I just finished two hours of Bible study and prayer and went to bed at 11:45 pm. I went to sleep and then heard the Lord say, “You need to get up and come and seek me.”
I looked at the clock and it was 12:30 am. I got dressed to go and walk in the community and pray when suddenly I felt my soul and spirit cry out to the Lord, “Oh, Savior of my soul, how I long for thee to come and pull me close to thy loving breast of security.” This was plain as day.
I knew between the yearning of my soul and spirit for Him and His midnight call, He was saying something to me. So, I rushed back upstairs to my office and wrote this prophetic poem as He downloaded it to me. After I wrote the poem, I left the house and sought Him till 2:30 am walking in the community and praying for souls. Let me also say that this is a poetic vision.
Oh, Savior of my soul,
how I long for Thee to come
pull me close to thy loving breast
of security.
I long in the shadows
of the moonlit nights
of earthly walks
to come and hear
Your sweet talk.
As I gaze upon Your face,
Your eyes pierce my
inner life -
searching and refreshing
my present plight.

Your words of heavenly
delight are like birds taking flight –
with wings flapping in the wind
your words lift
again and again.
Oh, my soul doth
hardly bear
the weight of thy divine
words so wise and fair.
I cling to each expression
from Your lips,
My Savior speaks
with eternal bliss.
My soul within rises
to receive His invite
to walk with Him
His blessing and delight.
But, oh,
what a surprise,
when His golden chariot
of precious
stones arrive.
His voice so majestic
and replete,
for He says,
this ride is for you
my heart just skips a

With four white stallions
in front,
I beside the Savior
so strong,
off we went to visit
the heavenly throng.
Upon the heavenly
streets of gold,
the chariot
I saw
the redeemed of old.

The white stallions were
the saints of old
were waving
“To Him be the glory
for His story will
forever be told.
With motion from
His mighty hand,
chariot did expand.
And lo,
I look to see
for the redeemed saints
of old and new
were riding with me.
Off we went
with eternal joy and glee,
for my soul was felt
so free.
From the streets
of gold in heavenly
we flew to
His house at a
steady pace.
Arriving in a moment
of time,
we sat down to dine.

Joy unspeakable
was present
in all
as we ate
were continually
filled with awe.
Savior of my soul,
in the darkest of nights
You call to me
to come
dine with thee.
To thee I lift
My hands,
Christ is Lord,
for who knows
what else he has
in store for me.

The flow ended here.