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The Light in the Corner of the Room!

Updated: Jun 8, 2024






                                 The Light in the Corner of the Room!


A Visit to the Doctor’s Office

I had just posted “Dance with Me” on website when I felt led to follow up with this oracle about two ladies and their extraordinary experience.  I would like to believe these to ladies are now in heaven dancing with Jesus for their hearts were to be with Him.


I was reminded of my trip to the doctor’s office during the COVID-19 pandemic. The nurse came to get me from the waiting room and took me into one of the examination rooms.  She took my weight, pulse, and blood pressure, and then entered the information on her laptop.


I had not seen this person before working in the doctor’s office and asked her how long she had worked for the doctor. During COVID-19 she was in another section of the clinic and was transferred over to my doctor because he was short-handed due to COVID-19.  I realized then that working in a doctor’s office could be hazardous to one’s health because of the spread of COVID.

I asked her if she had worked in a hospital during this pandemic and she said she had. For some reason, I asked her if she had been in rooms where people had passed away from COVID.


The First Lady and Second Lady


She said yes, she had witnessed several succumb to the virus. She then related to me about the 90+ year old lady sitting in her room while she was attending to the lady’s needs.


 All at once, the lady said to her, “Look! Do you see the light in the corner!  Again, she said, “Look! There is bright light shining in the corner!”


The nurse looked over to the corner of the room and did not see any light. After the lady said the second time she was seeing a bright light, immediately the lady passed away sitting in her chair. I asked the nurse if this lady had ever talked about Jesus and she said every time she saw this lady, Jesus’s name would be on the lady’s lips.  No doubt this lady knew Christ, or she would not be talking about Jesus.  I asked the nurse if she knew Jesus and she did.


The nurse also told me that when her mother was in the hospital she was at her mother’s side when all at once her mother (a Christian lady) got the biggest smile on her face and then passed away. What brought a smile to this lady’s face? 

The lady who saw the Light in the corner of the rooms I can only assume she was permitted to see into the heavenly realm and perhaps saw something that gave her peace and joy.  She probably saw the Light of Christ beckoning her to come home.


The other lady who passed away with a smile on her face also no doubt experienced peace and joy as she entered heaven. I like to think that Jesus reached out to both these ladies and said, “Come, My friends, I have reserved a time of dance with Me.”


These two stories told to me by the nurse moved me and touched my heart deeply. We often read stories about people when near death sees a bright light.


The Light – The Calling Out – and the Smile

I left the doctor’s office and did not think much about this time with nurse and her two stories until late into the night, I was awakened, and my mind and spirit were totally absorbed by the nurse’s story of the light in the room and the old lady seeing the light and by the smile on the face of the mother of the nurse who weeks early had passed away.


I got up around 3:00 am and went to my computer and began to write what you are reading here. While recording the above, these thoughts came to me which I wish to share with you. I believe the Light entering the room was from the non-physical reality (heaven) which runs parallel to our physical reality.  It was the spiritual realm – the heavenly reality penetrating the last day of these two ladies on earth.


Furthermore, for the lady who saw the Light (Jesus), I believe it was the door of heaven opening to allow the Light of Heaven to shine into this hospital room but only the old lady could see the Light. The Light (Christ) had come for the old lady – it was her time to leave this earthly realm and transition to the heavenly realm.  Jesus led her to heaven and perhaps through the narrow gate of heaven.

As mentioned before, I believe that Light was emanating from Christ who was calling and reaching out to this loved one to come to Him. 


She was allowed to see Him in His effulgence of divine Light.  The other lady’s smile was on her face as during her last breath, which could have indicated she may have also seen the light but did not mention it.



White Robes of Righteousness!


Apostle John talks about Jesus as the Light (John 1:8, 9; 3:19).  Jesus said of Himself….. “I Am the Light of the world” (John 9:5; John 12:46 Matthew 4:16).  He calls us to walk in His Light and when we do we have fellowship with Him and sweet fellowship with one another (1st John1:7).


The old lady saw the light and made the two comments, Jesus called her soul and spirit to leave and join with Him as I envisioned Him taking her hand and leading her to her encounter the host of heaven who are worshipping, praising, and dancing before the Father and the Son. Both these ladies received their white robes of righteousness and joined in with the choirs of heaven singing and dancing and saying, “Glory hallelujah to the Lamb – Christ who sits on His Throne.”


