“He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.” Psalm 23:3 ESV
What we do with the knowledge God reveals is up to us, but the eternal destination we are sent to is up to God.
Every soul is headed for one of two eternal abodes. Every soul has the opportunity to accept or reject the specific revelation (hearing about Christ) or the general revelation (knowing there is a God by looking at creation) that God presents. We all have been given the gift of libertarian freewill to choose otherwise. What we do with the knowledge God reveals is up to us, but the eternal destination we are sent to is up to God.
Sin is not a gene. It is a spiritual matter that our souls have been exposed to, have acquired throughout this life, or have inherited as a stronghold.
Every person is born in sin and iniquity. Though there is no sinning in the womb or as a baby, sin is a spiritual root that exists within every soul created. God makes that which He makes as He wills. Sin is not a gene that is passed down from generation to generation. Rather, it is a spiritual matter that our souls have been exposed to, have acquired throughout this life, or have inherited as a stronghold. Every soul has experienced certain struggles and battles. Every soul has weight that causes them to do that which they know is wrong or to do that which they desire to escape, but have not the power to do so.
In understanding this, we are able to comprehend the reality why many do as they do in this life. As we grow old, it should not surprise us when we hear of someone falling or giving way to a certain sin, lifestyle, mindset, or disposition. There should be no fascination as to how someone could do 'this' or 'that'. For those who gossip are those who are fascinated by that which should be of no surprise.
When a family member slips into pornography, a friend battles with homosexual tendencies, our spouse commits adultery, a politician is found out as corrupt… Whatever it may be, these, at their core, should be of no surprise. For we are spiritual beings in a spiritual war. Forever in this life there will be a tug and pull to do that which is contrary to God. Our battles may not be the same, but the condition of the battle comes from the same nucleus - that being, sin.
There is nothing that can keep a man from sinning but the Holy Spirit.
There is nothing that can keep a man from sinning but the Holy Spirit. Man may attempt to be disciplined. They may conquer alcoholism or drug addiction for a time. They may be kind and caring for a season. Eventually, there comes a time when man is to fall. This time occurs much more quickly than multitudes care to admit.
If we have at all today thought of a person in an ungodly way - “How could they be wearing that?”, “Why do they always do that?”, “I wish I didn’t have to talk to this person”, “I don’t have time for this”, “I would never do what they did” - we have sinned. Of course, we don’t view these as sins because the silent mutters, quarrels, angry disputes, violent manners, and lustful fantasies we play in our head are not seen by anyone. We believe we are not in the wrong because what we think we do not act upon.
Since we fail to meditate on our thoughts, we therefore do not judge ourselves in the right manner. We allow ourselves to be lenient, seeing only the external actions of others and raising ourselves up in a manner that gives us “the right” to gossip about others.
Transgressors are not those who merely murder and rape. They are those who pride themselves ahead of God in all regards.
All this to say, it should be of no surprise when others fall. We have equally sinned in like fashion. Whether in mind or in deed, in spirit or in word, we are continually sinning each day. No amount of counseling or help can free someone from the bondage of sin. Only God in Heaven can free us from that which is ungodly, sinful, selfish, and of a wicked intent. Transgressors are not those who merely murder and rape. They are those who pride themselves ahead of God in all regards.
Most of us find satisfaction in the work that we do without giving God the glory in our work. Many times we allow relationships we have developed to be the root of why we live, rather than living for God. When family or friends fail us and we hold a grudge or are inflamed with rage, we are those who do not possess a godly spirit.
If God knows the hairs on our head (Luke 12:7) and we do not, then certainly we sin insurmountable more than we care to realize or admit.
When others fail us, we must not at all be taken back. For we too, know that we have failed others. We too, know that we have failed God more times than we can comprehend. For if God knows the hairs on our head (Luke 12:7) and we do not, then certainly we sin insurmountable more than we care to realize or admit.
Naturally, we want to live the way we want to live. We want others to conform to our life and our ways. We don’t want to be held accountable for anything. In all regards, we want to be our own “god”.
This is all important to note as we must come to humble ourselves. We must realize that we are spiritual beings who are easily swayed and given way to sin. We do not like conviction or chastisement, naturally. We don’t like our faults being revealed. We don’t like wise counsel or reproof. Naturally, we want to live the way we want to live. We want others to conform to our life and our ways. We don’t want to be held accountable for anything. In all regards, we want to be our own “god”.
In the midst of this chaos and devastation, where can we turn? Who can we go to when we fall? Who will listen and heal our pain when others fail us? Who will listen to the cries of our heart and wipe away the tears from our eyes? It is God alone Who loves and cares. He feels for those who are hurting and suffering. He desires to save us from the innate spiritual cancer of sin that lingers within all of us. He has, and continues to do everything on His part. He Himself is willing to do anything that is according to His Nature to save us from that which we must be saved from: sin and damnation.
If we are willing to humble ourselves and accept the reproof of God, healing will take place within. The burden of continually hiding and excusing sin that is both seen and unseen, heard and unheard, will lift from our shoulders.
If we are willing to humble ourselves and accept the reproof of God, healing will take place within. The burden of continually hiding and excusing sin that is both seen and unseen, heard and unheard, will lift from our shoulders. We will not be weighed down by our own failures and selfishness. Our spirits will not be perturbed at every sin others do while wholly neglecting our own.
When the Spirit of God comes to live within, He comes to save, heal, and restore. When the Holy Spirit comes, we are awakened to the sinfulness of sin and the holiness of God. As we become born again, our eyes begin to see the restorative power of God, while our being experiences the changing power of God Almighty.
No, when the Spirit of God comes to live within, He comes to save, heal, and restore. When the Holy Spirit comes, we are awakened to the sinfulness of sin and the holiness of God. As we become born again, our eyes begin to see the restorative power of God, while our being experiences the changing power of God Almighty.
