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The Necktie and Comb Incident!

Speak Power Words!


           Let me say that God wants to use His people to speak power words into the lives of the unsaved (lost). He wants to touch not only their minds but those of hard and broken hearts which the world and the devil have devastated and caused to have no hope, no vision, no faith, and no value.


          Most of the lost are just wandering stars in a vast universe having no or little purpose in life.  They are the lost children – children of the world – children of lostness – children in bondage to the world system who Christ came to save and give to them eternal life with Him in heaven.


          God loves and wants His love to be taken to these kinds of people with boldness and declaration that Christ comes to set the captives free. Christ said of His mission,

The Spirit of the Lord

 [is] upon Me,

because He has

anointed Me

 [the Anointed One, the Messiah]

to preach 

the good news

(the Gospel)

 to the poor;

 He has sent Me

to announce 


 to the captives



of sight to the blind,

to send forth 

as delivered those

 who are


 [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed,


broken down by calamity]…..

(Luke 4:18, Amplified Bible)


          Notice the speaking terms He uses – “to preach or to share,” and “to announce.”  These terms are not just words but heavenly power words of authority to bring life and transformation to those who hear the Word of God.


          They are words of verbal power and physical power of healing and deliverance.  When they receive His transforming words and power, then they are to go forth and to do the same for others for Christ says, “….to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed and broken down by calamity.”


The Ultimate of Christ’s Mission!

     And the results of preaching and announcing the Gospel of Christ is the confirmations of the captives being set free, the blind see, the deaf hear, the broken down raised up, and the bruised, oppressed, and crushed are delivered and healed. 


    This then is the ultimate of Christ and His mission – speaking with power and healing to all that come to Him and declare Him as their Savior and Lord.


    Thus, this is also the mission of the radical or extraordinary follower of the Christ -  bringing in the harvest with supernatural speaking and doing for the time of the end of this age is drawing to a close and the work to be done is not yet completed in His sight.



 The Incident!


        I planned to attend a worship gathering in Marion, Ohio which is two hours away from my home in Hartville, Ohio.  As I got ready for the trip, I took a shower and washed my hair.  After the shower, I forgot to comb my hair for I was somewhat in a hurry to get on the road.         

  I also made sure that I had everything such as my watch, my keys, my billfold, cell phone, blazer, and other items.  I also included a necktie which is shown here.


           I hardly ever wear a necktie but felt led that I was to take this tie with me but really did not want to wear it.  It is a beautiful tie with unusual designs in different colors. 


          Actually, the designs include birds drinking out of a fountain, flowers, and winged horses.  To tell you the truth I never did look at this tie that closely until later on in this trip which I will explain later.  Oh, the tie is over five years old, but I have not really worn it that much.


          As I gathered all these things together, I finally was off and driving on my way to Marion, Ohio. I go to Marion the first weekend of every month except January and July to attend worship services and the various training schools of the Spirit which are offered from Friday night through all day Saturday.  The two-hour trip allows me to pray, worship, and prepare for the worship time on Friday evening. 


 I Forgot My Comb!


          After an hour of driving and worshipping the Lord, I happened to look in the mirror and saw that my hair was not combed and was sticking out all over the place. Oh my, I forgot to comb my hair after the shower, and it dried with me looking like I stuck my finger in an electric socket.  How could I be so negligent to forget such a thing?

No problem.  I went to reach in my pants pocket for a comb and none was there.  No problem.  I always carry extra combs in the glove compartment box.  When I opened it, I saw that there were no combs.  Panicsville!!


        NO COMBS!!  How could that be for I always make sure that I put extra combs in the clove compartment box in case I forget to bring one.  I became angry at myself for my inefficiency of not putting a comb in my back pocket and for making sure there were combs in the glove compartment of my car. 


        I begin to fume somewhat for I knew I would have to stop and pick up a comb.  The last thing I wanted was to attend the worship time looking like I just got up out of bed with hair all over the place. I thought to myself, “Boy, how could I forget that comb.”  But then I thought how I could solve this problem of no comb.


The Stop at Walmart

Ah!  No problem.  I will just stop at Wal-Mart in Marion, my favorite store to shop, and pick up a comb before I go to the worship service. 


         So, I kept on driving and re-entered my time of prayer and worship, calling on the Lord and telling Him how much I wanted to be used to take His word and power to others.


           I just basked in a time of prayer, praise, and seeking quickly forgetting the comb incident.  I even put on some Messianic music by Paul Wilbur and sang alone with his beautifully music.  I was in heaven.


