“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
True salvation leads to sanctification. We cannot merely believe without a change that proceeds.
True salvation leads to sanctification. We cannot merely believe without a change that proceeds. For it is in our change where we bear witness that we are saved. We should no longer be under the same influence or partake in the same ways. Though our road will be an uphill war where battles will wage, we should see a continual and progressive rise above our troubles. We will not fall into the same habitual sinning routines of our past. For they will slowly begin to fade. It is sanctification, then, where we are changed.
Those who truly have the Holy Spirit will not be able to sin and do wrong without being convicted.
The Holy Spirit is the One Who sanctifies these broken vessels. He floods the soul with His Light and exposes the darkness that has lingered within us. Through belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the repentance of our sins, we receive the Holy Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit enters in, we will not be able to sin and do wrong without being convicted. For it is in doing wrong and sinning where unnecessary struggles and consequences develop. It is a tragedy that we place ourselves in many unwanted circumstances simply by being ruled by the flesh.
Our flesh wants absolutely nothing to do with spiritual disciplines and convictions. It does not think about long-term consequences. Rather, it indulges in the feelings of immediate gratification and satisfaction.
For the flesh is selfish. It wants absolutely nothing to do with spiritual disciplines and convictions. It desires to merely go with its wants and passions. Whatever will satisfy in the moment is what it desires. It does not think about long-term consequences. Rather, it indulges in the feeling of immediate gratification and satisfaction. As our fleshly nature continues to rule our minds and self, we set ourselves up for destruction. This destruction will lead us down paths that will be harder and harder to get away from. The graves that we shall place ourselves in will be so deep, that the only way we can get out is with God Almighty's help.
If we respond to the Holy Spirit's speaking, we will receive Him as our Helper: convicting us of sin, strengthening us in our weakness, loving us in our fallen times, and encouraging us to stay the course.
Though our whole life is filled with the fight and struggle against sin, it many times is not until we have ventured far into the world’s ways that we gain a deeper understanding that Christianity is true. It is when we finally recognize that sin is damning that we become open to seeking the truth and seeking help. For in our humility of recognizing our depraved state, we allow truths that have always been to take harbor within our mind. It is at this point when conviction takes place. If we respond appropriately to the Holy Spirit's speaking, we will receive Him as our Helper: convicting us of sin, strengthening us in our weakness, loving us in our fallen times, and encouraging us to stay the course. For God is for us and not against us (Romans 8:31). He desires to help us and truly save us (2 Peter 3:9). True salvation, therefore, is found in sanctification.
Sanctification is the transformative power of the Holy Spirit that changes wretched sinners into righteous saints.
What then is sanctification? Sanctification, merely put, is the transformative power of the Holy Spirit that changes wretched sinners into righteous saints. The Holy Spirit is the One Who continually crafts the interior personhood within each of us. He chisels away at the soul, while the Heavenly Father chisels away at our exterior person. Both the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit work in sync because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Without the Son, we could not be won into the family of God Almighty.
The entire Trinity, therefore, partakes equally in our salvation and sanctification process; though, each Person may be seen in different ways. The Father and the Son do not live within us, independently. Rather, they live within, unified as God, by the Holy Spirit. The Person of the Trinity that lives within the repentant, believing soul is the Holy Spirit. Though the Father and the Son do not live there, directly, they are there, indirectly, from the standpoint of being God. For God is in us and around us. There are Three Persons in One God when it comes to the Triune God. Therefore, each is everywhere, but their Personhood is fully emphasized by their economic functions with creation, salvation, sanctification, and overall life.
We must understand this, for it is in this Truth that we begin to mature in the faith. We begin to pray more directly to each person of the Trinity, rather than merely “God”. For many times we pray to the Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ, but we rarely (if ever) speak directly to the Holy Spirit. Many times we cast the Holy Spirit to the side. We simply are satisfied that He is the seal that reveals we are saved, but we lack any desire to cultivate a relationship with Him.
We become so satisfied that we are saved, that we forget there is a progressive road that must be seen in our life. This road is seen through sanctification.
This is disheartening to the Holy Spirit as it suppresses Him. He is the “forgotten One of the Trinity” in our day and age. He still stands and remains fully God, but our acknowledgement that He is a Person and God is lacking. For we become so distracted by redundant prayers. We become so satisfied that we are saved, that we forget there is a progressive road that must be seen in our life. This road is seen through sanctification.
Sanctification seeks to kill the sinful ways and lifestyles in our life. Sanctification is the painful, yet pleasant result of God’s Sovereign work in and through us.
