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What Is Your Life?

“whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” James 4:14 NKJV

In short, time is any physical beginning to its physical ending. At some point, all of what we see will soon cease. Stars explode, trees die, human beings live for but a little time. Everything that we know will soon fade away and come to pass.

Not everything will go on to live into eternity. Only those created in the image of God will ascend into the next life. Only those who have believed in Christ and repented of their sins will live with God forever.

Not everything will go on to live into eternity. Only those created in the image of God will ascend into the next life. Only those who have believed in Christ and repented of their sins will live with God forever. For both our belief and our response to that belief in this life will determine which side of eternity we shall live. The question that we all need to ask ourselves is: what is our life?

This might possibly be the greatest question we can ask ourselves. What is our life? Why is it that we are uniquely made the way we are? Why are we here on this earth at this specific point in time? Why do we look the way we look and have certain gifts and talents? Why are we unique in everything we are and in everything we do? All of these questions are in the fundamental question, “what is your life?” If we do not have a reason, then why are we living? What are we living for? Better yet, who are we living for?

Many desire pleasure and luxury at the expense of forsaking the deeper questions and meanings of life.

It is a sad truth that many desire to solely live for themselves. Even with a finite life, many live out distorted lifestyles. To live for oneself entirely for 70-80+ years is a tragedy. Many cannot even begin to answer the question we are asking because they are too consumed with the things of the world. They desire pleasure and luxury at the expense of forsaking the deeper questions and meanings of life. Everyone should be a philosopher to some extent, but rarely do people in our day ask and seek after the reason why they are here.

Knowing this, we must take time to examine and reflect on our lives. What has our life been the last few years? If life is a vapor (James 4:14), what does that vapor consist of? Are we finishing work, only to come home and sit in front of a T.V. or an iPad for the remaining 3-4 hours? Do we even remember the trivial shows and temporal entertainment from a week ago? How quickly these things fade. These forms of entertainment are not bad in themselves, but for many, they have become an idol. The idol is not so much the technology, but the task at hand. The sense of resting seven days a week, mindlessly watching T.V. and scrolling through social media for the remaining hours of the day.

Our life is to simply do the will of the Father.

I used to be one of these people living in a habitual state of entertainment. Due to wasting so much time, I am now motivated by making up for the many years I have lost. Again, it is good to rest, but is this something we want to be shown on the recording of our life? To stand before God Almighty and see that we neglected to do anything other than fall into a habitual routine where our after work hours were nothing more than idling through this life? Not having a desire to help others? Not desiring to seek the things of God?

The seduction of the easy life has drowned us in the waters of stagnation.

“Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him Who sent me and to accomplish His work”” (John 4:34 ESV). To put it very simply, our life is to simply do the will of the Father. However, many of us neglect to seek after it. We are satisfied with our salvation and lack further inspiration. No longer are we inspired by the life of Christ and what He did. Slowly and steadily we fall into a place of blind routine. The fire we once had for the Gospel has vanished. No longer do we feel compelled to pray. No longer do we search the Scriptures. No longer do we give special time to God. The convictions we once had have vanished like a vapor. The seduction of the easy life has drowned us in the waters of stagnation.

Anything that is done in the Father’s will is never done in vain. Whenever we walk in the way of God’s will, all things are done perfectly and purely. We are not polluted by the world or wrong motives, but we do all things for God alone.

It is tragic when we do not continually seek after the Father’s will. For anything that is done in the Father’s will is never done in vain. Whenever we walk in the way of God’s will, all things are done perfectly and purely. We are not polluted by the world or wrong motives, but we do all things for God alone.

To be governed by God is the greatest government of all.

To be governed by God is the greatest government of all. No longer do we invest in what is soon to fade. Rather, we do that which will be seen into eternal days. It is only the Holy Spirit Who can bring us to this point. Many times in the past He has nudged us and spoken, but we have buried Him within. What lies above the inner tomb we have placed the Holy Spirit in are the bricks of entertainment, pleasure, ease, and self. The Holy Spirit will not overpower those things unless there is a recognition and a desire to rid oneself of those things. We must be willing to seek after higher ground. We must not fall back and collapse into a life that will soon be forgotten by all.

Let us therefore pray and ask God to “teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 ESV). The clock is ticking. God is watching. Which will we choose? To live for self and ease? Or to glorify God by doing His will and going to our knees?

May the chains of entertainment fall to the ground, as our vision becomes renewed by God Almighty.

May the Holy Spirit arise and awaken within us. May the chains of entertainment fall to the ground, as our vision becomes renewed by God Almighty.


Heavenly Father, our life is nothing more than to do Your will. Lord, in Your will is perfect Love and Goodness. There is nothing worth doing that is outside Your will. Lord, set a fire within our soul to do that which glorifies You. Lord, may we live a life of dedicated service to You. Remind us of the shortness of life, O God. One day we will stand before You. What will we see on Heaven’s screen? Will we see a man or woman loafing around for the remaining hours of the day? Or will we see a people who sought Your face and Your will to the very end? Ignite this passion within, for it is only by You that we can live for You, God. Touch us, O Holy One of Israel, we pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lance VanTine



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