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The Simple Men and Their Divine Mission!

When the twelve disciples were prepared and ready for ministry after walking and living with Jesus twenty-four hours a day for three and half years, Jesus focused on the following:


He called them together.



He gave them authority.



He sent them.

(Proclaim - Kingdom of God/Repent)   

He empowered them.

(Perform – Prayer/Healing/Deliverance)

He anointed them.

(Preach - Gospel of Jesus Christ)


He went with them.

(Partner – Accompanied the Disciples)

(During His ministry and after His resurrection)



So then the Lord Jesus,

after He had spoken to them,

 was taken up into heaven


 He sat down at the

 right hand of God.


And they went out


 preached everywhere,

 while the Lord kept working

with them


confirming the message by the

 attesting signs and miracles

 that closely accompanied [it].

Amen (so be it).

Mark 16:19–20 (AMP)


Christ’s instructions were simple, powerful, and profound for they were supernatural steps to foster an effective ministry for the Kingdom of God. His instructions were not filled with rabbinical theology or man’s religious laws, methodologies, or the religious traditions which countered the Word of God.


Their calling and mission were to present a ministry with a message – a counter-culture message to confront and challenge a world filled with pride, unbelief, corruption, lostness, and death.


To the simple men as followers of Christ, there was no other message. It was to be a divine message affirmed by supernatural works. Word (revelation) plus Works (supernatural) were not to be separated. 


The one (Word) would be validated by the second (Works).  Word + Works = God’s victory over sickness, disease, demonic powers, death, and over all evil and darkness in the world.


Furthermore, the message was to speak forth - Christ-crucified, buried, and risen who provides freedom from the bondage of the world system, from the tyranny of the sinful self, and from the claws of the powers of darkness.  Christ told them….

…..I am the Way


the Truth


the Life;

no one comes to the Father

 except by (through) Me.

John 14:6, (AMP)


 Their leadership was plural and in divine unity; their authority was imparted by Christ to manifest the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit; their sending was to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to perform healing for the sick and diseased and deliverance from demonic powers; and their purpose was to preach under a supernatural anointing the Gospel of Christ. 

They had no money, no college or university degrees, no seminary training, no reputations, no status, no high paying jobs, no intellectual sophistication, no Evangelism Explosion course work, no popularity, no designer clothes and shoes, no pretensions, and no climbing up in rank to become great either as preachers, teachers, minstrels, pastors, apostles, prophets, or evangelists.  The only Books they (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) wrote were divinely commissioned by Jesus and represented the Word from heaven – a Word to the entire human race. The only Word from heaven which would bring salvation to all mankind who would choose to receive Christ as Lord and Savior leading to being born-again from above.


 The simple men of Christ were filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit and knew that there was nothing in and of themselves apart from the Holy Spirit which they could offer Jesus and those they witnessed to. 

The flesh or soul life (human ability, talents, education, self-efforts, religious works, etc.) profits nothing for the Kingdom of God.  The Lord says, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6 (AMP). 

To these simple disciples of Jesus, the Word was Christ and Christ was the Word.  As they spoke, they spoke His Word into the pagan reality they lived in. They were fearless, bold, and uncompromising.


They were not detoured from their mission by affliction, suffering, ridicule, accusation, and/or persecution.  In Apostles Paul’s encouraging words to Timothy, we could apply his instruction to these simple men of Christ…..

“…..[they] fought the good fight of faith….

which they were called…


made the good confession

in the presence of many witnesses…..


finished the course [having] kept the faith.

 (1st Timothy 6:12; 2nd Timothy 4:7).

They were consumed with Christ (the Word), loved Christ (the Word), and sacrificed their lives for Christ (the Word). There was no other ambition, no other priority, no other desire or want or passion, but to serve Christ. To them, Christ was #1, #2, and #3………..


There was nothing including material possessions, wealth or riches, popularity, family, friends, or worldly passions which would distract them from their mission Christ imparted to them. It was a heavenly and holy calling and mission given to them by their Master – Christ Jesus.


They were simple men who had birthed an intimate relationship with the Savior and each other to execute the work of the Lord in deep humility, great brokenness, true righteousness, and a supreme love for the Savior.    


In the end, they all sacrificed their lives for the One they served. And now, they sit on thrones in heaven with crowns on their heads. They were not given Crowns of Thorns but Crowns of Victory for they were able….. 




 (Comment: Satan and his demonic forces)

by means of the blood of the Lamb


by the utterance of their testimony,

for they did not love


cling to life even when faced with death

[holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing].

Revelation 12:11 (AMP)


 Their humility and brokenness followed them to heaven where they do not wear their crowns but cast them down before the throne and at feet of Him who they worship night and day.

  For these simple men who were called and anointed by Christ, the finality of their lives was to…..


…..remove their golden crowns given to them by Christ and to bow and worship Him – the Savior of their souls. Their actions could be interpreted as their saying, “O’ Master, these golden crowns do not belong to us but belong to You for You are the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.  We are your servants who desire to serve You in all eternity.”


Is that not the definition and purpose of ministry – of having an intimate relationship to the Master – of serving the Master – to bowing and worshipping at His feet.  Everything else is secondary and will fall in place in His time, in His manner, and in His calling.


 Thus, the highest calling in serving the Master is to 




worship Christ 

with all one's heart, mind, and soul during this life and the life to come.

All ministry for Christ emerges out of worship, intercessory prayer, and self-sacrifice to fulfill the call of the Master no matter what the conditions or the challenges.


It is these three areas which open the doors (gates) of heaven to reign down His blessings and directions to execute His call for those willing to “GO” (GO-d) and lay down their lives for the Master and for others.


Rare indeed were these men groomed by Christ to accomplish His Will for their lives and all humanity which would follow down through the centuries up till the present hour.   Rare indeed even today does one find men of this caliber who walk the earth and could be called the true, faithful, and obedient Ambassadors for Christ!

King David leaves us with this invitation…..


O come, 

let us worship


bow down,

let us kneel

before the Lord our Maker

[in reverent praise and supplication].

Psalm 95:6 (AMP)


So be it, Lord Jesus, Amen.

Rich Arnold

Servant of the Lord

311 Adelaide Ave SW

Hartville, Ohio 44632


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