Sanctification seeks to kill the sinful ways and lifestyles in our life. Sanctification is the painful, yet pleasant result of God’s Sovereign work in and through us. The Holy Spirit, if not ignored and suppressed, will convict us and help us. He desires to give us the power to overcome the habitual temptations and sins that have ruled us for too long. If we simply humble ourselves and desire holiness, then the Holy Spirit will be able to begin His movement within. If we surrender and submit the entirety of ourselves and our will, He will not merely move, but flow. For the Holy Spirit can only do as much and go as far as we deny ourselves. This is not because we are more powerful than He is, but rather that He is not a forceful Person.
For the Holy Spirit can only do as much and go as far as we deny ourselves. This is not because we are more powerful than He is, but rather that He is not a forceful Person.
The Holy Spirit does not force God’s will in our life. He makes us aware of it in bits and pieces, but we have the responsibility to acknowledge and accept it. When we do not, we lead ourselves down a road of unproductiveness and unfruitfulness that lacks any sort of spiritual profitability in this life. We place ourselves above the Holy Spirit. In doing so, the Holy Spirit sheds a tear and backs away.
The Holy Spirit is the best friend that we do not allow ourselves to have.
The Holy Spirit is the best friend that we do not allow ourselves to have. He is so ready and willing to reveal to us deeper truths of the faith, propel us into God’s will, give us Wisdom and Love in all circumstances, and fight the battles of the world, the flesh, and temptations. He desires all this, on top of wanting to be both our God and friend within. Yet, we shove Him aside and say, “No, no, I’m satisfied with Christ’s Blood. I need nothing more. Thank You anyway.”
When people say, “How do you know Christianity is true?” We must have but one answer: “I know that Christianity is true because it changed me within!” This is all because of the Holy Spirit. Without Him, we would vainly toil in this life.
O how foolish we are. While the world so misguidedly proclaims what we must do; and while false religions say that theirs is the way, we have the Truth inside us and do not desire to build our relationship with Him! Fools we are! For Truth lives within us! The Truth that sets us free and gives us strength to walk in unity. The Truth that sheds light on darkness and is willing to cast it out from within us. When people say, “How do you know Christianity is true?” We must have but one answer: “I know that Christianity is true because it changed me within!” This is all because of the Holy Spirit. Without Him, we would vainly toil in this life. We would strive to do what only He can do and fall short every time.
O that we might find ourselves barren of self and full of the Holy Spirit. That we would learn the way and be willing to be taught the way of the Holy Spirit. That we would allow Him to sanctify us. For many proclaim they know Christ, but know Him not. Many claim to be saved, but are not saved. It is the Holy Spirit that bears witness that we are saved. “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:16 ESV). For so long as time permits, we must change with every season. Though we will have days of tremendous failure and sin, we can see that the Truth lives within us because He is the Light that illuminates us. He gives us newness of life. He offers and gives us all that pertains to godliness and life (2 Peter 1:3). He is the one that activates our faith and reveals that we are truly saved by Christ's atoning sacrifice.
Let us open ourselves to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. For He does so only to bring us out of the darkness and into the Light. He does so to continually cut off the leech of death and sin, while shining the Light of Life within us.
Let us go forth, then, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us allow ourselves to be sanctified by Him. Let us open ourselves to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. For He does so only to bring us out of the darkness and into the Light. He does so to continually cut off the leech of death and sin, while shining the Light of Life within us. For “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons” (1 Corinthians 10:21 ESV).
We must choose to live in genuine, repentant faith, rather than in a falsified, complacent love. God has given us the choice and we must desire to be set free from that which keeps us from God and goes against Him. Only then may we shine and be set ablaze by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
We must choose to live in genuine, repentant faith, rather than in a falsified, complacent love. God has given us the choice and we must desire to be set free from that which keeps us from God and goes against Him. Only then may we shine and be set ablaze by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Only then will the continued death of all deaths take place: the death of self and sin.
May the Holy Spirit sanctify us to bring about our salvation and reveal to the world that God’s power is not merely one of saving, but of changing. May all see that true conversion leads to change in and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
May the Holy Spirit sanctify us to bring about our salvation and reveal to the world that God’s power is not merely one of saving, but of changing. May all see that true conversion leads to change in and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
O Lord, God of our salvation, in You we put our trust. For You are Truth and Life. You are the God of Light that exposes darkness. Lord, give us the humility and strength to accept the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Keep us, O God, from that which keeps us from You. Holy Spirit, move mightily within. Reveal Truth to us. May we not merely profess Christ, but may we possess Him. May we not simply possess and suppress You, O Holy Spirit, but may we possess and be possessed by You. You are the Spirit that brings Life and teaches us the way of godliness and righteousness. May Your sanctifying work have its way in us each and every day. Continue to change us internally that we may live with Thee in glory. Show Your power, O God, through Your sanctifying work in and through us. May Your will be done in each of us, and may all enter into genuine, repentant faith with You, through the Blood of Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lance VanTine