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The Preciousness Of Thee Infinite One

“An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”” Luke 2:9-12 NIV

From the Heaven of Heavens, Heaven came down in the preciousness of a baby. The love of God was breathed into the Virgin Mary and became alive in the flesh. The God of all chose to come through the womb. He did not enter into this world through human flesh as a worldly king. He came in the form of meekness. The humility of Christ was revealed in that manger, and it is why we celebrate Christmas.

The preciousness of Infinity was concealed in the womb.

The preciousness of Infinity was concealed in the womb. The God-child who was soon to become the God-man. The One and Only Christ Who was truly man and truly God. He did not enter into this life how He could have or should have. He did not allow Himself to be born into a temple of a rich ruler or king. He did not come down from Heaven proclaiming His power and glory as an authoritative figure. No, He descended into the womb of the purest virgin and went through our struggles and pains. He allowed Himself to grow and develop from a baby to a child to a man. He did not do what He had the power and the right to do. Rather, God did that which was contrary to human logic. He allowed His Son to become the weakest, and yet, most precious of all beings. He became a baby.

Though Christ was the weakest in the flesh, He entered as the mightiest in the spiritual.

As Jesus Christ entered into this world, all of Heaven sang. The angels danced and the cherubim rejoiced. For they knew that the promised Messiah came into the world to fulfill God’s promise. He came in the humblest form to provide salvation to sinners. As man seeks after those who are mighty and powerful in the flesh, Christ entered this world as the strongest spiritual authority in the world. Though He was the weakest in the flesh, He entered as the mightiest in the spiritual. All of Hell quaked when He breathed His first breath. Though the devil is self-deceived, he knew that God had come to do the miraculous. Throughout Christ's life, Satan attempted to do everything in his power to stop the Lord Jesus Christ. However, his efforts would prove folly. For inside the Lord Jesus Christ was the power, wisdom and authority of God. Outside Him was the providence of God. Christ could not be touched unless it was permitted by the Father.

Christ entered this world to bring Life and He died on the Cross having saved it.

Christ entered this world to bring Life and He died on the Cross having saved it. His atonement upon the Cross broke the chains of sin and death. His resurrection opened the portal to eternal life. The blessed salvation of souls was placed in the preciousness of Christ. “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests”” (Luke 2:13-14 NIV). Though earth was oblivious of what was to come, Heaven already knew what Christ’s birth meant. That is the difference between the flesh and the spiritual. The spiritual realm of God contains all wisdom, while the world possesses merely knowledge. The world must be able to see and have experiences in order to turn their knowledge into wisdom. Heavenly wisdom, however, already knows without needing experiences or additional knowledge. For Heaven is enlightened by God, and it is God alone Who knows all things.

Since God was willing to come to us in such a precious and meek state, so should we come to Christ.

As the Lord Jesus Christ entered into this world, spiritual eyes already saw the power, love and purity of God in this precious baby. There was no demon that could touch this God-man, for the Father alone was and continues to remain sovereign. It is the preciousness of Infinity, therefore, by which men were saved. It is why we celebrate Christmas. Though gifts are fleeting, salvation is eternal for those found in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is His infancy that should bring us to humility. Since God was willing to come to us in such a precious and meek state, so should we come to Christ. Not in our strength, but in our weakness. Not in our good works, but in our confession. Not in our power, but in our humility.

May all souls come to know Him Who saves.

Christ the Lord is coming again. Since Scripture was accurate in prophesying His birth, we can be sure that He will return. Until then, may all come to know the true meaning of Christmas. May all souls come to know Him Who saves. May all hearts be branded by the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas ~

Lance VanTine



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