I left my house to go on my prayer walk today. After walking about a mile, I came to a place where construction workers were bolting and welding steel girders together for a new building which was to become a large local hardware store.

I felt impelled to stop and watch for around twenty minutes the workers who were using a device (see picture at left to reach up with their welding equipping and fusing the steel beams together with their welding equipment.
As I watched, I begin to ask the Lord what is it that He wanted to talk to me about regarding this welder high up on the elevator type of platform who was welding these pieces of steel.
I just felt in my spirit that the Lord wanted me to notice something in the Spirit as I sat down on some girders which were on the ground.
As I waited for Him to speak into My Spirit and mind, I heard Him begin to speak the word which I have recorded below.
My Son,
I want you to notice several things
in what you are observing here today
which you are called to
communicate to My people.
What do you see here?
I answered, “Well Lord I see the steel framing of a building, an elevator type of device which lifts a welder high up to the top roof framing so, he can weld the steel together to support the roof so that the building will stand strong.
I see his welding equipment with his torch and the bright arc of the torch which attaches the various steel components together.
I see that the welder has a helmet with a dark window that acts as a protector for his eyes as he welds the steel together. I also see him operate the lift he is on so, he can go up higher to reach the steel beams and comes down to the lower beams.
Then the Lord said,
My Holy Spirit who is the
torch of My welding
lost man back to Me.
The arc of the welder’s torch
represents My Son.
He is
the ark (arc)
of the covenant which
I make with man.
It is through Him that I draw
men, women,
into the kingdom.
My Son
is the bright
morning star
who sits on His throne
He grows
brighter each day
as His delay in coming back to earth
is growing
shorter and shorter.
As His delay shortens,
the arc of His brightness pierces
the heavens,
with the heavenly host preparing,
the planets becoming alert,
the earth groaning
because judgment has come,
swift will be My judgment
be on unrepentant man.
As the Welder,
I am turning up the heat of
providing a last call to those
who walk a
path away from Me.
As the welder welds two pieces
of cold steel,
I am visiting those of cold hearts
of steel
will begin to melt these hearts
to look to their Maker
turn from their wicked ways
choose My kingdom
not the kingdom
of darkness.
As you sit here
watch the welder
high up on his platform doing
his work of welding,
I sit high up in the heavens
look out over all the earth
for nothing escapes my notice.
Nations may rage,
nations may go to war,
nations may oppress men.
But know that judgment
not only comes to individuals,
but judgment comes to the
for they have done evil in my sight
The evil of the nations
will surely come to an end for I,
the Welder of all things,
will weld them into righteousness
justice which I will oversee.
My son,
tell My people to wear well their
helmets of salvation
stay steadfast in
my Word.
Take this word
I have given you,
tell it to the My people
say to them,
to rise up in courage
for the day of My visitation is
is at hand.
The flow ended here.
Rich Arnold
Servant of the Lord
311 Adelaide Ave SW
Hartville, Ohio 44632