“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4 ESV). Our honest, genuine faith in Christ is what calls upon God for His Power, His Will, and His Way. As the Holy Spirit lives in us and directs us, we gain deeper understanding that Christ has overcome the world. No longer are we slaves to others and their wrongdoings, ourselves and our failings, situations and circumstance.
As we grow in God we see that the world is broken and so are we. We see that our faith and dependency must not be in others, nor ourselves. Our faith, trust, hope, and dependence must first and foremost always be in God. For He alone can restore us into a holy state. He alone can restore wasted years.
As we grow in God we grow in the realization that we have overcome the world because He has overcome the world. We see that nothing lasts and all is vanity without God. We see that the world is broken and so are we. We see that our faith and dependency must not be in others, nor ourselves. Our faith, trust, hope, and dependence must first and foremost always be in God. For He alone can restore us into a holy state. He alone can restore wasted years.
“I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame” (Joel 2:25-26 ESV). Have we lived the majority of our lives in sexual sin? Carnal pursuits? Fleshly endeavors? Habitual anger? Envy and jealousy? Have most of our lives been trying to pursue love in all the wrong places? Filling our appetites and desires? Suppressing the conviction of God? Constructing our own god and dismissing the Scriptures? Living life the way we want to live without any accountability? God can make up for our mistakes and wasted time.
God can do more in one year than we can do in a lifetime.
For God operates as He chooses and does as He pleases. He can do more in one year than we can do in a lifetime. For a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day for Him (2 Peter 3:8). If we are willing to seek Him, then His restorative power will manifest mightily within us. We will go from being a statue to a life-filled vessel. Our life may have been as productive as a lump of concrete before, but now the way we live, move, and operate is not only in God, but seen as God living in us. We become drawn by Him and to Him. He leads us upon still waters and His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).
Without repentance we shall not be restored. Repentance enters us into a state of contrition over that which sent Christ to the Cross. Repentance is that which keeps us in a humble state before God and sees Him as Almighty. Without repentance, we will die an intentional death.
“Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, Whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets long ago” (Acts 3:19-21 ESV). Without repentance we shall not be restored. Repentance enters us into a state of contrition over that which sent Christ to the Cross. Repentance is that which keeps us in a humble state before God and sees Him as Almighty. Without repentance, we will die an intentional death. We will be brought down into a state of spiritually falling asleep and will cease from experiencing the restorative power of God.
We must pray that “the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13 ESV). We must remember that “after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, Who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you” (1 Peter 5:10 ESV). God graces us with gifts that will further His Kingdom, while simultaneously working His restorative grace within us. He gives us power from On High to walk in righteousness and pursue that which God will reward on that Final Day, rather than that which He will despise.
Any man or woman can live an ungodly life. Any man or woman can create their own truth (which is no truth at all) and live as their own “god” (though there is only One Who rules and reigns supreme). It takes courage to repent and seek to live a holy life. It takes courage to deny oneself and live in the restorative power of God.
Any man or woman can live an ungodly life. Any man or woman can create their own truth (which is no truth at all) and live as their own “god” (though there is only One Who rules and reigns supreme). It takes courage to repent and seek to live a holy life. It takes courage to deny oneself and live in the restorative power of God. Only the weak who are strong enough to repent and seek God in this life shall be strong in the next.
It is the strong in this life who will be the weak in the next. They will be those who depended upon themselves, money, resources, and experience to save and change them; only to be duped further into a state of godlessness.
It is the strong in this life who will be the weak in the next. They will be those who depended upon themselves, money, resources, and experience to save and change them; only to be duped further into a state of godlessness.
Whatever is sought for apart from God, to accomplish that which only God can do, is vanity. Those who are strong in this life are eternally weak. They cannot bear to face the reality of their depravity and seek God for the free gift of salvation. Their pride and want of that which leads them astray forever becomes enhanced, leading them closer to damnation with each passing second.
May we admit that we are weak, in order that we may be strong. May we humble ourselves before God, that He may lift us up. May we accept God’s reproof, in order that we may change. May we repent when in the wrong, in order for the spiritual root of sin to cease from exercising itself within us.
May we admit that we are weak, in order that we may be strong. May we humble ourselves before God, that He may lift us up. May we accept God’s reproof, in order that we may change. May we repent when in the wrong, in order for the spiritual root of sin to cease from exercising itself within us.
We shall never be perfect in this life, but we can most certainly be transformed.
We shall never be perfect in this life, but we can most certainly be transformed. We can cease from being known by others as a certain label they give us. We ourselves can cease from labeling others based upon our own thoughts and judgment. We can be set free from sin, while simultaneously being set free from ourselves. Not perfectly, but progressively. Not entirely, but majorly. For as we recognize the change that God does, we shall seek Him more for the restorative power that He alone can do.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord God for His Might, His Power, His Grace, His Love, and His Mercy. Holy is He, the Perfect Lamb that was slain and rose on the Third Day.
Heavenly Father, God over all, Who desires to save and gives life more abundantly, we seek Thee for assistance and aid. O God, come swiftly to our souls as we repent of our fallenness and brokenness. Forgive us of the times we have allowed externals to rule us, others to label us, and the world to lead us astray. Forgive us of not seeking You and Your Will. God of Grace, bestow upon us greater revelations of Thy glory! Reveal to us that which must go and that which we must grow in. We desire more of You and less of us. Restore us by Thy Power and sanctify us by Thy Spirit. Bless us with newness of life within. Give us the power to resist the Devil and flee from temptation. May we not be found as those given way to our own emotions, thoughts, and desires. May we be living testimonies of Thy Great Love and restorative power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine