in the faith, to a higher standard. For what do we reveal to others when we look exactly the same as the world? 1 Timothy 5:13 (ESV) says that “they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not.”
If what someone says continually degrades an individual, we must question whether it is true or not. For little do we realize that other's viewpoints and gossip of people have infected our thinking. Slowly, we begin to think in the ways of gossipers, not giving others a chance.
The next time someone desires to gossip about others, we must respond in two ways. We must first ask if this is something that the person gossiping would be okay with us finding out if it is true? If it is not, then the gossiper will be revealed as a talebearer. Secondly, we must ask if the gossiper's words are portraying an individual in such a way as to reveal their true character? If what someone says continually degrades an individual, we must question whether it is true or not. For little do we realize that other's viewpoints and gossip of people have infected our thinking. Slowly, we begin to think in the ways of gossipers, not giving others a chance.
Busybodies will never build up. Rather, they will always and only tear down. When we buy into their gossip and allow ourselves to listen, we ourselves become just as guilty. Rather than standing up and rebuking a gossiper in love, we go the easy way. We enjoy the carnal pleasure of hearing wrongdoings about others while we coast through life entirely oblivious to what lingers within.
This occurs due to our natural bend of wanting to think as our friends and, in so doing, we miss out on getting to know the person who is being gossiped about. Instead, we merely go with what our “friends” and others have to say. Instead of getting to know someone’s heart and character, we pre-judge them and have a distorted view. This is all because of the gossip that is being spread that we don’t know is fully true and, if it is, might be skewed in favor of the gossiper. Not only this, but busybodies will never build up; they will always and only tear down. When we buy into their gossip and allow ourselves to listen, we ourselves become just as guilty. Rather than standing up and rebuking a gossiper in love, we go the easy way. We enjoy the carnal pleasure of hearing wrongdoings about others while we coast through life entirely oblivious to what lingers within.
One day, our hearts will be on open display for all to see. Every word uttered and silent thought harbored will be heard and exposed before God and Heaven.
“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless” (James 1:26 ESV). May we never be found as a gossiper or hanging around others who gossip. For the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 12:36 (ESV), ““I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak””. One day, our hearts will be on open display for all to see. Every word uttered and silent thought harbored will be heard and exposed before God and Heaven. That is why it is absolutely essential that we slaughter the gossiping tongue from us. Time is short. We must not take part in the ways of gossiping fools who exalt themselves and breed division and strife.
We must not take part in the ways of gossiping fools who exalt themselves and breed division and strife.
We must live “To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people” (Titus 3:2 ESV). We “must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth” (Colossians 3:8 ESV). We must pray to God that “the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14 ESV). For “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8 ESV).
May we be set apart in order that we may build others up and speak encouraging and edifying words that are filled with love and truth.
May we be set apart in order that we may build others up and speak encouraging and edifying words that are filled with love and truth. For if we go in the ways of spreading lies and rumors, we ourselves have exalted ourselves above God’s Word, God’s ways, and God’s will. When we become born again, we are holy citizens of Heaven. If what we do will not be done in Heaven, then it must be cut off.
If what we do will not be done in Heaven, then it must be cut off.
May the Holy Spirit give us the power, grace, self-control, and discipline to tame our tongue. May He give us the courage and strength to rebuke and distance ourselves from those who speak lies and degrade others. For we are children of the Light. We must set the example. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit may this be accomplished.
May the Holy Spirit give us the power, grace, self-control, and discipline to tame our tongue. May He give us the courage and strength to rebuke and distance ourselves from those who speak lies and degrade others.
Heavenly Father, God of Truth and Glory, we desire to live for You. We desire to exalt Your name and speak words that build up and encourage. God, keep us from the godlessness of gossip. May we not be busybodies running to-and-fro breeding havoc and division. Help us to be peacemakers. Help us to endure in the Truth. Make us walking Bibles. May Your Word live within us who are truly born again. Distance us from the carnality, wickedness, and foolishness of the world. Set us apart and take us to higher ground. May others know us by our love and fruits. Be with us, O Holy Spirit, and give us the courage to rebuke and correct when needed. We submit ourselves to You, O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. May Your Holy Will be done, forever and always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine