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The Priority of Prayer - A Prophetic Word! (Part 1)

This oracle is Part 1 of three parts which will be posted on this website.  Part 1 is posted today and soon to follow Part 2, and 3,


 I would strongly encourage you to take the time and read all three of these parts for they could change your prayer life, draw you closer to the Master, and set your heart to hunger and thirst even more for Christ.


Part  1  -  The Priority of Pray- A Prophetic Word!

Part  2  -  Revelations from the Bank of the River!

Part  3  -  The Importance of Prayer in the Life of the

                Believer in the Final Days of this Age!!


Part 1  -  The Priority of Prayer-A Prophetic Word!


I felt a strong leading to visit a church for the first time last Sunday morning which was 17 miles away from my home. When I arrived, there were two cars in the back of the church.  Prayer time is 9:30 am, breakfast at 10:30 am, and morning worship at 11:30 am.


         I entered the building a few minutes late and found the sanctuary where one woman was in the front pew praying.  It was now about 9:45 am and no one else was in the sanctuary.  I thought, “O’ God, thank you for this woman of prayer.  I bet she is one of Your prayer warriors.”  I introduced myself and we talked for about five minutes when the Pastor came in. I introduced myself to him and then the three of us went to prayer till 10:30 am. 

         As I began to enter prayer and intercede for this church, I felt the Lord move upon me and began to speak to me about prayer and I begin to write down His Word to me which I will share with you. 


It is not unusual for me to receive a Word from the Lord for churches I visit.  I cannot explain this, but I have learned to listen and expect to receive.  However, not all churches I visit will a Word from the Lord manifest.   Here is what I received and sent to the leadership of this church.  Please understand that this Word is a general Word to the Body of Christ.


I want my people

 to know

 the last-day call

is to pray –

not shallow


self-serving prayers



but deep and abiding prayers

which will move me to intervene

 in what is being prayed.


When I see My people

 on their knees,

who humble their hearts,

who are constantly

seeking my face,


who cry out to Me,

I will begin to impart

 on those seekers



supernatural changes


 I wish to manifest

in their lives


the lives of those who

 they are interceding for.


You are living in a very critical time –

nations are in an uproar,

diplomacy is failing,

war is on the horizon,


the end of the age

 is coming to a close.


I want you to know

 that my church has been

 waxing and waning

in its call to pray for

 My visitation. 


It has been caught up

in building its own kingdom

 not of My choosing –

 a false kingdom leading many

 away by

worldly distractions



robbing the church

 of its purpose




 When my church

grows cold in prayer,

it becomes distant from Me,

unable to hear when I speak,

unable to see what I show it,


unable to move in and recognize

the Holy Spirit in the midst.


The enemy

has robbed or stolen

 My last day

call to the

 church to pray

causing it to be weak


unable to fight the

good fight of faith.


But I am going to refresh


restore My church

to see



 the greater need to

forsake the world


its ways


 enter into a

 new abiding

in prayer for it will be the

prayer of the church

which will bring the victories

it is seeking.


Be alert,

Be bold,

dress yourself in prayer,

ask, seek, and knock


the door will be

opened to you.


I felt the flow ended here.


I also believe the Lord put in my mind and spirit the following regarding focused, concerted, and passionate prayer.  I also wrote these down as well.


·       Prayer will change the negatives to the positives.

·       Prayer will challenge the commitment of my people to grow in prayer and intercession.

·       Prayer will soften the hardness of hearts.


·       Prayer will warm the hearts of my people to love the unlovable.

·       Prayer will open the doors of heaven.

·       Prayer will make a way for the Gifts of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit to flow unhindered.


·       Prayer will straighten the crooked paths and make them straight.

·       Prayer will foster and manifest vision and purpose.

·       Prayer will the presence of God and Christ.


·       Prayer will break down the idols hidden in the heart.

·       Prayer generates the Lord's breath to blow on the church and activates the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit.

·       Prayer brings the life and light of Christ into the hearts of those who have a passion for prayer.

I continued writing as these things were just flowing or bubbling up out of me. It was like Jesus dictating these things to me.


P……PURSUE ME….Jesus would say to His prayer warriors – chase after Me, run to Me, draw near to Me, grab hold of Me, do not let go of Me no matter what, hunger and thirst after Me, and empty yourself of earthly ways which consume time away from your call to pray and intercede.


R…..REPENTENCE…..Jesus would say to His prayer warriors – be open to REPENTENCE, do not hide things in your heart, let go of the hurts caused by others, be forgiving, and the Father in heaven will forgive you.


A…..ASSESS….. Jesus would say to His prayer warriors - ASSESS your condition before Me and others – love me with all your heart and show love by your willingness to sacrifice for others.


Y…..YIELD….. Jesus would say to His prayer warriors – YIELD over everything you have in this life to me – die to the wants and desires of the flesh and things in the world.


E…..ENERGY….. Jesus would say to His prayer warriors – seek me continually for the flow of spiritual ENERGY which will bring daily refreshing and restoration to your work with Me.


R…..REWARD….. Jesus would say to His prayer warriors – your continuing abiding in prayer will bring you heavenly rewards or blessings.


Finally, after writing the above I will end with these four personal thoughts which I wrote also while praying in the church setting.


There is no greater ministry to the Lord and His Christ than being passionate about daily prayer.


The progress in the Christian life is totally dependent on prayer and intercession first for others and then for self.


Everything in the life of a Christian is built on prayer, supplication, and intercession.


The praying man and woman of God will move mountains, change the course of nations, bring healing to the downtrodden, generate hope to the hopeless, and tear down the strongholds of Satan and his demonic powers.


Without continual, disciplined, and heart-centered prayer as priority #1,2,3……nothing of spiritual value will be accomplished.  Soul power replaces spiritual power and authority which leads to the decline and death religious institutions.


Apostle Paul penned:



Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

(1st Thessalonians 5:16-17)

The Amplified Bible says it this way:


Rejoice always and delight in your faith, be unceasing and persistent in prayer, in every situation (no matter what the circumstances be thankful and continually give thanks to God for this is the

will of God for you in Christ Jesus.


And here is my personal challenge and I must admit this is not easy:


Rejoice…..(how much….always….at all times)

Faith…..(what do with it….delight in it, activate it, and apply it)

Prayer….(how much….unceasing and persistent in all situations)

Thankful…..(to whom and how much… God and continually)

Will of God….(Rejoice, faith, prayer, thankful….part of the Will of God which when practiced by the leading of the Holy Spirit pleases the Father and the Son…..all done to bring glory to Christ for Christ is in me and desires for me to reflect in Him in these areas).


O Jesus, you know how I fall short at times in these five things mentioned above.  Please help me and those who would read this oracle which you impressed upon me.


Thank you for this church.

 I intercede for them that they would be a rejoicing people, demonstrating the measure of faith you continually impart to them, making prayer their priority, and constantly giving thanks to You for sustaining them in the trials and challenges which they encounter.



I pray that as individuals and as a corporate group they would know the fullness of your Will for them in addition to what they have read above.

Continue to place your hand on the leaders of this church and grant them further revelation and vision in executing the Kingdom of God in their calling.

In your Name Lord Jesus, Amen and Amen.


Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632


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