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The Godlessness Of Narcissism

“For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” 2 Timothy 3:2-5 NKJV

Some people can’t go a day without taking pictures of themselves and posting them on social media.

We live in the most narcissistic generation the world has known. The amount of people who are “lovers of themselves” is staggering. We have masses who are addicted to posting what they do and what they look like. Some people can’t go a day without taking pictures of themselves and posting them on social media. We live in a culture that says to “love yourself.” Doesn’t matter what others think, as long as you love yourself, you're set.

Lucifer has disguised his deception with kindness.

The problem is that Lucifer has disguised his deception with kindness. “Lance, what’s wrong with loving myself?” It seems harmless from the surface, but to review it on a deeper level is to recognize its damaging effects. It literally depletes one’s desire to help others above themselves, and to love God and die to self. Sure, people who love themselves may say the common lingo of “I just want to help people.” Ironically, they themselves are deceived by their own narcissistic inclinations. Where has this narcism sprouted from? Mainly the desire to want to be loved by others. Those that have been rejected and have strived to find love outside Christ and have gotten rejected, played, and abandoned are watered by the canteen of Satan’s lie: “Just love yourself and you will be happy.” This couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s the narcissism of the love of self that secretly desires love from others.

Sadly, the world will combat and say, “but this has given me confidence. Is this not a good thing?” It is a confidence that constantly needs to be groomed. It is not a peaceful confidence. One will always be striving for themselves to receive affirmation from others (whether they know it or not). That is why there are girls (and guys) who post pictures of themselves daily. That is why the workout-fanatic needs to take half nude pictures everyday. It’s the narcissism of the love of self that secretly desires love from others.

There is no sicker trait than those who are prideful. Multitudes feel the need to show off their money and richness. This may not be shown directly, but through the constant revealing of trips, cars, and clothes, the inner chambers of the heart are made known. The common man will say this blog is being “judgmental” and that “I don’t know the heart of the person.” You’re right, but God does. If what I have said so far has made you uncomfortable, it’s most likely the conviction of the Holy Spirit. For if someone does not struggle with these things, they are not going to feel uncomfortable. They are going to remain stable while hearing this truth.

People show the lavish life while inside they are as dead as a doornail. The exterior most always covers up the interior.

Though there be many who post to keep family and friends up to date, there are some who must constantly post where they are and what they are doing. They show the lavish life while inside they are as dead as a doornail. The exterior most always covers up the interior. If someone is not satisfied in Christ, they must find satisfaction in something else. This is usually seen through the attachment of being a lover of the world, of self, and of others affirmations.

It would be a joy to see two Christians, one rich and one poor, switch places. Now, this is by no means a post to condemn the rich. Money is a gift from the Lord that is meant to be used responsibly. I simply lay the above example out to raise the question: What lingers within the heart? There are some wealthy Christians who would not be able to endure a week’s suffering of some of the greatest saints. Some have never been tested in their lives. If you were to diminish their social media presence, deplete their money, and steal their health, they would not throw themselves upon Christ. Instead, they would throw a fit.

The world has entered many believer’s hearts and ruled them. The world has mixed, overlapped, or even become an idol above Christ.

This is written to reveal that the world has entered many believer’s hearts and has ruled them. The world has mixed, overlapped, or even become an idol above Christ. That is why “the last will be first, and the first last”” (Matthew 20:16 NKJV). Many of those who are believers and who are considered first will be last. Why? Because they believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, but they had depended and sought after prosperity and popularity in this life. Their narcissism will be their downfall from all else that God wanted to do in them and through them.

This is not just for the rich, this goes for everyone. Some people are so caught up in the chase and success. This world has no idea what success means. Is it an amount of money? The economy is constantly changing and the value of the dollar continues to depreciate over time. Is it assets? Someone will only be able to enjoy them so long. Is it a person’s following? There is soon to be someone more famous and talented. Success in this life is a constant “grasping for the wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:14 NKJV). It’s full of those who are confused and seeking in places where their soul’s true desire will not be found.

In this day and age, we must be deaf to the world, blind to its pleasures, and dead to constantly revealing our bodies, exposing the top 1% of our lives, money, and self-love.

In this day and age, we must be deaf to the world, blind to its pleasures, and dead to constantly revealing our bodies, exposing the top 1% of our lives, money, and self-love. We must die to self and destroy the temptations that linger. We must not go with the way of the world, for the world is soon to die. Christ is coming again and there will be “a new Heaven and a new earth” (Revelation 21:1 NKJV). What will happen to the old earth? It will go up in smoke. All of its distractions and deceptions will go with the damned. It’s a strong statement, but it’s true. We must not love ourselves. We must love Christ. There is no greater pleasure and peace. The wicked will never understand this. They have chosen their path. They have hardened their hearts to the knowledge of the Truth. For the genuine seeker, however, there is still time.

Are we walking in the godlessness of narcissism? Or are we desiring the path of humility?

This is not an easy read, but one that we must ask ourselves: Am I walking in the godlessness of narcissism? Or am I desiring the path of humility? May Christ shows us the way, in order that we may walk in the security of our salvation. May we remain humble throughout our walk within this life. We don’t need validation from the world. We need Christ. He is our all in all. If we desire other things, then we will never fully obtain that which could be acquired from God Almighty.

Die to self. Rise up in Christ.


O Lord, our hearts are grievous. We know that we have been lovers of ourselves. We have placed ourselves above You. O Lord, forgive us of our sins. We are a wicked people who know not what we do. Give us the wisdom to reflect on how we are living. Show us the path of godliness, that we may pursue and walk down that path. Lord, we believe we have been forgiven. Change us within. Give us newness of life. Destroy our wicked ways and distance us from our carnal ways. We love You, Lord. We thank You for Your long-suffering. May Your grace and mercy sustain and change us in the days ahead. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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