 It is interesting to note that when Saul (Paul) had his first encounter with Christ, Luke records…..


“..suddenly a light from heaven flashed

around him…..

he fell to the ground and heard a voice…..


 Saul (Paul) said,

“Who are you Lord?” ......

“I am Jesus…..”


The men around Saul heard the voice but saw nothing…..they did not see the Light.  Similar to the nurse in the room…… she did not see the    Light in the corner of the room.  The Light came for Saul to call him to his mission – to take the Gospel of Christ and the Cross to the world (See Acts 9:1-8).


The Christian mother of the nurse who passed away with a smile on her face evidently saw something in the heavenly realm which gave her peace.  As mentioned previously, she also could have seen the Light but did not say anything before she passed.  But the smile says it all!  How many people die with a smile on their face? 


Jesus Speaks to Us!

I believe our passing from this life to the next life to be with Christ will be the most glorious, triumphant, and exhilarating experience we will ever encounter. Image – seeing Christ as the Supreme Light of the Universe – reaching out to us, embracing us, and welcoming us into His presence. And may I add, asking us to dance with Him.


          And while we are walking in this earthy realm, Jesus might say to us:



I called you,

I walk with you,

I have prepared you,

I have given My promises to you,

I have kept you as the apple of My eye,


I have given you eternal life

with Me forever.


I have loved you


 will continue to love you

 for you are precious

in My sight.


Your life has always

been in My hands

during your times of

doubt, distress,



even suffering.


When you have said to Me,


where are you?” 

“Have you forgotten me?”

“Do you not care about me


  what I am going through?”


O dear child,

believe that your destiny

 is so bright


 full of promises that nothing

on earth which may

come against you

 is nothing compared to what

I have waiting for you!”


Strengthen yourself in Me,

in My Word to you,

in your worship


praise of Me,


in your

witness and testimony of Me.


I said to John and say to you,

 “Behold, I am coming quickly,


My reward is with me,

to render to every man

according to what he has done.


I am the Alpha and the Omega,

the first and the last,

the beginning


 the end.”


“Yes, I am coming quickly.”


Perhaps when it is our time to leave this mortal coil – when all is said and done - when we know our time here on planet earth is completed and we have accomplished what Jesus has called us to do for Him – love Him and love others with all our heart, mind, and soul, we may also see the Light (Christ) in the corner of the room reaching out to us.  Again, I believe Jesus would continue to say to us at that time:


My child,

it is time to come home

where I have prepared a place

for you to live with Me for all eternity.


You have read in My Word,


In My Father’s house

 are many mansions;

if it were not so, 

I would have told you.

I go to prepare a place for you.



 if I go and prepare

a place for you,

I will come again


receive you to Myself;

that where I am,

there you may be also.


 And where I go you know,


the way you know.”


Now come

 for I have many that have gone

before you who are anxious

 to see you and talk to you


that includes many you have

read about in My Book.


Well, there you have it. 

I thought you might want to read this and share with others who may be encouraged by it.  I added the pictures which I love to do when I write things the Lord shares with me.


Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632






Unknown member
May 26, 2024

Shalom Rich, your openness in sharing is so refreshing and lightens my heart. My mother worked for a short time as a social worker with the homebound. Sadly, she did not know Yeshua, as far as I know, but she knew I did and it took her a while to accept that. Anyway, one time I was visiting her and she had come back from work very pensive. She told me that the woman she had been working with had died, but unlike all the other ones, she had been very peaceful and she died with a smile on her face. She said that she too was a Jesus person and the only one that had met the end of…


Unknown member
May 26, 2024

Hello Rich,

I haven't been long on this site.

But because of my double triple caution, I have only communicated one way.

But I have had bits of light come on me since I started reading from when you wrote, The old man and the lemonade. Shaftsof light came to me, as they did with some of your other writings.

Some of your work has had a calling in them, but caution prevailed. The Holy Spirit has been restoring my life with Himself . I asked if He would give me my first joy, when I came to my Savior

Just letting know where I am there Rich.


Because He Lives.

John Janssens


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