          As I continued to drive, I kept thinking about this necktie around my neck, but it was not tied in a necktie knot.  It was just loose.  Every now and then I questioned myself whether or not I should wear this tie or just leave it in the car. 


          Neckties seem to be going out of style these days since I see a lot of men just wearing a sport coat with no tie.  But here I was with a loose necktie around my neck and hair all out of place.  These issues would need to be resolved soon.


 Sally Beauty Supply!   

  As I came into Marion, I drove toward the Wal-Mart Superstore and entered the parking lot.  I noticed a store right besides Wal-Mart called “Sally’s Beauty Supply.”  Hmm. 

For some reason, I felt that I needed to go into this store to get my comb rather than going into Wal-Mart which was right next door.  But before I went in, I decided to wear the tie. 


    So, I tied a necktie knot and straighten the tie around the collar.  There. I was all set except for my hair which needed to be combed badly.  So, I took my hands and tried to do the best I could to get my hair halfway in shape.  I got out of the car and walked toward Sally’s Beauty Supply.


      I entered the store I looked for combs and encountered a young lady who asked if I needed help. I told her I needed some combs.  She showed me the combs and we both proceeded to the checkout counter.


       As she was ringing up my sale, she noticed my tie and commented that it was a beautiful tie.  I thought, if she thinks this tie is so great, maybe I better take a close look at.


        For the first time, I seriously looked down at the tie and said, “You know this tie is an interesting tie with these birds drinking out of the fountain and all the flowers all around. It is like a little paradise, quiet and tranquil – like a place with very few problems.”  I was thinking, “What in the world am I saying all these things for?”  “And where did all this come from?”  I was in a hurry and needed to get to the service.


        When I looked up after examining this tie, I noticed her eyes were starting to get wet, and tears were starting to form.  Then it hit me.  This was a set up by the Lord – forgetting to comb my hair after my shower – forgetting to take a comb on the trip - no comb in my pocket – no comb in the glove compartment of my car - not knowing whether or not to wear the tie – not going into Wal-Mart but instead being guided by the Spirit to go into Sally’s Beauty Supply. My, my, my!!!  Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.


        Here I was in front of this young woman and all I said was connected with describing this tie and tears start coming to her eyes.  No message from the Bible, no Scriptures were shared, no call to repentance or confession, and no religious talk and this lady is crying all because of this tie which I debated and debated as to whether or not to wear.  O’ Jesus, so simple but yet so profound!


         Evidently, the Spirit of God was moving in a powerful way through these power words I used to describe this tie. But how could this be.  As I think back about it, this was so unspiritual I can hardly believe what happened between this lady and myself.  A simple description of the tie and the Holy Spirit used this to prick the lady's heart to open to the power word of the Lord expressed by me describing this tie. Her heart broke and a healing was taking place deep within side of her.

God was at work, and I knew it when I saw her tears and begin to feel her hidden pain and hurts which the Lord showed me through the spiritual gift of the Word of Knowledge described by Apostle Paul I 1st Corinthians 14.  It was at this point I felt compassion for her, and this feeling was the feeling of the Holy Spirit to reach out to herIt reminds of the times when Jesus said,

 …..I feel compassion

for the people.

(Matthew 15:32; Mark 8:2)


          I dropped the tie which I had in my hand looking at it, and said to the lady, “I know you have been hurt deep down inside and life has not been the best for you up till this time.  You have pains and wounds inside.  Your heart has been broken but I I believe Jesus is healing it as we speak."


          Then I asked her, “Can I pray for you that Jesus will continue to minister to you and take all this stuff away?”  With tears in her eyes, she gave me permission to pray for her as others were beginning to enter the store.  Here is the prayer I prayed:


Jesus, we need you to come to Erica’s heart and begin to mend and heal the things that have broken her heart and made life turn against her.  Come Lord Jesus and minister your grace and peace to her and lead her into the kingdom.  In Your name, Amen.      

  That was it.  A short prayer asking the Christ to redeem this lost soul and give her a new perspective of life.  Unfortunately, there were customers waiting in line and I had to cut things off.  But I plan to go back the next time I am in Marion, Ohio and visit with her. I left the store and continued in the prayer I started in the store.

           As I headed to the car and opened the car door, I noticed a comb on the floor right under my steering wheel.  Why did I not see that comb before?  I could not believe it.

          There it was.  And how it got on the floor of the car on the driver’s side without me noticing it is a real puzzle to me.  But now I know that I was to lose that comb for a period of time because God had a divine assignment for me to do. 


          In addition, I was to wear that tie into the store so that the Holy Spirit could work through the tie to bring the presence of Christ into this situation.  The Lord does work in mysterious ways – through a comb and a necktie?


          As I drove to Marion Christian Center, I kept praying for Erica for that was her name.  My heart was smitten, and tears came to my eyes with what had happened, and I just raised her up in intercessory prayer to the Lord and said, 


I love Erica as you love her


want her to come to you


gain eternal life. 


Please, Lord,

have mercy on her


save her soul


open her eyes


ears to the true reality of

Your Kingdom. 



I will continue to pray


expect Your intervention in her life.

 I want to go back


see her again


 continue the conversation

that You initiated over the tie.

 In Jesus name, Amen.


          When I arrived at Marion Christian Center, I sat in the car and took the comb and made sure my hair and tie were all in place.  I got out of my car and entered into the building where the worship service was about to start. 

          When it started, over 700 people begin to praise and worship in the Spirit along with the musical group.  The beautiful sound of melody, harmony, and rhythm pierced the ceiling and went straight to the throne of God.  As I raised my hands in praise and worship, I heard the Lord say, “Vessels of Gold and Silver.”  I quickly took my pen and wrote as He gave this prophetic word:


I am going to break-out

My choice gold


silver vessels


place on them an extra measure

of the Holy Spirit

to polish and shine

not only their

 outside but also their inside.


There is going to be a

 new shinning


 a new reflection

coming forth from

these vessels

 for My Spirit will

 put a special filling


a special speaking

of My Word

 with power and authority

 which will rise up

 from within these vessels

 because they are




 purged from the inside.


I heard the Lord further say,


I will put a new

“hot” fire

 in My vessels


they will

begin to

 boil over


speaking truth



as they go to those I have


to hear




have their hearts

 melted and mended

 with healing words

from My throne.


The Lord said,


“’There is an acceleration


My Word

which will go forth from

 My vessels of

gold and silver

 for the

time is


for heaven

to break-out


 invade the places

 of darkness


habitations of evil

 that have held

people in bondage.


It will be My

 gold and silver


 who will reflect

 My glory


My power


put to flight

not 10,

 not 100,

but a

1,000 of the enemy


 “The kingdom of the Lord

has come.”


Enough is enough

says the Lord,

now rise up

O’ vessels of majesty




release from

within you

 the Word of power

from the




    gold and silver




          Brother and sister, Christ is calling us to be vessels of gold and silver reflecting the compassion of Christ in the divine encounters He sets up for  us.  May we be able to discern such encounters and allow the flow of the Holy Spirit to bring forth His Gift (Power) and Fruit (Character)  to those He places before us.


          I declare and decree the few words I shared with her will bring transformation to her heart and mend her heart as the Holy Spirit has now been released to draw her to the cross of Christ where she will find Him and inherit eternal life. I


           I declare and decree I can also be your candlestick shining light in this dark world where many people are perishing because the Gospel is not being taken to them in the anointing, love, and power of the Holy Spirit.


          I declare and decree I can be clean and purged on the inside from sin and transgression for Your Light to shine brightly on the outside.


          I declare and decree I can just “boil over” with Christ’s truth and righteousness taking these things to those Christ has appointed me to talk to whether in Marion, Ohio or in Shanghai, China.


          I declare and decree the Father and His Son will continually pour out on me prophetic speaking, teaching, insight, and understanding so I can minister in His precious name.


          I declare and decree that the Father and His Son will confirm the prophetic speaking and teachings with signs, wonders, and miracles all to His glory and not mine. The Gospel is the Word and Wonders of God.


          My friend, Christ is just waiting to also polish and shine you as His holy vessel to be mightily used to bring in the end-time harvest.  Read the prophecy again as stated above and know that as you seriously give all to Him and be willing to suffer and even die for Him, great things will come to you in the Spirit, and you will be His magnificent vessel of gold and silver.


Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632









1 Comment

Unknown member
May 23, 2024

Thank you dear brother, for the words you have shared.

I am just realising how, not I but Christ. I must repeat this all day long till I my mind does not have to look for the words. I want abide in Christ but by the Holy Spirit showing me or doing it for me so I may know what I am to do in His will.

Holy Spirit Point the way.

Because He lives.

John Janssens


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