The timing of the virus, coming on the heels of the release of the Trump Peace Plan, suggests God is warning the world not to divide the land of Israel. I would like to present the case that God’s agenda for Israel, supplants all other human activity. Please take a moment to view the 2-part videos below as I explain further.
This is the time to look up from our knees and ask God to give us a fresh vision of Himself. PART 2:

Only God can organize a WORLDWIDE STOP. And God’s fingerprints are all over this pandemic.
It's no longer necessary to question how the world can come crashing down in the short, 7-year time frame, of the Tribulation Period. We've now seen how fast it can happen!
We can also imagine how terrifying it will be in the Tribulation when right in the middle of each crisis another comes along that's even worse... and then another... and then an earthquake... and then an asteroid... and this parade never stops until it's over!
I believe this pandemic is a taste of what's coming. Only we're not in the Tribulation so God's purpose is something different. It's a warning. A taste of the wrath to come.
And it's a calling. God wants our attention. Do you hear His message to your heart? Are you listening?
Lean in closer as we may never see a window of calling like this again.
Don’t get caught up in man’s reactions and the Bazar political environment we live in today.
God is calling! He wants to sit down with you and counsel you to redirect your life. Don’t let this moment escape you. Millions are listening to His voice right now.
I encourage you to make 2020 the year you saw God’s purposes and surrendered your life to serve Him!
"Come now, let us reason together" – Isa. 1:18
"I saw the Lord high and lifted up" – Isa. 6:1
The Apostle Paul, trembling and astonished said, "Lord, what would You have me to do?"
-Acts 9:6