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The Sea Of The Soul

“All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come, There they return again.” Ecclesiastes 1:7 NKJV

It is God alone Who fills the soul and sustains the feeling of delight!

All things come from God, and all things turn back to God. All things influence the soul, but it is God alone Who can fill the sea of the soul. For whatever comes from God, shall come back to Him. Only when God comes directly to the sea of our soul, shall we be filled and complete. Without Him, we will be temporarily filled by the rivers of everything else. The temporary satisfaction and fulfillments of people, material objects, good deeds, etc. will continually come and continually go. It is God alone Who fills the soul and sustains the feeling of delight!

Every soul desires Love from Above. Whether they recognize it or not, the sea of our soul longs to receive Living Water.

Nothing fills the soul with contentment and satisfaction like our Triune God. Everything else is fleeting. Everything else is something that comes and goes - either in reality or physically. Friends come and go. Vehicles deteriorate. Our bodies become frail. Our minds fade with age. T.V. shows temporarily satisfy. On and on to the next thing we try to fill the void of the soul. For every soul knows that there is more to life than the one we are currently living in. Every soul desires Love from Above. Whether they recognize it or not, the sea of our soul longs to receive Living Water. ““But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life”” (John 4:14 ESV).

The soul is the most delicate and precious aspect of our being. For it is able to unite with God and enter into His family.

The soul is the most delicate and precious aspect of our being. For it is able to unite with God and enter into His family. This union does not make us God, but rather enters us into a perfect and pure relationship with Him. We become sons and daughters of God, while Thee Son of God will forever be the Lord Jesus Christ. We worship Him because it is only by Him and through Him that we may be saved.

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15-17 ESV). The temporary rivers of the world run dry or run back to where they came. They are distractions and temptations. They are dirt compared to The Treasure that awaits. This Treasure is the Glory and Majesty of Almighty God. It is to know God through Christ and be sealed by His Holy Spirit. Yet, we become so distracted by the things in this life.

Our senses drift us from the call of God. They pervert our understanding of deeper realities.

Our senses drift us from the call of God. They pervert our understanding of deeper realities. “For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18 ESV). It is in the unseen realm where the soul awakens to higher pursuits. It is in this realm where the thirst of the soul begins to seek for the Sea that shall satisfy. It is when we begin to look within and reflect on the reality that this life is fleeting, that we begin to ask the question: "Where am I going? Where am I headed?"

Many would rather be entertained by people on a screen (who will never know or care about us), rather than known by Thee Creator Who made and loves us.

Everyone wonders where they came from, why they are here, and where they are going. If we don’t take time to get away from the noise of the world, we will fail at the opportunity of hearing God’s voice. For many would rather be entertained by people on a screen (who will never know or care about us), rather than known by Thee Creator Who made and loves us.

O the depressing reality of how we have lived. To be entertained with the world rather than be filled with God!

O the depressing reality of how we have lived. To be entertained with the world rather than be filled with God! How fleeting the things of this life are. One moment they appear, the next they disappear. Everything comes and goes but our soul, and the soul has only One Reservation: God Almighty. That is why we are commanded to ““not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”” (Matthew 6:19-21 ESV).

When we have the Holy Spirit, nothing we do is done in vain. Everything good that is done has the opportunity to be rewarded based upon the Holy Spirit’s moving within us.

Our Treasure is God alone. Through Him, we may compile treasures that are worthy of eternal reward. Why? Because they were done by Him Who lives within. When we have the Holy Spirit, nothing we do is done in vain. Everything good that is done has the opportunity to be rewarded based upon the Holy Spirit’s moving within us. We, of course, do not work for the reward. We simply work for Him Who loved us and gave His life up for us. Through our love and adoration for Him, we shall receive rewards from our Heavenly Father on that Final Day. These rewards, however, are merely a means. They are add-ons from the prize of Life Himself. We desire not rewards for the sake of rewards. We desire rewards for the meaning behind them: a dedicated life that sought to fulfill the Lord’s will and grow closer to Him in this life - a life that was fully submitted and led by the Holy Spirit.

God is always speaking, but we rarely are ever listening.

O that we might come to the realization that nothing shall satisfy our want. That we would draw back to our First Love. That we would not waste time parked in front of a television or a phone screen. God desires to move us further and deeper into His will. We must simply continue to direct our passions and desires towards seeking Him. For God is always speaking, but we rarely are ever listening. Our bodies, minds, and souls are filled with the pollution of this world. We have not because we ask not. We ask not because we know not. We know not because we seek not.

If God's presence enters in and radiates through us, then we shall have Purified, Living Water within. We shall never thirst, for our soul shall be fully satisfied and at rest.

May God kill the idleness and continued distraction within. May we come to the realization that God is the only One Who can fill the abyss of the soul. Nothing is so large and vast as the soul in this life. Nothing transcends God Almighty. God, therefore, is the only One Who has an Unlimited Supply. If His presence enters in and radiates through us, then we shall have Purified, Living Water within. We shall never thirst, for our soul shall be fully satisfied and at rest. For just as Blaise Pascal once said, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ.”

May God come swiftly and captivate us. May His majesty surround us. May His Wisdom and Love live within. May we become born again and never give up or surrender the good fight of faith. For we no longer have to go through the rollercoaster of trying new things and never being fulfilled. We now know the One and Only Alpha and Omega Who gives us peace, contentment, satisfaction, joy, and love. It is God alone Who fills the sea of the soul. May we rest in Him as His Holy Spirit fills us with Divine Life, Divine Truth, and Divine Love.


Heavenly Father, You are the God of Heaven and earth. God, there is none that can stand before You. You transcend all things, yet, You live within those who are born again. O Lord, may all hear the call of Your still, small voice. May all come to know that You are a God Who desires mercy. You are the One Who provided the way of salvation while we were still sinners. Lord, may all come to know You. May all come to recognize that the rivers of this world are temporary and do not satisfy. For it is You alone, O God, Who brings Living Water to the sea of the soul. God, fill us with Thy Holy Spirit. May He flood our souls and move throughout our being. May we feel His touch of Divine Love. May He be the breath within that guides the soul to Eternal Life. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ. As we repent of our sins, Lord, we know that You are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins. May we be sanctified daily by the Holy Spirit. May we seek after nothing but You. We trust that You will bring what is necessary. We trust that You will have Your way in us, for we seek it. Strengthen us, O God. Guide our eyes to be set on things that are above and on the things that are unseen. May we look within and see the Light of the Holy Spirit shining the presence of Christ ever so brightly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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