For all of us, life will eventually come to an end. All that we have done while on earth, all that we have accomplished or achieved, all that we have taken pride in, all that we have in terms of possessions, pride, money, family, friends, awards, education, degrees, etc. will be gone.
Not many think in these terms during the younger years for all are busy doing the things of life. But as one grows older, these things begin to enter the mind and can be difficult to process if one does not have a personal and obedient relationship with Christ.

Then I begin to reflect that the life I live in terms of eternity is nothing but a vapor….a puff of air…..just one inhale and exhale…..and then the light goes out. David in the Bible told God:
You have made my days as
[short as] handbreadths,
my lifetime
is as nothing in Your sight.
Truly every man at his best is merely
a breath (vapor)!
[pause, and think calmly of that]!
Psalm 39:5 (AMP)
Another translation says it this way:
Look, you make
my days short-lived,
my life span
is nothing from your perspective.

all people,
even those who seem secure,
are nothing
but vapor.
Psalm 39:5 (NET)
God gives every person on earth a certain number of years or days to live. Every life is measured out on God’s timeline. He knows when they will be born, and He knows the day and hour they will pass away. Their destination will either be heaven or hell where they will live forever. God is always in control of the righteous and the wicked who walk the earth. Nothing goes unnoticed by Him. He is a sovereign God over all!
I have been given this life for a certain amount of time here on earth. I often think God looks down and says to me,
‘Rich I have given you a certain number of days to live on earth and I want you to use all these days wisely by seeking Me and knowing My Will for you. You know I love you and have always been with you in the hard and difficult times as well in the times of joy, blessing, and favor.
You know I have called you to love, serve, and give to others what I give to you. Do not consider yourself above others but continue to be willing to humble yourself and think of others as having more value than yourself.
It is this attitude which pleases Me and causes Me to bring more blessings into your life.
Thank you, Jesus.
It then entered my mind to ask this question?
What is truly the measure of man or a woman while they live on planet earth?

Again, is it how much education one possesses? Is it how many colleges or university degrees one has acquired? Is it how much money one makes in a job? Is it how many cars one has in their garage? Is it how much wealth one has accumulated? Is it how good one did their job? Is it how many friends one has? Is it about the nice home and all the trimmings one has? Is it about climbing the latter to become an America success story? Is it all about me, my, and I?
When Jesus was with His disciples, John recorded:
when He had finished washing their feet
had put on His garments
had sat down again,
He said to them,
Do you understand what I have done to you?
You call Me the Teacher (Master)
the Lord,
you are right in doing so,
for that is what I am.
If I then, your Lord and Teacher (Master),
have washed your feet,
you ought
[it is your duty,
you are under obligation, you owe it]
to wash one another’s feet.
John 13:14 (AMP)

For I have given you this as an
so that you should do
[in your turn]
what I have done to you.
I assure you, most solemnly I tell you,
A servant is not greater than his master,
no one who is sent is superior
to the one who sent him.
If you know these things,
blessed and happy
to be envied are you
if you practice them
[if you act accordingly
really do them].

“A new commandment
I give to you,
that you
love one another,
even as I have loved you,
that you also
love one another.
“By this all men will know that you are
My disciples,
if you have
love for one another.”
John 13:12–17, 34-35 (AMP)
Again, I keep coming back to this same question:
What is truly the measure of man or a woman while they live on planet earth?
I believe Jesus showed me the answer for me to this question which I wish to share with you.

(1) Jesus washed His disciple’s feet symbolizing servanthood.
My measure of my manhood is how well I serve others.
Do I have a true servant’s heart?
(2) Jesus put on His garments – symbolizing His identification with man.
My measure of my manhood is my identification with Christ as My Lord and Savior and living for Him. Have I surrendered everything to Christ?
Do I live a surrendered life to the Master?
(3) Jesus sat down symbolizing His Kingship and Majesty.
My measure of my manhood is daily bowing down and worshiping the King of Kings and the Lord of lords.
Do I worship Him morning, noon, and night rather than just on Sunday morning at church?

(4) Jesus called his disciples to wash each other’s feet symbolizing the command to demonstrate utmost concern and love for others.
My measure of my manhood is practicing humility, integrity, truthfulness, justice, and righteousness toward others.
Do I reflect the character of Christ everywhere He sends me?
(5) Jesus told His disciples if they do as He was commanding, they
would be blessed and happy and be highly regarded by others.
My measure of my manhood is receiving His favor and blessing and being received by those he sends to me to serve them in their times of need, brokenness, confusion, unbelief, rejection, and loneliness.
Does my heart ache enough which results in reaching out to these people in prayer, action, and willing to forego my own wants and needs?

(6) Jesus commanded His disciple to love (agape) one another.
My measure of my manhood is to practice His love (agape) no
matter how difficult, how hard, or how demanding. It becomes the centrality of my walk with Him and in serving others. Demonstrative love from the heart overcomes the world, the Devil, and the self-life?
Do I reflect this kind of love to others?
(7) Jesus told His disciples He was giving them a new commandment -
“Love one another even as I have loved you - you also love one another” so that “all men will know that you are My disciples.”
My measure of my manhood is practicing being His disciple by demonstrating love to others. This is a repeat of #6.
If Jesus repeats this theme of love several times, then I need to take heed and know His commandment to love is extremely important to Him. How can I call myself His disciple if I do not love with His love (agape-divine love) which he calls me to share?

Jesus said and I paraphrase – “Love God – the first commandment” and “love your neighbor as yourself – the second commandment” (Matthew 22:37-39).
Apostle John recorded:
He who does not love
has not become acquainted with God
[does not and never did know Him],
for God is love.
1 John 4:8 (AMP)
Therefore, gleaning from this story of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet, I have extracted from it the measure of my manhood from the above seven presentations. It is not as east journey for me, but with the help of the Holy Spirit I endeavor to serve Him and others in light of these seven affirmations.
Yes, life is short-lived, a vapor, or just a puff of air and then it is gone. But what have I really accomplished during this lifetime? A life of self-serving or a life of serving Christ and washing the feet of others which leads to a life of following Him to the Cross?

And by washing the feet of others meaning I am willing to lay my life down so others can experience Christ and what he wants to impart to them through my servanthood? It is only then His life and love can emerge out of me?
So, for me, the measure of my manhood, the measure of my worth before the Lord and value to others must be reflected in the seven reflections presented in the above.
Only then, can I be a true follower of Christ and move in the power and the authority He would grant to me to accomplish the His purposes and assignments for me in this short life He has allowed me to live on planet earth.
Rich Arnold
Servant of the Lord
311 Adelaide Ave SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632